These zombies do not feel hungry or full. In other words, the reason why they are attracted to human flesh and blood is because the virus needs to be under human weight to survive.

That's why they crave human bodies crazily, which can explain why these zombies have evolved, because although these viruses can make the host more powerful at the genetic level.

But they have to consume energy as the price of becoming stronger, so these zombies will start a crazy hunt for the originally small number of zombies under the influence of the virus.

The virus controls the resurrection of the dead body through the brain, so this is why if you want to completely kill zombies, you must completely destroy their brains.

Because if these guys don't destroy their brains, even if their whole bodies are damaged and lost, they will already use the only remaining heads to bite humans.

Therefore, if you want to effectively kill them, you can only completely destroy their brains.

Otherwise, even if they are seriously injured, it will be as if nothing is wrong, and they will not feel pain.

Therefore, they will not stop their desire until the body is completely destroyed or naturally decays.

And now the commander closed his eyes as if he had resigned himself to his fate, because at this moment he was surrounded by these huge numbers of zombies.

The sharp teeth and sharp claws of these zombies glow under the light of the research institute. They rely on these weapons to spread the zombie virus among humans.

At this moment, the commander was surrounded by these zombies. The zombies' deadly teeth and sharp claws were facing him, and the distance between the two sides was very close.

As long as the zombies take one step forward, they can pierce their virus-laden teeth and claws into the leader's skin.

Then he turned him into one of his own. With such a huge number of zombies, he would probably have no bones left.

However, he has an indifferent attitude towards the fact that he will die here, but what he is most worried about now is these experimental subjects.

He didn't know that these experimental subjects had regained their strength at this moment, and he completely regarded these research subjects as weapons.

Rather, treat them as human beings, living people.

The commander who closed his eyes at this moment couldn't let go of these unarmed research subjects the most, but at this moment there was no other way.

Because these zombies have surrounded everyone here. Although there are very powerful robots in the research institute, they have not been used for too long.

These combat robots have entered a dormant state. If you want to use them again, you must cross a dangerous area full of zombies from here.

Then go to the central floor to get the key, and finally go to the central control room to wake up all the dormant machines in the institute.

After that, you only need to control these robots to annihilate all the zombies in the entire institute, but just going to the central floor to get the key is already a very impossible task.

Not to mention having to carry the key across dangerous and difficult danger zones, and then go to the central control room to turn on these dormant devices.

So no matter how he thought about it, it was absolutely impossible to accomplish it, because the danger contained in it was more difficult than imagined, so the commander simply gave up on the matter.

After all, this was something that was simply impossible to accomplish, so he simply gave up hope of living.

Because although there is a way to survive, this method is simply impossible to achieve, so it is still a dead end.

A zombie was very close to the commander, and the commander was about to be turned into a zombie. At this moment, the largest glass jar freezer suddenly made a loud noise.

A huge breaking sound was accompanied by the sound of internal nutrient solution overflowing.

The girl used the mechanical arm behind her to destroy the glass jar that trapped her. The girl's long wet hair stuck to her graceful body, and her whole body was covered with very smooth nutrient solution.

Because her whole body was soaked in the nutrient solution, the girl immediately began to cough non-stop after leaving the nutrient solution. Along with the bursts of coughing, the girl couldn't straighten up.

But even so, she is still controlling the mechanical arm behind her. The mechanical arm can extend and carries very powerful power.

Under this power, the zombie's body appears a little small and fragile. The originally hard skull of a human is as fragile as tofu under the hard mechanical arm.

But even so, these zombies didn't look scared at all, or they didn't know the emotion of fear at all, because they were controlled by zombies and didn't know what fear was.

So even if there is a huge gap in strength between them and their opponent, they are like brave men who are not afraid of hardships, swimming upstream and never backing down.

But for humans, this is not a good quality worthy of praise. For humans, the more powerful these zombies are, the slimmer the chances of humans surviving.

Although the commander closed his eyes at this time, he did not feel any pain from his body. After a while, he still did not feel any pain.

So he opened his eyes, and what he saw were several tentacles emitting metallic luster, which penetrated the bodies of the zombies in front of him.

They originally wanted to attack the commander, but they stretched their necks and straightened their arms, but even so, they did not touch even the hem of his clothes.

Just when they were about to swallow flesh and blood, the tentacles on the girl's back pierced their bodies, and they were skewered on the tentacles like mutton skewers.

Unable to move at all, some zombies were only stabbed in the chest, but their brains were not completely destroyed and they still had the ability to attack.

They still stretched out their arms, but the girl would not let them succeed.

I saw these very hard tentacles suddenly extending, and at the same time very sharp spikes grew on them. These spikes pierced the zombie's entire body.

These spikes penetrated the zombie's brain, destroying the brain that controlled the entire body. The zombie immediately stopped struggling like a doll with its battery unplugged, and the commander was immediately out of danger.

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