Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 307 Decisive Battle (Part 2)

Because once you can get out from here, the place outside is very spacious, and it will definitely not show that you are using all your strength, so there is only one thing you need to do now.

Then you must be patient and kill these zombies patiently. Although these zombies are not dangerous to you, and we can recover even if they are bitten.

But the most troublesome thing about zombies is not their teeth and sharp claws. The most dangerous thing about them, and the thing that does the most damage to us, is them.

The zombie viruses flowing in their blood are like venom to us, so you must pay attention to the distance between you and the zombies when fighting these viruses.

If the distance is too close, we have to move away quickly, because once we are infected with the zombie virus, although our powerful bodies will not let us die immediately and turn into these zombies that drink blood,

But if we are infected, it will be very difficult for the body to repair itself, let alone in this state, so you must pay attention to the distance between you and zombies when fighting.

If you are infected, there is only one way to die here, so every time you interact with anyone, you must take it extremely seriously and take it seriously.

Don't run around like a headless fly, otherwise even gods can't save you.

Do you understand? Although this is a little hard to believe for you, because usually we can recover immediately even if we are seriously injured.

But this comes from genes, from attacks on cells. When they repair,

We will be at a very weak level, and if you have to face these massive zombies at that time, there will be no possibility of survival.


Although the experimental subjects could not imagine what it would be like to be infected, they had just woken up from a coma and did not want to experience the pain of being infected by a zombie virus.

Such pain is something that these experimental subjects cannot withstand in any case.

However, they still noticed the mutated experimental subject not far away. He was from the same batch of experimental subjects like them, but he woke up earlier.

He woke up when the apocalypse broke out, so that he encountered those powerful zombies, and at the beginning they didn't realize how powerful these zombies were.

Even his skin couldn't be bitten, but when these zombies really hurt him, he knew how powerful these zombies were. What made these zombies powerful was not their claws and sharp teeth.

It was the very sharp zombie viruses that resided in his body. These zombie viruses bombarded his body and transformed his body into the same state as a zombie.

Only then did he understand why these fragile zombies could kill all humans in such a short period of time, because their strength was not just physical.

Their power comes from the highly infectious zombie viruses in their blood.

It is these zombie viruses that are so ferocious that they can turn all infected creatures into one of them, whether they are humans or animals, even those inanimate plants.

These plants can also be infected by zombie viruses, turning them into aggressive and contagious plants.

However, these trees will not come to life easily. After all, it is very difficult to make inanimate things conscious.

But for these zombies, it seems that these things are not impossible.

Only awakened ones like Tan Xia can control these mutated trees and plants, but half-type awakened ones like Tan Xia and Tan Dong are still very few even if we look at the entire human base. .

Only they can give life to these inanimate things and give them powerful fighting capabilities.

The current situation is not optimistic. Although these awakened ones are very powerful, the number of these zombies is too much. After hearing what the girl said,

The other experimental subjects also nodded. Some of these awakened ones with long-range attack capabilities used their own power to kill the zombies that appeared from the room.

Help me, help me stop them, I will kill all the zombies in that room, and then seal the door of the room.

Okay, don't worry, we will protect your back.

These are very united, and they are indestructible as they hug each other tightly at this time. Nothing can stop them, not even these huge numbers of zombies.

After the man finished speaking, long barrels actually grew out of their arms, and cannonballs with terrifying calibers were shot out from them. The power of the explosion of these large-caliber cannonballs was also extremely powerful.

Almost all the zombies located near the explosion site were blasted to pieces, and those at the center of the explosion were directly bombed into pieces.

The mutilated body tissue was shot out together with the bomb fragments, leaving blood-red traces on the walls, floor and ceiling.

Even the bodies of these zombies far away from the center of the explosion were damaged to varying degrees, and the shells seemed to have a psychologically suppressive effect.

The zombies attacked by the shock wave actually stopped their movements immediately. The zombies in that area seemed to be pressed to pause, and there was no movement immediately.

But they did not die, they just stopped moving, because the shells contained substances that could reduce the activity of the virus in the cells.

So these zombies are not not moving now, they are moving, but it is just because the speed is too slow, so slow that they cannot be seen clearly with the naked eye.

But zombies cannot continue in this situation forever, they can only last for a short period of time, as long as these zombies can be stopped.

Even if it only takes a second, these experimental subjects can get out of trouble.

Well done.

The girl clapped her hands vigorously. It was obvious that she was very satisfied with the result of the boy's battle. Although such shells were very powerful.

However, it must be recharged after each use, and the recharging time is very long, so this is like a skill with a very long CD. After use, it will immediately enter a cooling state and cannot be used again. One time use.

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