Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 327 Underground Warehouse

The road leading underground is very steep. If it weren't for the handrail next to it, no one would dare to walk on this road.

The leader seemed to be very anxious. Even on such a road, he was walking on flat ground and moved towards the ground very quickly.

When he passed the gate of the central area, the leader stopped, and the very steep road disappeared at this time, as if it had never appeared before.

Wherever the leader walks, the lights have been set. As long as he senses someone walking by, he will burst out with a very powerful light. Such a powerful light will disperse all the surrounding darkness.

The leader was looking for something as he moved, and finally he stopped in front of a huge door, with the end of the corridor in front of him.

There is a very large metal door here with countless unnamed patterns on it. This huge iron door also requires permission to open.

Level 9 authority, activated successfully!

The leader put his hand on it, and after a while the huge iron door in front of him opened, and the two iron doors opened in their respective directions.

Originally, this road was still a dead end, but now the door in front of it opened, and then a new road appeared. There was nothing on this road.

There were no lights around, but it was still very bright inside. What brought the light to the passage was the huge pillar in the middle of the passage.

This pillar is emitting an extremely strong light, and there seems to be something in the center of the light.

The leader stretched his hand into the light. He clearly felt the warmth of the light, but when he touched his hand on the stone pillar.

At this time, a sudden change occurred. The stone pillar suddenly unfolded to the side. The stone pillar finally opened completely, and a console appeared in the center of the unfolded stone pillar, but there was a key missing from the console.

The leader inserted a metal key he was carrying into the hole in front of him and turned it vigorously, but he was very surprised to find out.

He actually couldn't successfully turn the key, and the key couldn't be pulled out. If it was stuck in the cave and couldn't be pulled out, no matter how much force the leader used.

His whole body was shaking from the exertion, but the key in front of him did not react at all, and it was so tight that it could not be opened at all.

What the hell does this happen?

The leader was sweating profusely from exhaustion, and his palms were red from the use of force, but the key did not shake at all.

Let alone taking the key out of it, this is simply impossible.

The leader bent down on the console and rested on it. After a moment, the console in front of him suddenly flashed a very powerful light again.

And a voice sounded in this light, and only then did the leader understand that this light was used to verify identity.

The reason why he couldn't use the console just now was because he didn't open the console completely, so he couldn't perform any operations.

Identity verification failed.

Your permission level is insufficient and it is temporarily unavailable.

The cold mechanical prompt sounded again, but the information conveyed in the sound made the leader a little confused, because the other party said that he had insufficient authority.

You must know that looking at the entire Nantian Base, the leader has the highest authority, but he failed the identity verification.

Is there any authority higher than level nine?

If there is, there's no way I don't know. What's going on?

The mechanical voice responded again.

This system is only used to verify the user's identity. We have no comment on other issues at the moment.

The leader was a little frustrated. After resting for a while, he once again placed his palm on the metal plate in front of him.

But the result is still the same, that is, insufficient permissions.

Even if the leader racked his brain, he couldn't think of anyone with a higher authority level than himself. He tried a few more times.

In the end, he returned without success, and he had no choice but to leave here.

As he walked, he was still thinking, thinking about who could have higher authority than him.

But he thought about everyone in the entire base, but still couldn't find a suitable candidate. In the end, he shook his head in disappointment.

It seems that the final weapon cannot be used, which greatly reduces our chance of victory.

The leader sighed. He planned to let Song Hui try again after he went back. If Song Hui failed, then no one would really be able to pass the authority verification here.

The doors in the underground research institute that require verification cannot be opened using violence, because these doors are not only very powerful in defense.

Moreover, it can also attack people who use violence to break through without authorization. Such people will be severely punished. The leader naturally knows the best about such things, so he will never do such a thing.

There are very powerful weapons stored underground. Because they are afraid that people with ulterior motives will use such weapons indiscriminately, these weapons are completely sealed in the research institute.

And it also set up the highest authority. Without the highest authority, even the leaders of the entire Nantian Base and the managers of the research institute would not be able to pass through the metal iron door, let alone use those weapons.

So no matter how reluctant the leader is, he must accept the fact that he is not the highest authority, so he has basically given up these weapons.

After thinking about it for a while, he finally gave up. He originally planned to bring Song Hui to try it, but he thought about it.

He also knew that even if he was called here, it would be a waste of time. It would be better to focus all his attention on the weapons arsenal in Nantian Base.

Although the weapons arsenal of Nantian Base is not as good as the world-destroying weapons in the research institute, there are still many powerful weapons in Nantian Base.

Just like the machines specially made in the research institute to drive away those experimental subjects, of course they also exist in the Nantian Base, but the number is not that large.

However, such a number of machines are easier to manage. After all, these machines are too powerful. If they are not managed properly, terrible things will happen.

So after balancing the situation, the leader persuaded himself to give up the weapons in the research institute.

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