Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 121: First Encounter of Power

Seeing that there was still time, Qin Feng went to pull the bodies of five mutated zombies and put them into the mutated tomb again.

[Mutated zombies are being buried, estimated time is eight hours]

Mutated tombs will not weaken the effect, which is much better than ordinary tombs.

"The next step is to wait," Qin Feng turned to look at Chu Rou who was excitedly unpacking boxes of supplies and express delivery on the ground, "Oh, just be happy."

He leaned under a big tree, looked up at the deep blue sky, and frowned slightly.

This cemetery may not have many days of peace.

Not to mention the survivors attracted by the broadcast, and the Ark Spiral Company.

This company is like a follower, insisting on sticking with me.

This thing must not tolerate adultery.

Qin Feng decided to wait until the facilities in the cemetery were a little better and he was able to protect everything in the cemetery before he left.

"Damn it, I have contraceptive T-shirts!" Chu Rou yelled and suddenly said, "Forget it, no need, it's uncomfortable."

Qin Feng chuckled lightly, and when Chu Rou was over her excitement, he took her to the secret base to see, bringing all weapons and everything.

This cemetery won't work without some weapons.

Besides, there is a chemistry laboratory there. As one of the researchers of mutant zombies, Chu Rou needs to find ways to deal with these mutant zombies.

Of the two people in the cemetery, one was making trouble and the other was concentrating with his eyes closed.

Although there is an atmosphere of blood and decay everywhere, it is still peaceful and harmonious.

However, at this moment, an inaudible sound of braking outside woke Qin Feng.

He immediately sat up straight and glanced outside with sharp eyes.

"What, what's wrong?" Chu Rou was startled by Qin Feng's sudden movement, and she retracted her hand that had just opened the next box of supplies.

"Someone is coming." Qin Feng said.

Chu Rou was stunned for two seconds and frowned slightly: "These people are not finished yet!"

This is an RV, but the outside is filled with filth, dried blood, and flesh and blood.

They drove very fast. They didn't even stop at the bottom of the mountain to observe. They drove directly up the mountain. It seemed that they came with a clear purpose.

"Is this the cemetery the radio said?"

"No one should live here, right? Is this false news again?"

"I guess they tricked people into coming here to steal supplies again, ugh."

"Why are you sighing? Did something bad happen to you? I killed several waves of crooks who stole our supplies last time."

"If they cheat us with supplies this time and don't let us in, we'll cut off their hands and feet and throw them behind the car to be used as sweepers."

"Oh, second brother, this is too much."

"What's too much? I didn't say chop them into pieces!"


The person who said he wanted to cut off his hands and feet was a young man, only about fifteen or sixteen years old.

With a look of disdain on his face, he glanced towards the cemetery with mostly contempt.

However, just halfway up the mountain, their car suddenly had a puncture.

The driver quickly braked the car, and there were two pops, as if all four tires had burst.

The entire car was forced to stop and sank a little instantly.

"Gan!" The person driving at the front was a man with a beard and a fierce look. His gray coat exposed his strong, tattooed arms.

The person in the car asked: "What's going on?"

The bearded man turned off the fire and said, "Damn, the tire burst and was punctured by something."

There were sighs from the people in the car.

But he didn't say much, probably because he was used to it.

Bearded man got out of the car and got out with pliers and tire repair gun.

However, as soon as he got close to the tire, there was an indescribable surprise in his eyes.

It was a tire that punctured, not a sharp piece of glass, a nail or even a stone.

Instead, it is a long "blood tongue" that is as hard as a plant vine.

After putting on the pliers, he realized that this thing could not be clamped.

And when pressed up, the plant didn't seem to simply puncture the tire, but penetrated directly into the tire skin and entangled the entire main body of the tire.

No matter how I do it, I can't get rid of my beard.

However, just when the beard moved the red vine, the red vine seemed to wake up on its own.

Suddenly it started to move, and it started to get bigger and thicker.

With a pop, it broke through the tire and wrapped around the car body!

It was very fast, like a red snake, quickly scurrying up the roof of the car.

"This, what is this?"

"Wow! Mom!"

"Quick, get out of the car! What are you doing standing still?"

The people in the car immediately became confused and quickly opened the door to get out.

However, at this time, a vine grew and climbed again, closing the door that had just been opened.

"Damn!" The bearded man outside realized that he was on the second floor and hurried over to break open the red vines.

But this plant is extremely powerful and very hard, and he used all his strength to break it open just a little bit.

"Brother! Break it apart!"

"Husband, save us quickly!"

"Elder, don't give up on me!"

The bearded man knew that several members of the family had to come out. The red vine didn't know what he was going to do, and he was gradually tying up the entire car.

The bearded man picked up the pliers and twisted the red vine blocking the car door.

After exerting great effort, it was finally broken and the car door opened instantly.

But at this time, the red vines that had trapped other places began to shrink, and the entire roof of the car was dented!

"Mom, wife, Lele, second brother!" The bearded man shouted, "Come out quickly."

The old lady at the front was frightened, her hands and feet trembling and moving very slowly.

The young man sighed and pulled the old lady over and threw her behind him.

But he did not make way for his sister-in-law and niece, but kicked the thin woman again, and the girl and the woman fell to the ground.

"Wow!" The girl burst into tears.

With a click, the roof of the car sank again, and even the engine part of the front of the car was going to be crushed.

That would explode!

"Second brother, you!" The bearded man was unbelievable. The second brother actually left his mother and his sister-in-law and niece and came out by himself.

He did not leave them, but kicked them away!

"If you don't work for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth!" The young man was so scared that he only said one sentence and rushed out immediately.

The bearded man had no choice but to risk his life to grab his wife and children from the car and pulled them out.

Before the old lady could escape, the red vines wrapped around the whole car like a snake, getting tighter and tighter.

Several people retreated one after another, bang! The car exploded instantly.

"Fuck!" the young man said, "Fortunately I was smart, damn, otherwise someone would have died."

The bearded man could still hear his mother's painful screams in his ears. His wife and children in his arms were injured because of the fall. He asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to die, okay?" The young man rolled his eyes and said, "Damn, you brought me to such a weird place, you deserve your wife and children to almost die."

"She's your sister-in-law, she's your niece!"

"So what?" The young man said disdainfully, "Is she my wife or my daughter? If she dies, she dies."

And at this moment, the ground suddenly spit out a fast-moving red vine, like an arrow, directly piercing the young man's heart.

He didn't even finish rolling his eyes, and looked at the red vine on his chest in shock.

The woman and the girl screamed, and the bearded man felt something was wrong, so he quickly pulled the mother and daughter away from here.

"Brother, sister-in-law." The young man said desperately, "Save me, save me."

No one paid attention to him.

In the cemetery, on the tree.

The tall trees covered the two figures.

Chu Rou snuggled in Qin Feng's arms and asked, "These survivors are really asking for trouble. They have to come here to join in the fun. There are dead people, right? By the way, what about the three who ran away?"

Qin Feng chuckled: "Do you think I am a cold-blooded butcher who kills indiscriminately?"

"No." Chu Rou said firmly.

"That's it," Qin Feng said, "Ignore them, I'll take you to a place later."

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