Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 114 I am the tomb owner (2)

The zombie's head rolled to the ground, and the smelly yellow and green water spread all the way.

Is this zombie blood?

Qin Feng glanced at it and let out an inaudible tut.

What on earth do these scientists study these zombies for, and these are actually mutant zombies that exist in the wild.

Did it mutate on its own? Or was it released artificially?

"Brother, you are too fierce!"

"Your sword skills are awesome!"


The three overturned brothers were still cheering and cheering, and Qin Feng had a bunch of black lines on his forehead.

Before Qin Feng could ask them what they were doing at the cemetery.

The two zombies on the tree actually struggled on their own, splitting the branches bit by bit!

With a creak, the branch broke and two zombies fell down.

They roared and ran towards Qin Feng again. Their black and yellow feet stepped on the yellow and green smelly water, splashing up, and the smell was touching.

Qin Feng grasped their weaknesses.

He raised his knife and cut off these two disgusting guys.

Without exception, as soon as the three zombies were decapitated, yellow-green water splashed out, also emitting an unpleasant smell in the air.

Qin Feng frowned slightly and covered his nose.

He was not in a hurry to collect the corpse, and turned around and walked towards the three of them.

However, what Qin Feng did not discover was that the yellow-green water evaporated very quickly.

For a moment a large puddle on the ground turned into a small puddle, then just wet, and finally gradually dried out.

Qin Feng walked towards the three of them and asked, "What are you doing here?"

The three of them looked at each other. If they had a little complaint against the big brother in front of them at first, after all, this man kicked each of them without saying a word.

His strength was so strong that he almost lost his breath when he kicked them.

But after the operation just now, the three of them knew that the person in front of them was an awesome being.

So I looked at Qin Feng with a feeling of admiration.

But a grown man can't reveal such emotions. He just looked at Qin Feng a little excited.

Wang Lang said: "I, we came here because we heard the radio broadcast that there was a cemetery here. A fortress was built on it to accommodate survivors.

But, we don’t know if it’s true. "

Qin Feng: Sure enough, it was a group of people who came to rob the cemetery.

The thorn-headed man said: "Brother, are you also here to find the cemetery? How about we go together."

The grumpy man: "Yes, yes, we are destined to meet each other at the end of the day. Although the three of us are not that strong, we are not weak either, okay."

Before the grumpy man finished speaking, Qin Feng raised his hand, and the tip of the black gold knife directly touched the grumpy man's throat.

Several people were stunned for a moment, looking at Qin Feng in shock.

Qin Feng said: "This cemetery is my territory. If you are interested, leave as soon as possible. I won't care. But if you want to force your way in, my knife will not only kill zombies but also kill people."

The blade of the black gold knife seemed to be exuding cold air. Wang Lang and the man with the spiked head were both a little scared when they saw it, not to mention the grumpy man who had it directly pressed to his throat.

"You, you," said the grumpy man, "are you the owner of the cemetery?"

"Yes," Qin Feng turned the blade, "So, if you are not afraid of death, just come here."

When they heard the news about the cemetery, they originally thought about fighting for it, but they never heard of anyone alive in the cemetery all the way here.

The closer we get to the cemetery, the more desolate it becomes.

In fact, they had some idea that this cemetery was not a place of refuge for humans as stated on the radio.

Actually, think about it, a cemetery, a place where the dead are buried, is used for the living?

is it possible?

So actually when they came here, they had already given up.

Now looking at the blade that threatened their lives, several people shook their heads quickly: "No, no, no, we are just here to take a look. If the cemetery does not pick up people, we will leave."

Qin Feng looked at these people for a while, but they had no intention of forcing their way in.

Withdrawing the knife, if he had to force his way in, he could kill the three of them within ten seconds.

However, at this moment, Wang Lang suddenly shouted and squatted on the ground with a painful expression.

"What's going on?" asked the thorny man, "What's wrong with you?"

The grumpy man also quickly squatted down to see Wang Lang's condition.

Wang Lang straightened his legs and said, "My legs, my legs!!"

Several people, including Qin Feng, looked at Wang Lang's leg. The wound that had been bandaged with pieces of clothing was not blood.

But it has a bit of yellow pus.

And it seeps more and more, exuding the same stench as those zombies.

"This, this" Before the thorn-headed man could finish speaking, Qin Feng came over with a knife.

He raised his hand and cut open the layer of fabric, and Wang Lang's wound was immediately exposed to the three of them.

The wound was obviously freshly cut, but at this time it seemed as if it had been stuffy for several days. It had begun to rot, become sour and smelly, and the edges had turned white.

The middle of the wound turned yellow-black, and there was a sound of popping blisters.

Like it was corroded by something.

Qin Feng frowned, raised his hand, raised the black gold knife and cut Wang Lang's leg, cutting off most of his flesh!

"Ah!!!" Wang Lang screamed in pain and almost fainted.

The other two people quickly supported him, and the grumpy man said, "You, what are you doing?"

Qin Feng turned the cut piece of meat over, and the meat sizzled. After a while, a piece of meat was missing from the wound.

This is corrosion!

"Get out of here," Qin Feng said, "It's not safe here."

Qin Feng turned around and patted his waist. The space package vibrated and the three zombies disappeared.

Several people stared at the surprised scene in front of them with wide eyes. Qin Feng turned around and said, "Are you still not leaving?"

"Okay, okay," several people said quickly, "I won't disturb you, I won't disturb you."

Qin Feng glanced at them, turned around and went up to the cemetery, leaving the three people looking at each other.

Qin Feng walked on the road in the cemetery, but his face was a little solemn.

These zombies are very strange.

Although Qin Feng had no evidence to link the corruption of Wang Lang's wounds with zombies, he always felt that something was wrong.

After going up, let Chu Rou take a look. After all, she also participated in the creation of this mutant zombie.

Qin Feng went to the cemetery, and after Wang Lang and the other two lifted the van, they quickly left here.

The starry sky was particularly bright because there was no bright lights in the city.

Helicopters came slowly from a distance, two helicopters flew in parallel, a total of 100 helicopters came.

Under each of their two helicopters, there was a cage hanging, and people were swaying inside.

The helicopters came to a few kilometers near the cemetery, hovering, waiting for an opportunity to move.

After hearing the order, they opened the cage, and the "people" inside fell from the hole at the bottom of the cage one by one.

Bang! Snap!

The sound of bones and flesh being smashed.

These "people" fell to the ground, but they did not die. The sound of Gragra's bones being reshaped was endless.

Looking around, there were about dozens of people put down.

Now they all stood up shakily and walked towards the cemetery step by step.

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