Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 324 Tenth level authority

And although the fourth frame that has been broken through has not been repaired, it is still stable. At least if she does not take the initiative to liberate her power, her body will not collapse in a short time.

So now he can fight safely for the time being, and he doesn't have to worry about whether his body will collapse due to excessive use of strength.

And now the gap in the sea of ​​consciousness is still open, which means that even if she uses all her power, she can maintain it for a long time.

It's just that using all the power will cause damage to the body, but for the sake of power, it doesn't matter even if you are seriously injured. After all, these injuries and power are considered.

No matter who it was, I'm afraid they would naturally choose the latter. Yuxue was hit by the monster's huge fist, and her whole body flew backwards, but she was still pulled back by the monster while being controlled.

Just as Youxue and the monster were going back and forth, Fu Dong, Jiang Yu and others had now arrived at the door of the central area, but because they did not have the key.

So even if they have reached the door of the central area now, they still cannot enter it, because they must have a key or have a high enough authority level to enter the door of the central area.

The defense level here is very high, and no matter how much force these experimental subjects use, they cannot forcefully break through here.

We are trapped here, what should we do? If we continue like this, we will be caught up by those monsters, and we can't defeat them, and now we have no place to escape. What on earth are we going to do now?

Fu Dong's words stuck in his heart. Everyone was thinking the same thing now. Everyone had only one thought. Fu Dong looked at Jiang Yu like this.

But she has no way now. If there is no key here, there is no way to enter the central area from here.

Hearing that the people behind her were impatient, she decided to give it a try. She placed her palms on the door of the central area passage, and a response came from the door immediately.

Insufficient permissions to enter.

This notification sound made everyone's hearts tremble. Jiang Yu had no choice but to do so. She did not have enough authority to enter from here.

Fu Dong also tried it, but got the same response.

Insufficient permissions to enter.

Others also rushed up to try.

Insufficient permissions to enter.

Insufficient permissions to enter.

Insufficient permissions to enter.

The continuous beeps made them frustrated, but they had nowhere to go now, and the monsters in front of them were now completely attracted.

Even if they want to leave here now, they can't do it because there are so many of these monsters and their bodies are so huge.

Almost the entire passage has been blocked, making it impossible to pass through. And even if you want to pass through, you will definitely be blocked by these monsters.

At that time, I am afraid that no one will be able to withstand the opponent's attack, and if you are unlucky, it is not impossible to end up with the entire army annihilated.

These monsters were approaching, and at this critical moment, a huge sound suddenly came from the top of this layer, as if something was broken.

The entire floor and walls were shaking. After this huge noise, the ceiling suddenly collapsed and smoke filled the air.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, everyone could see clearly what had fallen from the top.

But what everyone present did not expect was that what fell was none other than the girl they had seen in the underground prison.

At this moment, the girl was sitting on the body of a huge monster, and behind her, sharp and hard metal tentacles pierced the monster's chest and head.

It also pierced the floor beneath the monster. It was obvious that it was the girl who destroyed the floor that caused such a situation.


Everyone else expressed surprise. Although they did not know the girl, they still witnessed the scene of the girl and Fu Dong fighting.

So they are still very familiar with the girl. The girl's appearance at this time is different from before. You must know that the girl just now is controlled by a mechanical chip in her brain.

But now she is the real her, the real Yuxue.

What's going on and why are you here?

Faced with Jiang Yu's question, Youxue did not give a corresponding answer. He just stood up from the monster in silence.

I pulled out the mechanical tentacles that were deeply embedded in the monster's body. The mechanical tentacles were soaked in the monster's blood.

He waved his tentacles vigorously, wiping away the blood on them, and then walked towards the crowd silently.

The monster she killed was the monster chasing Jiang Yu and others. These monsters were very powerful, but Yuxue was able to kill them, which showed its power.

Wherever he went, the experimental subjects all gave in, and no one even dared to confront Yuxue, allowing him to kill these terrifying monsters. However, when the experimental subjects encountered these monsters, they could only retreat.

Therefore, Yuxue is a more terrifying existence than a monster. Naturally, these experimental subjects do not dare to approach easily for fear of being hurt. No matter where he goes, the experimental subjects will make way for him.

He walked straight to the door of the central area passage. His hands were covered with the monster's blood, and he put his blood-stained hand on the door of the passage.

In everyone's surprised eyes, the door to the central passage suddenly opened, and a very cold mechanical prompt sounded.

Level 10 authority, consistent with central area usage rights.


You actually passed the permission review, and it's still level ten?

It's incredible.

Facing the surprised expressions of Fu Dong, Jiang Yu and others, You Xue walked past them very indifferently, without even looking back at them.

But this is not an insignificant matter. After Yuxue entered, others followed her footsteps and entered the central area.

The moment Yuxue stepped into the central area, all the lights in the central area lit up, all lighting systems started operating, and other functions were activated.

The central area will automatically open the modules corresponding to the permissions based on the user's permissions, and the highest permissions in the central area are only level nine. There are not many people who know about this, and Jiang Yu is one of them.

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