Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 306 Decisive Battle (Part 1)

In fact, when the commander heard the girl say that these machines had attacked them, he felt a little disappointed, because in the eyes of these experimental subjects.

The man who came to save them was once one of the researchers who persecuted and harmed them.

So the commander was afraid that they wouldn't accept him, but apparently he didn't know that.

Even if these experimental subjects have been in a coma, they can know everything he has done.

What he was thinking now was written on his face, and all this was sensed by the girl. The girl did not speak, and the current situation did not allow them to chat.

They must do everything possible to stop these zombies, although these zombies are not strong enough and it is very simple for these experimental subjects to kill these zombies.

But what is helpless is that there are too many zombies, even if each of them can kill a large number of zombies.

But now these zombies are almost surrounding everything from here to the central area.

So the current situation is very difficult, that's why they keep those robots in their hearts. After all, the power of those robots is obvious to all.

These robots are very powerful, and they carry very powerful firepower.

If these robots can be dispatched, these zombies will not be a problem at all for them.

But the most difficult thing now is that if you want to control these robots, you must pass through the place with the most zombies from here, and the danger is greater than imagined.

But if the commander is alone now, then I am afraid it will be difficult for him to escape from here even if he has wings, but it is different now.

Because each of these experimental subjects has a very strong fighting power, and they are all gathered together by the girl now.

Being very united, they will definitely be able to break through the predicament from here, but the most important thing now is how to get out of here.

Although the number of zombies is very terrifying, if you can leave from here, the number of zombies will be even greater than it is now.

As long as you can leave from here, the corridor is very spacious. If you are fighting in a small space, it will be a particularly unfavorable situation for these mourning subjects.

Do you have anything important to pack? If you have anything to pack, hurry up now. We can still carry it for a while.

But these zombies will attack soon. Even if we come together, there will be no way to protect you.

Yes, wait for me to get something, which is the key to the research institute. If you want to go to the middle area now, there are no operating facilities there.

The power there has now been cut off. If you want to use those robots, you must use the weapon in your hand to forcefully open the door so that you can enter inside.

It's really troublesome, so hurry up.

Brothers and sisters, please hold on to me now. Once the commander gets the key, don't conserve your combat power. Kill these zombies quickly and leave from here.

Remember, none of you should conserve your strength. This is an important moment of life and death. Every small detail may affect the success or failure of this battle.

So don’t have any reservations, and greet these zombies with your strongest attitude. Do you all understand, experimental subjects?


The researchers all nodded. After all, everyone can see the current danger level, and they all know that if they don't use their strongest combat power, it will be difficult to escape from here.

The commander picked up the key from the ground. At this moment, a zombie walked towards him. This zombie had sharp fangs and a cold light shining on its sharp nails.

This zombie suddenly appeared from the side and came to the commander, wanting to turn him into his own food, but he obviously still underestimated the commander.

Although he is now old, his body bones are still very flexible. The commander has quick eyes and quick hands. He turned sideways to avoid the sharp fangs of the attacking zombies.

Obviously, the zombie in front of it did not expect that the leader could avoid its bite, so it froze in place for a while, just for this moment of hesitation.

The girl's attacks were already coming one after another. The mechanical arm behind her still had uncondensed zombie blood on it, so she just turned her head lightly.

He found a zombie rushing towards him, and the distance between the zombie and the leader was already very close.

Just when she thought the leader could no longer be saved, the leader evaded the zombie attack with great dexterity.

So the girl's mechanical arm shot over immediately. Without any hesitation, the mechanical arm behind her smashed the zombie's head into pieces.

The zombie immediately lay on the ground, unable to move at all, let alone trying to attack the leader. Such a thing was even more impossible.

Once the zombie's head is smashed, he loses his life and naturally has no way to attack the leader.

Before the leader had time to rejoice in his narrow escape, a large number of zombies immediately appeared, just like this zombie, who suddenly appeared from nowhere.

It's like it appeared out of thin air, which is very unbelievable.

At this moment, the girl suddenly noticed something was wrong in a room in front of her. The door of that room was wide open, and a large number of zombies kept appearing from inside.

After the girl found out about this, she immediately reported what she found to the surrounding experimental subjects.

Seeing that there is no room in front, it is because of that room that there are so many zombies as there are now. If we can kill all the zombies in that room.

Or if we close the door of that room firmly, the number of zombies here may be greatly reduced. By then, the pressure on us will also be reduced, and our chances of escaping from here will be greater. Big.

Do you all understand? Our first priority now is to leave from here. As long as we can leave from here, our chances of escaping from here will be greatly increased.

I also know you. Even if you have strong fighting ability, it is obvious that this very narrow area limits your performance. But now I hope you can be patient.

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