Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 112 New Mutated Zombies

Qin Feng couldn't hear the bell of the zombies.

In his eyes, it was just a little skeleton swaying around.

But when the swaying stopped, there were still no zombies nearby.

Qin Feng sighed and said, "It's really a remote and desolate place."

He looked at the corpses floating in the wind on the soul-hanging willow tree behind him, and his eyes were fixed on the corpse of Mr. Guo at the top.

The white beard did not change, but from the complexion, it could be seen that the face had begun to turn purple.

The originally old and loose skin became gelatinous, like a layer of rubber wrapped on it.

But it still did not hide the style in life. An old man is an old man, and that kind of temperament is superior even in death.

Qin Feng couldn't equate Mr. Guo's corpse with others, so he nodded respectfully to the corpse.

Turned back and planned to comprehend Tai Chi by himself.

What Qin Feng didn't know was that the zombies attracted by his zombie bell were actually just not within the distance, but they were already rampant halfway.

Van convoy.

Wang Lang had finished venting his anger, and his usual good-natured face was completely gone.

He sat aside, not caring about the long-haired woman with his hands tied to her.

He lay aside and had a cigarette.

The hot-tempered man was sharpening the knife, while the thorny man was driving.

According to calculations, they were only a few kilometers away from the cemetery.

It would take about ten minutes to get there.

The closer they got to the cemetery, the denser the forest became. They didn't dare to turn on the lights too brightly when it got dark.

They were afraid that the zombies would see them and follow them.

"You say," the thorny man suddenly said, "you say there should be someone guarding the cemetery, will they accept us?"

The irritable man said: "Talk to them nicely, maybe it will work? The three of us can fight and fight, we are not useless women."

Wang Lang sneered: "I see through it now, I won't accept it."

"Besides," Wang Lang said, "who can put the rescue site in the cemetery? What kind of good people can we have? Let's stop while we are ahead and don't force our way in."


"Well, I got it."

As the night deepened, they didn't dare to drive with the headlights on.

As they gradually entered the cemetery, there were more trees and the road was shaking.

It was more difficult to drive.

A few people were still talking and laughing, thinking that if they arrived at the cemetery, if the owner of the tomb didn't welcome them, they would leave immediately.

Then one said that he would pull the weeds before leaving, and the other said that he had to see the legendary excellent shelter before leaving.

Just when they were talking enthusiastically, the van hit something with a bang.

The whole car body was suddenly raised too high, and the thorny man pulled the brakes urgently.

"What, what happened?" Wang Lang asked.

The thorny man shook his head: "I didn't see it either. Did it hit anything?"

The whole car body has turned sideways, leaning against a tree, and the pale light shines on the bumpy road in front.

No one knows what is stuck under the car.

Suddenly, before they can react to what's going on.

The car actually moved by itself!

No, it should be said that the thing under the car moved!

The sound of grumbling came from under the car.

It was like the sound of human bones being reconnected.

Before several people could react, the huge force under the car directly overturned the entire van!

"Ah!" Screams came from several people in the car.

There were several bangs, accompanied by the sound of broken glass, sharp stones, and branches pierced into the car.

The van fell to the ground sideways.

After the violent shaking, several people fell in a direction, and the world was spinning.

Climbing out of the smoke, coughing violently.

"What's going on?"

"What did we run over?"

However, before they could use the headlights to see what was in front of them, a bloody zombie face instantly appeared on the front windshield!


"It's a zombie!"

"Where's the knife, where's the knife!"


Qin Feng practiced Tai Chi until it was dark, and there were still more than ten minutes to bury the fourth-level tomb.

Just when he was about to say that he would sit there and wait for a while, his sensitive hearing made him hear the violent collision, glass shattering and people's screams from the bottom of the mountain.

"Damn," Qin Feng said, "Could it be those blind survivors?"

Then he heard the group shouting: "Zombies, it's zombies! Knives, where's our knives!"

Qin Feng was delighted, there are zombies?

What a good relationship, he now wants to try Tai Chi Kung Fu and find more zombie bodies.

He came at the right time.

Qin Feng picked up the black gold knife placed next to the tree trunk, put it behind his back, turned around and walked out of the cemetery quickly.

The night was dark, and the further down we went, the cleaner the moonlight filtered by the forest.

Qin Feng walked quickly, and in less than a minute he reached the bottom of the mountain.

Sure enough, not far away, he saw a van that had flipped over, and a zombie lying on top of the van, madly reaching out to scratch the inside of the van.

There were only three zombies.

Qin Feng was a little disappointed, this was too few.

However, at this time, a prompt sounded in Qin Feng's mind:

[Ding, new mutant zombies detected nearby, a total of three]

New mutant zombies?

Qin Feng asked: "System, is this the kind that can be buried in the mutant zombie tomb?"

[Yes, and this is a new type of zombie, which can bury new special items]

Qin Feng: I don’t even know what was buried first, let alone the latest?

But since the system said that this kind of zombie has high value, then it can be killed.

Three bodies, so it’s okay.

So Qin Feng raised his sword and went forward.

Wang Lang and the other two kept rushing the zombies who reached out from the broken glass window to scratch them with knives. Only two machetes were still usable, and the rest were just some wooden sticks and iron bars.

But the three of them had no choice. In this posture, these tools were good enough to be used!

However, these tools that could usually resist a little zombies were not effective at all when they were cut or hit on zombies!

The skin of these zombies was black and yellow, and they exuded a strong stench.

But this stench was not the rotten corpse, but the stench of drugs mixed together and fermented.

The zombies were hanging upside down, and it was unknown whether it was blood or black water in their mouths, which kept flowing down.

Several people endured the nausea and kept cutting frantically, and they were about to be unable to resist.

However, at this moment, a sharp blade chopped with a clang.

The crazy movements of several zombies suddenly stopped.

They slowly pulled away from the body and stopped attacking the van frantically.

Ho ho ho, er er er er! er !!!

As soon as they left, only one or two seconds later, several people in the car heard the terrible roar again.

But it was rushing to another place.

"What, what's going on?" Wang Lang asked.

The irritable man pulled his clothes to wipe the fishy saliva on his face and said, "I don't know."

Only the thorny man was bolder and stuck his head out to see what was going on.

However, as soon as he stuck his head out, he was stunned by the scene in front of him: "I, damn, is this man going to fight zombies alone?"

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