Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 123 Chen Qiaoying's corpse transformation

Qin Feng rushed into the villa, and as soon as the door opened, a chilly breath hit him.

The bloody villa was originally very cool, but this chill was almost the same as when he approached the crystal coffin.

He went in and took a closer look.

The lid of the crystal coffin had been knocked open, and Chen Qiaoying's body began to move from the place where her shoulder was bitten, hitting the crystal coffin that had been opened for the most part.

She was wearing a shirt before.

Now all the holes in the shirt from the chest have been broken, revealing the things inside.

Chen Qiaoying's eyes were not opened, and the purple blood vessels began to move from the place where tender flesh grew, thumping, carrying her whole body to rush around in the crystal coffin.

Seeing that the last bit of the crystal coffin lid covering her body was knocked open.

"Bang!" The last time, using all his strength.

The crystal coffin lid was suddenly knocked open and fell to the ground with a bang.

Chen Qiaoying stood up without bending her knees.

Qin Feng was startled and hurried over.

Chen Qiaoying has turned into a corpse!

On Chen Qiaoying's shoulders, purple blood vessels spread out, which was very obvious.

And the whole body showed the stiffness of a corpse, except for that one part that made the whole person move.

Very weird.

"What's wrong with the system?" Qin Feng asked.

[Chen Qiaoying has undergone a mutation and awakened the zombie bloodline]

Qin Feng: ". Didn't she die, and after the crystal coffin was sealed, could I turn her back into a human?"

[The lid of the crystal coffin was not closed tightly, leaking breath, and began to turn into a corpse]

[Due to special reasons, it began to mutate]

Qin Feng rushed over and wanted to stop Chen Qiaoying.

Chen Qiaoying's limbs began to make a grating sound, which was the sound made by the zombies moving their stiff limbs.

She began to growl in her slender neck, and she was really going to turn into a zombie!

Qin Feng found that Chen Qiaoying's feet were still standing in the crystal coffin at this time, and that part was not turned into a zombie.

Yes, only the crystal coffin can prevent the outbreak of the zombie virus.

Qin Feng reached out to grab Chen Qiaoying, but Chen Qiaoying was so strong at this time that Qin Feng's pull did not move her.

Instead, she pulled back, and Qin Feng tore off a piece of Chen Qiaoying's clothes with one hand.

Revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin, but now purple blood vessels have begun to spread.

Chen Qiaoying's hands and feet can still move, but the posture is very strange, after all, she has been dead for some time.

Qin Feng frowned, stepped on the crystal coffin, and came behind Chen Qiaoying.

With a horizontal arm, he clamped Chen Qiaoying's neck and brought her down directly.

After all, Chen Qiaoying had just turned into a corpse, and she didn't have the strength to resist the attack from behind.

With this pull, Qin Feng pulled her back into the coffin.

With a bang, Chen Qiaoying fell on Qin Feng.

Qin Feng held Chen Qiaoying with one arm, and clearly felt that the skin on her neck went from soft to stiff, and then soft again.

"Uh uh uh"

Chen Qiaoying struggled, but the sound in her throat became weaker and weaker.

This was the effect of the crystal coffin.

But her strength was surprisingly great!

In Qin Feng's impression, Chen Qiaoying was a weak and soft girl. Although she graduated from the police academy, she worked as a civilian.

It was difficult for her to even climb a ladder.

Now this, regardless of whether it was Chen Qiaoying, her strength was almost unbearable for Qin Feng, who was six times stronger than ordinary people!

Is this the power of zombie blood?

"wcnm!" Qin Feng cursed in his mind, "System, you fucking think of a way."

[The host can be temporarily sealed with a crystal coffin, but the time limit is only 12 hours]

[After 12 hours, even the crystal coffin will be difficult to seal]

Qin Feng sighed, and Chen Qiaoying on his body continued to struggle, and the low roar of the zombie in his throat rose and fell.

12 hours, 12 hours is better than the outbreak now.

Just as the action was in progress, Chu Rou rushed in, turned around and quickly closed the door of the villa.

"Bang!" A loud noise came from the door.

"Chu Rou," Qin Feng shouted in the coffin, "What's going on!"

"I don't know," Chu Rou leaned against the door, "Xiao Tong suddenly went berserk and chased me and bit me. Doesn't she not bite people?"

Qin Feng did not answer. It seems that the zombie blood awakened in Chen Qiaoying also affected Xiao Tong, who had already become a puppet.

She must be sealed up.

The person on her body was still struggling, and outside the door, Xiao Tong was also hitting the door.

Qin Feng exerted force and turned Chen Qiaoying over, lying in the crystal coffin.

He used a grappling hand to stabilize her first, then jumped out and slammed the lid of the crystal coffin at a very fast speed.

"Bang bang bang!" The corpse-transformed Chen Qiaoying was still hitting the coffin lid.

Qin Feng quickly pressed down the coffin lid and banged it a few times.

It gradually stopped, probably because the breath was exhausted and it returned to its original state.

At this time, the sound of collision outside the villa also became smaller and gradually disappeared.

Qin Feng and Chu Rou both breathed a sigh of relief, and Chu Rou even sat on the ground.

"Damn, what's going on?" Chu Rou said in surprise.

Qin Feng shook his head and panted softly.

This was the first time this happened after he improved his ability to such a high level.

What kind of zombie bloodline is this? Is it so powerful?

"I, I'll go out and take a look," Chu Rou said, "Xiaotong's head is probably crooked."

Chu Rou opened the door of the villa and walked out.

Qin Feng looked at Chen Qiaoying who was lying motionless in the crystal coffin. After a while, he asked the system: "She has turned into a corpse now. Has she become a zombie? She will no longer be human, right?"


Qin Feng felt cold, was it still too late?

If I had known he would have upgraded.

[However, she can be turned into a half-zombie, half-human state. As long as she controls her zombie bloodline, she can be the same as a human being]

Qin Feng's heart rekindled the flame and asked: "What method should be used?"

[The host’s life essence is nourishing, but the host is reminded of two things]

[Firstly, because Chen Qiaoying has transformed into a corpse, this process must be completed in the crystal coffin. The host will be exploded after leaving]

[The second is that the corpse has transformed, the number of times must be many, it may take more than three times]

Qin Feng: "But I haven't reached the time yet, right?"

[It is detected that there are still six hours left for the mutated zombies to be buried. The host can immediately redeem the upgraded life essence]

Qin Feng sighed, it seems that this is the only way now.

"Oh, I was scared to death." Chu Rou opened the door and came in. "Xiaotong has returned to normal and returned to the tomb."

She came over and asked: "What happened? What happened to her, this sister?"

"It seems that the plan will be implemented in advance," Qin Feng said, "She has already transformed into a corpse."

"Plan?" Chu Rou didn't understand, "Which plan?"

"Yes," Qin Feng said, "There was a plan to rescue her before."

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