Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 329 Don’t touch my people

If Fu Dong continued to play around like this, he might capsize in the gutter, so he had to keep his nerves tight.

Yu Qi originally thought that his attack would definitely hit, but he did not expect that flames suddenly appeared around the opponent. This situation shocked him.

However, she reacted quickly, and then she held the umbrella handle firmly. After pressing a button, the umbrella handle was suddenly pulled out by her.

The pulled out umbrella handle was not round like an ordinary parasol. Yu Qi held a blade in his hand.

The handle of the blade is the umbrella handle, which means that the blade is hidden in the umbrella handle.

The blade in Yu Qi's hand shone with a cold light, showing its sharpness. She just grasped the blade tightly in her hand, not dodging or avoiding, but faced the young man who was rushing over.

Fu Dong obviously did not expect that the other party would not run away after seeing him, but would attack him directly, so he also took out the dagger inserted in his waist. He did not dare to underestimate the enemy this time.

Directly using his own power to bless the dagger in his hand, the originally shining silver-white dagger turned purple at this moment.

There are high-temperature flames attached to it, and the high-temperature flames distort the surrounding air.

When Yu Qi saw that the other party had activated his abilities again, he smacked his tongue in displeasure. Although she was still some distance away from the other party, he could already feel the high temperature attached to the blade in the other party's hand.

Although the dagger has no effect on her, the flame attached to it is very troublesome.

Such a terrifying high temperature made Yu Qi dare not step forward rashly, because her fighting method was close combat.

There will be such high-temperature flames around the opponent all the time, so for her, these are all disadvantages that prevent her from fighting.

These things are so annoying.

Why do you have such annoying abilities?

Yu Qi sighed. He fought with the young man in front of him for several rounds, but the weapon in her hand was very hot, and the originally silver-white blade had now turned blue due to the high temperature.

Fortunately, the handle of the knife was made of wood, so the palm of her hand was not burned.

But although she couldn't hurt the other party, the young man couldn't hurt her either. The two sides were in a stalemate like this. Jiang Yu couldn't stand it anymore. She planned to use her own power to help Fu Dong.

But at this moment, the sound of braking suddenly sounded behind him. Fu Dong, who was fighting, heard the sound and his attention was immediately diverted.

But Yu Qi did not pursue the victory, because the young man in front of him could not be killed so easily.

Therefore, Yu Qi did not give the opponent a fatal blow at this opportunity. On the contrary, she retreated directly to Qiu Nan and inserted the umbrella in her hand tightly into the handle.

It's the Korean team!

Qiunan pointed at the military vehicle in front of her. She saw that the two military vehicles were brand new and were protected by metal plates on all sides. They looked very strong.

Moreover, there was a very unfamiliar mark printed on it, and it didn't look like an office vehicle.

If the person sitting in this military vehicle is not the Korean team, they will not be able to recognize who this military vehicle belongs to.

Such a military vehicle already looks expensive, let alone what it feels like to drive. Such a vehicle would have been placed before the end of the world.

It was also an expensive luxury car. Just by looking at it, it seemed that this expensive luxury car was being driven by Han Dui. Qiu Nan was very puzzled by this issue.

Yu Qi didn't care about these things. Her eyes were always on the young man in front of her. She stared at the young man with all her attention, sensing his every move.

To prevent him from suddenly rising up and attacking Qiu Nan at this time, she could know in advance and then prepare corresponding countermeasures, which would also greatly improve the survivability of the two of them.

After all, in the battle just now, Yu Qi immediately understood that the opponent was a strong man, but during the battle she could not feel the slightest fluctuation of the power of an evolver or mutant in the opponent.

The power used by the opponent just now was like the power deeply engraved in his blood. She could not feel anything strange. She had never encountered such an enemy before.

Because the enemies she had fought against would more or less have a strange sense of power fluctuations when they used their power.

She is very sensitive to this feeling, so she can feel extremely subtle fluctuations in power, so that the moment the opponent launches an attack, he can sense it.

To avoid the opponent's attacks, this is both a talent and a reason why she can survive until now as an ordinary person, after all, in this apocalyptic world where everything is mixed.

One more ability can give you more vitality. If it is strong enough, you can be safe even if any monster appears.

This is why even though Li Shiyi has such a heaven-defying fortress, he still wants to make himself and his men stronger.

Because the fortress is just a residence, the power of the fortress is not the real power. The real power is the self-confidence given by the power. This kind of self-confidence can be calm and calm when fighting thousands of troops alone.

who are you?

You know better, please leave now, otherwise you will have to walk around without food!

Don't touch my people!

Han Du lowered the window and held a very strange weapon in his hand. He said to the experimental subjects in a non-negotiable tone.

Just you?

Have you not seen how many of us there are? Who are you?

A man said arrogantly to the Korean team sitting in the car. As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a very loud gunshot, and then a big hole appeared in the body of the experimental subject who spoke.

After a closer look, he discovered that his chest was pierced by the weapon in Team Han's hand. His chest was charred and black, and the flesh and blood inside was missing.

Through the wound on the chest, one can clearly see the protected organs in the chest, as well as the beating heart.

Blood flowed uncontrollably from the corners of the subjects' mouths. Team Han tightened his grip on the weapon in his hand and pointed the black muzzle at these people.

I see if any of you dare to say one more word, otherwise you will end up like him.

Team Han was holding the firearm while pointing his finger at the experimental subject. Even the well-informed Jiang Yu was shocked. She didn't see the bullet or anything else at all.

But one of her own people was attacked for no apparent reason, which she couldn't figure out.

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