Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 305 Unbelievable

The commander looked in disbelief. He didn't expect this wet girl to be so powerful. The spikes on the pairs of tentacles behind her were very sharp.

Almost all the zombies can be killed by just swinging it. Several spikes pierce the whole body of the zombies, and black blood flows down the ends of the spikes.

Drop after drop of blood was left on the ground. These large amounts of blood gathered together and finally formed a very large pool of blood.

The blood in the bodies of these zombies has been contaminated by the zombie virus, and the blood does not flow in the body, so it becomes very black.

After flowing out of the body, it solidified immediately. The leader was out of danger, and he immediately escaped from the place surrounded by zombies.

The girl did not look at him, but concentrated on controlling her tentacles, and then spoke to the commander.

Give me your clothes, and also, wake up these unconscious experimental subjects, and let's fight out of here together.

I will take you to the central area, wake up the robots that were used to drive us away, and then we will escape from here together.

The commander nodded and immediately took off his clothes. The girl's clothes were just enough to hide her exposed body again.

As he concentrated on fighting, his combat effectiveness skyrocketed. Those controlled tentacles were like the most powerful weapons, killing all the zombies in front of him.

Because the mutants broke the alloy door, their smells were smelled by these zombies with extremely powerful sense of smell.

Not only the zombies in this area, but also the zombies in the entire institute were quickly rushing away from their original habitat. These zombies smelled the smell.

Completely crazy, they headed here crazily from where they originally lived. It was because there was a human presence here that they attacked with all their lives.

Of course, the leader didn't know about such a thing, but the girl had already sensed it. She showed a very embarrassed expression and clicked her tongue in displeasure.

Although these experimental subjects have spent the rest of their lives in the institute since birth, they are like normal humans. They can cry, laugh, get angry, and be happy.

I will do my best for the people and things I care about.

At this time, all the attacking zombies were blocked by the girl with her tentacles.

Hurry up, I can't hold on much longer.

The girl was obviously impatient, and he was very anxious. After all, she felt that these zombies were rushing here like the tide at high tide.

If all the zombies here attack, they won't be able to escape from here even if they get wings.

Only the last three are left, they will be opened soon.

Okay, hurry up. All the zombies in the research institute are rushing towards here. If all these zombies come over, then our evacuation road will be completely blocked. By then, even if it's me, I can’t protect you either.”

Everything has been turned on!

At this time, the commander's voice suddenly rang out. While controlling her tentacles, the girl established a spiritual link with these research entities.

Their brains all have chips from the institute, which are forcibly implanted by researchers. These chips can directly control the cerebral cortex.

Controlling the brain through tiny electrical currents, allowing them to do things they don't want to do.

At this moment, not only the researchers can control these chips, but the girl with tentacles on her back can also give them orders through the chip in her brain.

Force them to protect this place, force them to fight.

But the commander didn't know about this. If the commander knew, he would definitely not let these experimental subjects fight, because he is a very humane person.

But the current situation is very dangerous. If these experimental subjects cannot unite and try their best, then I am afraid that no one will be able to escape safely from here.

Moreover, there is one of their kind in this group of zombies. Before he was infected by the zombie virus, he was also an experimental subject, but because of being injected with the zombie virus.

Although he still retains his consciousness, his body has been assimilated by the zombies. He is no longer a human being, but a zombie, from the inside out.

The only difference from zombies is that her body can recover on its own, but if a zombie's body is injured, it will be irreversible damage.

When all the muscles and bones in the body are damaged, they will no longer be able to move, and similarly they will no longer be able to eat.

But some powerful zombies are like mutants, with the ability to repair physical damage on their own, but these zombies have become so powerful by devouring a large amount of human flesh and blood and similar species.

So even in a city, there are not that many such powerful high-level zombies.

And high-level zombies like Tan Dong who combine zombies and humans are even more unique, so as soon as these zombies appear, they will immediately attract a large number of zombies.

Moreover, they have a king-like aura in their movements, and they can command other small zombies and ordinary zombies.

In the eyes of ordinary zombies, they exist like gods. If they can think, they will definitely have such thoughts.

But this is not the case, because these ordinary zombies are just succumbing to their hearts and eating. They do not have any thinking ability at all, and the reason why they obey the orders of these zombies is.

That's because there is something deeper in the zombie virus, which even those researchers cannot figure out.

But a very important point is that there are not many such powerful high-level zombies, because it is very rare for zombies to evolve.

Not to mention evolving into high-level zombies, this is very difficult and very difficult to achieve.

But once such zombies appear, the surrounding zombies will definitely gather towards those high-level zombies because of their level.

This creates a scene where these high-level zombies are ordering these ordinary zombies. Once these high-level zombies appear, it will inevitably cause a bloody storm.

The surrounding ordinary zombies will naturally be attracted by the level of attraction, forming an extremely large zombie wave.

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