Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 328 Flame Barrier

How are you doing now?

We are fine. We have now evacuated the Nantian base and will be able to return to the base in a short time.

That's just right. Don't go back yet. I purchased a batch of weapons. You can just come over and help me transport them. I have another place to go.

Okay, then send me your location now and I'll be there right away.


Qiunan nodded, and then opened the file sent by the Chinese and Korean teams in the terminal. This file was a map with two dots displayed on the map.

One of the dots is where Qiu Nan and Yu Qi are, and the other dot is naturally where the Korean team is.

Yu Qi naturally heard what Qiu Nan said. She nodded, and the two of them changed their direction and started walking towards the place shown on the map.

At the same time, the Korean team was driving a military vehicle, and the top and inside of the military vehicle were filled with countless boxes of various sizes, while other weapons and ammunition were scattered throughout the vehicle.

Along with the bumpy road, these firearms collided with each other, making the sound of metal collision.

Team Han put down the terminal in his hand and held the steering wheel with one hand.

At the same time, he used his other hand to open the mezzanine on his chest. The inside was swollen, as if something was placed inside.

Team Han used his fingers to take out what was inside. It was a test tube only as thick as a little finger. The test tube contained a medicinal solution, which he specifically wanted from Li Shiyi.

The purpose was to give it to Yu Qi, and the reason why he was anxious to inform Qiu Nu now was because he wanted to inject the medicine into Yu Qi now, even though Yu Qi was very powerful.

And these zombies can't hurt her, but as long as she makes a mistake and is injured by a zombie, he will immediately become a zombie and there is no cure.

So no matter how powerful Yu Qi is, she will only die if she is infected with the zombie virus, but if she is injected with the medicine in the hands of the Korean team.

Then he will be able to obtain a death-free gold medal from being infected by the zombie virus, and he will also be able to gain powerful powers, but these powers are not what the Korean team is interested in. .

What the Korean team values ​​most is that as long as they inject the awakening potion, they can obtain a gold medal for immunity from zombie virus infection. This is the most important thing.

As long as Yu Qi can be immune to the zombie virus, she will be even more powerful, because Yu Qi has completed all the tasks so far with the premise of protecting herself.

This will undoubtedly make the task more difficult, but there is nothing you can do about it, because you only need to be slightly bitten or caught by the zombies.

Then you will be infected with the zombie virus, so no matter how powerful you are, if you are not immune to the zombie virus, it cannot be considered truly powerful.

Team Han looked at the terminal in his hand and drove the car. He saw that the distance between the two sides on the map was getting closer and closer, and at this moment.

He suddenly discovered that the dots of Qiu and Nan suddenly stopped moving and stayed in place, which gave them a very bad premonition.

At this moment, Yu Qi was protecting Qiu Nuan behind him, staring coldly at the people in front of him, just like not long ago, the road suddenly cracked.

A passage leading to the underground appeared, and then a large number of men, women, and children appeared from inside. Although these people were no different from ordinary people.

But if you look at their eyes, you will find that there are no emotions that humans should have in their eyes.

This kind of look can usually be seen in the eyes of those beasts, and then those killers who have been carefully cultivated, but these people in front of them obviously belong to neither the former nor the latter.

But the power fluctuations coming from them made Yu Qi's heart twitch hard several times.

Because the other party is definitely stronger than himself, and much stronger, so the two sides are in a stalemate.

Ahem, where are those robots? Did you bring them out?

Don't worry, I'm controlling them and following them all the time. These machines are too powerful and there are so many of them. Even if those who come to chase us show up, we don't need to panic...

There seems to be someone in front!

At this moment, an experimental subject behind him suddenly interrupted Fu Dong's words. Jiang Yu looked in the direction of his fingertips and found two people appearing directly in front of him.

One of the two people is a very slender girl, and the other is a very mature woman. But what is very strange is that this woman is actually hiding behind the girl and being protected by her.

Of course, Jiang Yu directly ruled out the option that the two of them were ordinary people. After all, they could appear here, how could they be ordinary people.

Everyone, stop, Fu Dong. Go and check the situation. Don't be wary. Come back as soon as there is any situation.


Fu Dong nodded, and then he rushed towards Yu Qi like an arrow from a string. She had already expected it, and suddenly took out the umbrella hidden behind her.

Yu Qi held the umbrella tightly in his hand, and then pulled the trigger at the man rushing towards him.

Fu Dong saw the girl in front of him take out an umbrella. He was very confused, but did not dodge. However, he didn't understand until the other party made an aiming gesture.

This was definitely not an ordinary umbrella, but when he reacted, Yu Qi had already pulled the trigger.

Yu Qi's shooting technique was very accurate. The bullet shot directly into the head of the young man in front of her, but she didn't pause at all, and then continued to shoot at other parts of the body.

Just when the bullet was about to hit Fu Dong, a flame suddenly appeared around him. The flame was very bright and carried high-temperature flames.

The air was scorching and twisted, and the flames appeared in an instant, just in front of the bullet and Fu Dong.

Something unbelievable happened. The bullet Yu Qi shot at Fu Dong disappeared out of thin air, but not before the bullet disappeared.

She still caught a trace of anomaly, and the other bullets also disappeared, but Yu Qi could conclude that the reason for the disappearance of these bullets was nothing else.

It was these flames floating in front of Fu Dong. It was these high-temperature flames that melted the bullets fired by Yu Qi, so Fu Dong was not hurt.

After saving the day, Fu Dong's rapidly beating heart calmed down. He had just used a very short period of time to activate his own power.

A high-temperature barrier was built around him. If it weren't for this high-temperature barrier, his head and chest would have been penetrated by bullets.

This made Fu Dong immediately alert and put away his playful thoughts.

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