Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 122 Strange noises in the villa

Qin Feng hugged Chu Rou and jumped down.

Chu Rou couldn't help but exclaimed, this was more exciting than riding on a jumping machine!

"Where are we going?" Chu Rou stumbled down, grabbed Qin Feng and asked, "Are we going to some fun place again?"

"That's right," Qin Feng said with a smile, "You should find it quite interesting."

I was originally worried that someone would come to the cemetery again, and that it would be invaded, destroyed, etc., so I didn't dare to leave it for too long.

Now it seems that these defense functions have been improved, and he is not so worried.

The cemetery is protected by the green fog wall, the portal, and the red vines outside that can actively attack and are spread all over the mountain.

The two of them drove the military off-road truck that Chu Rou drove all the way to Mr. Guo's secret base.

In the cemetery, there is no human life.

Xiaotong finished her work and stood aside.

This is, in the huge cemetery, there was a "Boom!"

The sound was muffled, like someone knocking something in a confined space.


Another voice came, coming from inside the villa.

Xiaotong's gray eyes looked in that direction, and she tilted her head, not knowing why.



In the lobby on the first floor of the huge villa, there was no fire in the fireplace, and the entire space was cool and cool.

The crystal coffin is where the cold air gathers in the entire space.

The person who had been lying inside for a long time maintained his original posture. However, the place where the bite was taken out on the shoulder was now filled with flesh again.

The new flesh, as tender as a newborn baby, is covered with purple blood vessels.

She stirred.

The proud protrusion hit the lid of the crystal coffin, but unfortunately it was too heavy and couldn't be knocked open. It only let out a muffled "Boom!"

Qin Feng and Chu Rou soon arrived at the secret base. The car parked there. They jumped into the pit and opened the door.

Bright lights flashed all the way, and there seemed to be some device flashing on top.

This is simply too familiar to Chu Rou, laser net!

"Is this some kind of secret base?" Chu Rou said, "I thought I was back in the laboratory of the Fourth Military Region, but the type of laser is just different."

Qin Feng took her hand and walked into the base.

First there was the huge arsenal. This place, which looked like a small football field, immediately attracted Chu Rou.

She has never seen such a complete arsenal in the military region. There are weapons and equipment that can be named from the Cold War period to the present.

"Here, did you equip this yourself?" Chu Rou was stunned. "The price of each one is quite high."

"You can't buy tanks, even ordinary arms players can't buy them."

"This is four million dollars."

"And this, a cannon, one can cost hundreds of thousands."

"And this gun, damn, it's gone extinct on the market."

"You, are you a rich second generation?" Chu Rou said, "This is not something ordinary rich second generations can do. You are too rich!"

"I said I robbed it, do you believe it?" Qin Feng joked as Chu Rou looked like she could hold an egg in her mouth.

Chu Rou smiled and said, "Xin, you are so strong."

Qin Feng shook his head helplessly and said, "This was given to me by an old man."

Mr. Guo gave him a big gift.

"Then he must be the kind of thief who appreciates you," Chu Rou said. "It's more than enough to form an army and defend a city."

Chu Rou said casually, but the listener paused for a moment, and some thoughts quickly flashed through her mind.

"You brought me here to see these weapons and equip them for the cemetery?" Chu Rou asked.

"That's really smart," Qin Feng said, "But there is another reason why I brought you here."

Qin Feng pulled Chu Rou towards the back of the arsenal, and his vision suddenly became oppressive.

Before Chu Rou walked in, she smelled a familiar smell.

"Laboratory?" Chu Rou asked, quickening her pace and walking in first.

Sure enough, this was an extremely well-equipped biochemistry laboratory. She was not too familiar with the drugs and experimental products on display.

"Is this prepared for me?" Chu Rou asked.

Qin Feng shook his head and said, "No, the old man also gave this to me."

"You are a participant in the production of mutant zombies. I think you should have a good understanding of how they are made."

"Last time I met three very strange zombies. Among the later zombies, there were also several similar ones, namely black and yellow-skinned zombies."

"This kind of zombie is very contagious. Even if you are not bitten by it, you will still be infected as long as there are wounds."

Chu Rou was slightly confused after hearing this: "Is it newly researched? I haven't studied this thing over there."

"So you study carefully," Qin Feng said, "Of course it's not to save mankind, it's purely because these guys will be troublesome to deal with."

"And in the future, I don't know if other mutant zombies will appear, so we need to make preparations."

Chu Rou smiled, patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, leave it to me. Although this scientist is not a professor, he is pretty awesome."

"That's right," Qin Feng reached out and pinched Chu Rou's face, "I don't even know whose woman you are."


We will discuss the research on mutated zombies later. The main purpose now is to equip the cemetery.

Mortars, infantry artillery, etc. must be brought back and equipped one by one.

There are also pistols and rifles, which are self-defense tools.

Chu Rou also found her favorite modified rifle among many guns, and Qin Feng also found a suitable pistol.

This corpse hunter pistol sometimes cannot be used, and a pistol is just right.

A full car is loaded, which is enough to equip the cemetery.

Now, let alone zombies climbing the wall, even helicopters can be shot down directly.

The two drove and laughed as they walked back to the cemetery.

However, just after entering, they saw Xiaotong, who always worked hard like a puppet and was quiet when there was no work, suddenly hunched over, and in the direction of the villa, a low roar from the throat that zombies would make when they were about to eat people.

This is obviously a posture of preparing for war.

Qin Feng hurriedly stopped the car, and the two opened the door and jumped out of the car and walked to Xiaotong's side.

"Uh ho." Xiaotong continued to roar.

Its combat effectiveness as a zombie has been weakened to a certain extent by Qin Feng, and only the ability to work is left.

Xiaotong had no intention of attacking humans, such as Chu Rou.

But now, Xiaotong obviously wanted to rush into the villa to attack. Could it be that there was something in the villa?

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The dull sound of the collision became louder and louder, as if something had been knocked open.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, like the sound of a coffin falling to the ground.

Qin Feng was startled, accelerated, and rushed into the villa.

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