Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 113 I am the tomb owner (1)

After searching for a long time, he couldn't catch anyone.

He turned around and saw Qin Feng, a living person.

And Qin Feng deliberately stood in a place where the light was bright, so it was hard not to see him.

Against the light, Qin Feng couldn't see what the zombies were, but he could see a few black groups rushing towards him.

Qin Feng sneered, three more little beasts.

Instead of retreating, he continued to rush forward. The black gold knife was a black lightning under the light of the headlight.

However, when he got closer, Qin Feng could see the appearance of the three zombies clearly.

The skin was not the ordinary purple-gray, but black and yellow, like the burnt skin of roasted meat tightly attached to the face.

Green water oozed out of the eyeballs, and some blood red was mixed in the green water, which was even more disgusting.

Qin Feng quickly read the data of the three zombies, and the average values ​​were 19, 18, and 20 respectively.

Almost twice that of humans!

Moreover, the three zombies added together are theoretically the same as Qin Feng, who has six times the physical strength of humans!

"Damn it," Qin Feng cursed, "Who has developed this monster?"

If these three zombies cooperated perfectly, he might not be able to beat them.

But how could zombies cooperate perfectly? They were just a group of brainless and furious guys.

And Qin Feng had rushed up and there was no reason to retreat!

Qin Feng waved his knife and met the three zombies.

These three zombies were as brainless as ordinary zombies, and they only knew how to rush wildly. This kind of attack was easy to dodge.

But the problem was that their attack power was twice that of the previous zombies, and they attacked together.

Even if it was not six times that of ordinary people, it was three or four times.

Qin Feng had to take it seriously, holding the handle of the knife tightly, and rushed to kill these zombies.

There was a back and forth fight.

In the van, the three people began to adjust their positions without the attacks of the zombies.

Wang Lang's thigh was pierced by glass and he was bleeding.

"Fortunately," the thorny man checked him, "it didn't hit the aorta."

After the bandage was done, the three of them looked out of the van and observed the situation outside.

The light of the headlights flashed and continued to shine in front.

What they saw was the scene of Qin Feng and three zombies chasing each other.

The zombie roared in an unpleasant voice in its throat and pounced on Qin Feng with a claw. Qin Feng dodged.

The zombie's hand hit the tree trunk, and with a puff, the bark of the tree trunk was broken and a piece of it was dented.

"Is this a zombie?" The thorny man was shocked. They had experienced the doomsday for three months and had never seen such a fierce zombie.

"It should be," Wang Lang said, "This zombie looks unusual. Has it mutated?"

"It's possible," the irritable man said, "This virus has been out for three months, and no one has given an explanation. I think the virus must have mutated, otherwise how could this zombie be so powerful."

The three zombies chased Qin Feng relentlessly, using their hands, feet and mouths.

This time, two zombies pounced on Qin Feng side by side, and Qin Feng used his knives to block them.

The third zombie took the opportunity to bite Qin Feng's arm.

Qin Feng drew out his knife and chopped hard at the face of the zombie that was about to bite him.

The black gold knife was a black gold knife after all, and it directly cut off all the skin and flesh from the zombie's nose to the upper palate, revealing the dark bones.

Pushing them apart with force, the two zombies continued to fight.

"It's over, this man is going to die."

"These three zombies are simply perverts!"

"He, he is going to die, what should we do?"

"What do you mean what should we do? We will only make things worse if we go up. We will just give the zombies heads to chew."

"These three zombies are too strong, this man will definitely not be able to beat them."

Several people hid in the van and whispered, with a trace of guilt in their eyes.

If it weren't for them, Qin Feng wouldn't be entangled by these three zombies. To be honest, they should help.

But look at these zombies, just raise your hand and scratch, and a piece of the tree trunk is gone.

This mouth can probably bite through the iron sheet.

No wonder they couldn't chop these zombies just now, and their black saliva was smeared on their faces, and they didn't have any temper at all.

"He saved us," Wang Lang said, "How about helping him?"

"I have a clear distinction between gratitude and resentment. This man saved us and I will help him." The irritable man said.

The thorny man had no objection. They secretly climbed out of the van, picked up knives, and slowly went around.

Wang Lang's leg was injured, but fortunately, he could run.

Several people approached Qin Feng and the zombies secretly.

There were only two machetes, the irritable man and Wang Lang held them, and the thorny man held an iron rod. The three of them approached like this.

Prepared to help Qin Feng who was in a stalemate with the zombies.

However, just when the three were about to attack.

Qin Feng suddenly flashed over, grabbed the thorny man who was about to throw the stick and threw it at the irritable man. With a bang, the two men collided with each other.



The zombies ran towards Qin Feng in a crowd, and Qin Feng continued to fight with a knife.

Wang Lang didn't understand what was going on at this time, but he was still determined to help Qin Feng.

Seeing Qin Feng and the zombies getting closer and closer, he raised the machete and was about to chop down.

At this time, Qin Feng blocked two or three attacks from the zombies, turned around and kicked sideways, directly kicking Wang Lang's shoulder.

The force was so strong that Wang Lang flew out.

He hit a clump of grass behind him. The grass helped him get out of trouble, but his shoulder was almost broken.

"You three stay away from me." Qin Feng said.

He turned around and joined the battle again.

Damn, these three people, don't they know what level they are?

They didn't know to hide after chopping for a long time, and they came to get involved. They are really a nuisance.

Wang Lang recovered a little and quickly moved to the side of the irritable man and the thorny man.

"He, why doesn't he appreciate it?" Wang Lang said.

"Who knows, damn, my ass is going to explode."

"Hush, be quiet, should we go first? This guy may not be able to beat the zombies."

"Let's take a look first, he should be a master."

In fact, after a fight, Qin Feng basically figured out the weaknesses of this new mutant zombie.

Fight again, he memorized these weaknesses in his heart and was familiar with them.

He took a few steps back after being hit by the zombies.

These zombies did not stop and continued to pounce on Qin Feng.

Qin Feng expanded his steps and lowered his waist, holding two knives in his hands, and relaxed his shoulders.

The zombies roared and rushed towards him, and the three men watching the show nearby were already open-mouthed.

Qin Feng deflected the blade, stabbed down with one knife, and chopped up with another knife, directly hitting the throat and lower abdomen of the first zombie.

With the force of the knife, the zombie was thrown away directly, and hit another zombie with a bang.

The two zombies flew out together, hit the tree, and got stuck on the branch.

The remaining zombie was no match for Qin Feng.

Qin Feng solved it directly in a few moves, and the knife fell with his hand, revealing the ground.

This operation directly shocked Wang Lang and the others.

"This, this win?"

"These perverted zombies can't beat this man?"

"Is he a special forces soldier? No, even the soldiers are not so strong."

"Hurry up, hurry up and get up!"

"Wow, it's amazing."

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