Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 326 Everything is ready

Those who can still stay in Nantian Base at this moment all have deep feelings for the base. They are unwilling to abandon the base and escape, so they all stayed without hesitation.

Song Hui, take these people to the warehouse now and equip everyone with good weapons and equipment.

Take this and I will give you the highest authority in Nantian Base.

I have other important things to do now. We will gather here when everything is ready.


If you understand, then let's go. This will be a fierce battle. You must be fully prepared. Bring as much weapons and ammunition as you can.


Song Hui saluted the commander, and then took the remaining people in the base to the weapons depot. The weapons depot at Nantian Base was extremely rich in reserves.

Moreover, the badge given to him by the commander is enough to mobilize all intelligent weapons in the entire Nantian Base, which is a medium-sized base.

The internal resource reserves are extremely rich, including weapons that can only be used with high-level permissions.

And now that the base has reached a critical moment, the commander of these weapons is not stingy in letting them use them at will.

After all, if this battle fails, no one in the Nantian Base will survive, so even if these weapons are left behind, there is no need.

Just after Song Hui and others left, the commander went to the command room alone. As soon as he entered the command room, he was shocked by the appearance of the command room.

He saw documents scattered all over the command room. These documents were all trivial matters that had happened in the base during the recent period, and the number of these documents exceeded his imagination.

Just looking at these paper documents, one can think of what happened in the base in the recent period.

A lot of things have happened in the base recently. These things have made Song Hui very busy. Even the leader saw a quilt in the command room.

Song Hui is actually laying floors here. You can imagine how busy the nearest bases are, but it is different now. Now the residents in these bases have moved away, so Song Hui can have time to rest.

The commander did not pay attention to the documents scattered in the command room. These things were of no use now. The commander directly crossed over the documents placed on the ground.

Walking straight to the wall of the command room, he groped back and forth on the wall with his hands, his eyes flickering, and finally found what he was looking for somewhere on the wall.

This thing is not something very strange.

This thing was just a protrusion on the wall. The commander raised his arm and hit the protrusion on the wall hard, accompanied by a huge roar.

The ground in the command room suddenly cracked on both sides, and the documents that were originally on the ground fell into the bottomless ground as the ground cracked.

The crack on the floor stopped not long after it appeared, and countless steps slowly appeared from above the crack, one after another.

The entire crack turned into a very steep downhill, and there were a large number of LED lamp posts on both sides of the downward stairs, which were shining with dazzling light.

Illuminating the bottomless passage, there is no bottom under the passage. Even if there is light all around, the bottom of the passage still cannot be seen.

One can imagine how long this staircase extending downward is, allowing the commander to see as far as he can.

There are handrails on both sides of the stairs. These folded handrails are hidden in the walls. These handrails will only appear when the stairs are awakened. It is with these handrails that the commander can walk down smoothly.

When the commander was completely underground, the cracks in the floor immediately closed, and the protrusions on the wall disappeared without a trace for some reason, as if they had never appeared before.

The entire underground of Nantian Base is the territory of the research institute, including of course the underground of the command room. All the underground areas of Nantian Base can be connected to the research institute.

The only place that can be accessed is the most central location in Nantian Base, the central area. This place requires high-level permissions to enter.

But there is only one person in the entire Nantian Base who has such authority, and that person is the current leader of the Nantian Base.

Even Song Hui now only has level 6 authority, but what he doesn't know is that Youxue has a higher level of authority than him.

Her authority is higher than that of Song Hui, and even higher than that of the leader. Even the leader at Nantian Base does not have such high authority.

The leader's authority is level nine, while Yuxue's authority is level ten. Although the authority of level nine is already very high, it can already open all places in the base and research institute.

But there is only one place where the permission required to enter is level ten, so he cannot enter even if he has level nine permission.

The leader put his hand on the door of the central area, and then a very cold mechanical prompt came: Level 9 authority, please pass.

After the cold prompt sounded, the huge door in front of him cracked open on both sides, and a passage appeared in front of him. The leader looked inside and walked in very cautiously.

After all, he had not walked this road for a long time, and there were countless monsters imprisoned in the underground base. How could he not be afraid of such a road.

And not only these monsters, but in the deepest part of the underground research institute, there are many very powerful experimental subjects imprisoned. The humanity of these experimental subjects has been wiped out. They are not monsters but better than monsters.

They are killing crazily in the base and in the outside world. They are more bloodthirsty than zombies and monsters infected by the apocalyptic virus.

Therefore, in order to prevent these experimental subjects from continuing to cause harm to living beings outside, the institute dispatched a quarter of its powerful combat force to forcibly capture these experimental subjects from various places.

Surgery was carried out immediately after being recaptured, and chips were placed in their brains. These chips can control the brain through microcurrents.

In order to control these experimental subjects, although these experimental subjects are not subject to control, such a chip still controls them firmly.

The institute sent powerful combatants and robots carrying heavy firepower to guard these experimental subjects, and also built a special place in the underground institute to hold them.

These things have been going on for a long time, but this time things made the leader think about it.

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