Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 325: To live or die with the base

Not many people know that the highest level of authority in the institute is only nine, but even Jiang Yu doesn't know that there is even tenth level authority here.

The ninth level of authority can already give complete orders to the institute. No one knows what the tenth level of authority can do.

Jiang Yu looked at Yuxue's back with very hot eyes. If eyes could attack people, maybe Yuxue's body would have been completely penetrated by now.

Why haven't I heard that there is a tenth level of authority? What is going on?

What do you care about him? What is our purpose?

Our purpose? Our purpose is to go to the central area to wake up those robots to fight for us, delay time for us, and then allow us to escape safely from here.

Then let me ask you, has our goal been achieved now?


That's fine. Why do you care about him? It doesn't matter what level of authority he has. Now I'm starting to be interested in the girl in front of me.

Because I feel something new from her that I have never experienced before. I must get her and then study her.

At this time, Youxue didn't know what Jiang Yu and Fu Dong were thinking. They just wanted to rush to the control room, activate the robots, and then let the robots help them leave here.

Now Yuxue is walking in the central area. He does not seem to be looking for the control room, but is walking aimlessly in the central area. He seems to be looking for something.

But what she was looking for was not of interest to Fu Dong and Jiang Yu, so the two parties parted ways after entering the central area, both of them running for what they wanted to find.

At this moment, at the door outside the research institute, the leader and others entered the Nantian base with other experimental subjects. The current Nantian base was empty according to the broadcast.

The rest are very prestigious people in Nantian Base, or some elderly people with inconvenient legs and feet. They have been living in Nantian Base for a long time.

They couldn't abandon the Nantian base easily, so they did not leave Nantian.

And after they saw the commander, none of them asked any questions. After all, the recording had already explained the cause and effect of the matter clearly.

So no matter how much they ask the commander, they can't answer their questions, but whatever happens now doesn't matter anymore. Even if Nantian Base is destroyed, they will coexist and die with the base.


You are finally back.

Song Hui has been busy recently, and now he looks very haggard. But after he saw the commander, his eyes that had been expressionless were once again full of expression.

Song Hui, I have worked hard for you recently. Now the base no longer needs to be managed. If you want to leave, you can leave at any time. If you still want to stay here, I can hand over this commander to you at any time.

Song Hui sighed. Now that things have happened, it is meaningless for him to ask for this commander again, but he is also a group of residents who have been here since the Nantian base was built.

The Nantian Base has been here for a long time now. Even dead objects will have feelings after a long time, let alone people.

Song Hui shook his head and expressed his attitude. Not only him, but the other people who stayed also expressed their attitude.

That is, they have to live and die with the base, and they will never leave the base until the last moment.

Commander, Nantian Base has been with us for a long time. I want to accompany the base well while it can still exist.

This is not only a base for survivors, it is also our home. The joys and sorrows here are ups and downs. Even in these troubled times, we cannot abandon the base.

Even if the base is going to disappear, I will still be with the base until the last second.

Yes, we all have to live and die with the base!

These remaining people all have unique feelings for the base. How could such people abandon the base and embark on the journey alone?

Seeing these remaining people, the leader's eyes became moist. He had originally planned to completely abandon this base, but now it was different.

Now he wants to stay at the base and stick to it. They will never retreat from here until the last moment, not even one step.

Because this is not just a survivor base, for these people.

This is the only place that can bring them comfort after the end of the world, but now this only place will soon be taken away. This is something that will never be allowed.

We will live or die with the base!

We want the base to survive together, and we will never evacuate at the last moment without fighting.

These people have already expressed their attitudes, and among these people there are young and old.

These two people have been in the base for a long time. They started as guards in the base and have now done all the work in the base.

But the two still like to work as gate guards at the city gate, because this kind of work is very free, but now the Nantian Base is about to be abolished.

The two of them are about to lose their place of refuge now, and they also have very special feelings for the base.

Brother, do you still want to smoke?

Ahem, have one.

Brother, can we leave the Nantian Base alive?

It should work.

You are still young and have a bright future. Why don't you evacuate from Nantian Base? You must know that young people like you will have good development no matter which base you go to now.

But why are you waiting to die with me, an old guy who has half his foot in the coffin?

No way, brother, your health is very good now.

Ahem, you are the only one who can speak.

I have stayed in Nantian Base for a long time, and I no longer want to go to other bases. And you also know that I am too lazy. Only in Nantian Base can I be a little lazy.

If I go to another base, I may be expelled from the base soon. If I do this, I will only be asking for trouble, so instead of doing this,

Then I might as well stay in Nantian Base. If I can survive, then I will survive with Nantian Base. But if I cannot survive, then I will die with Nantian Base.

As the young man spoke, he looked at the plants and trees in Nantian Base, feeling a little lonely in his heart.

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