Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 303 Powerful Mutant

He possesses human intelligence. After being bitten by a zombie, he also turned into a zombie, but he did not lose control of his body.

His spirit still existed, and he could control his body perfectly. After he turned into a zombie, he killed all the zombies with high levels in the zombie group.

Then he directly devoured their corpses and turned them into his own food, and the power was accumulated.

He became the leader of the entire zombies, but not the leader of the zombies in the entire institute, but the master of this area.

But as long as he destroys the iron gate in front of him, it is only a matter of time before he becomes the leader of all the zombies in the research institute.

At this moment, he was holding a weapon made by himself. The weapon had a long handle. The long handle was made of a very huge metal pipe.

It is very hard and has extremely strong toughness, and there is a hard ax blade tied to the top of this metal pipe, with traces of smelting on it.

So it was obvious that the ax blade was made by himself, and the ax blade exuded a silver-white light that was harder than the alloy wall.

It was obviously a more advanced alloy. At this moment, the metal ax was being controlled by him with both hands. It carried a huge force of thousands of pounds and hit the metal door in front of him desperately, making a huge roar.

It seems that it won't be long before the zombie mutants are able to break through the predicament from here. By then, these zombies will be rampaging through the research institute under his leadership.

The headquarters is not worried about his own safety, but is very worried about how these newly awakened experimental subjects will be able to resist this zombie army when these zombies rush into the safe zone.

The commander is not worried about whether he can survive the attack of this horde of corpses. He is more worried about these experimental subjects than his own safety. After all, all his energy is now focused on these experimental subjects.

Compared to myself, who has half of her foot buried in the coffin, these research entities naturally have a better future.

So even if he had to use his life to protect these research objects, he would dedicate his life to it.

But she forgot one thing, that is, although these researchers had just woken up, their intake of nutrients had not stopped while they were in the health warehouse.

Moreover, those bodies that have become somewhat decayed due to long periods of inactivity are also recovering rapidly.

Therefore, for these research subjects, there is no big problem if they lie in the microbiological warehouse for another ten or eight years, because no matter how long they sleep, as long as they can wake up, their bodies will not Any problems occur.

For them, no matter how long they are unconscious, as long as they wake up, they can fight, and for them, fighting is their destiny.

They have been created to study and fight, so they have regarded fighting as a part of their survival. As long as they live for one day, they must undergo various experiments.

Even if they don't want to fight, the researchers will control the chips in their brains to force them to fight, thereby obtaining their most important research data.

But the commander is different from ordinary researchers. He treats these experimental subjects as his own family.

Treat them very carefully as if they were valuables.

That's why they can still rely on the microbiological warehouse to survive now that all the researchers have turned into zombies or died. That's because the commander often comes here to check on their status.

And carefully helped them adjust the concentrations and numbers of various microbial substances. It can be said that if it were not for the commander, these experimental subjects would not be alive today.

And even if they were unconscious all the time, they could still feel the commander's care for them. They all kept this kindness in their hearts and could not forget it for a long time.

Now that they had woken up, it was time to repay the favor, but the commander obviously didn't know what they were thinking, but he was very worried at this time.

Because now the alloy door has made a loud rumbling sound, and there are several cracks on the door.

Although the alloy door is very hard, it is obviously not as hard as the huge ax in the mutant's hand.

The giant ax is very hard, even harder than any weapon in a technologically advanced research institute, even though this is a place where research bodies with powerful genes are created.

However, riots often occur in these experimental halls, so robots and weapons specially designed to deal with such things are placed in the acting studio.

And while the research is ongoing, there are still many soldiers guarding here, in order to protect the lives of these researchers, after all, compared to these experimental subjects who can continue to cultivate research even if they die.

Obviously, these researchers are more important. As the saying goes, horses with a thousand miles of horses often exist but Bole does not always exist.

Therefore, in order to resist the riots of these experimental subjects, there are many machines used for fighting. These machines are also the crystallization of the technology in the base.

These machines can be controlled through terminals, but these terminals are usually closed, so now if the commander wants to use the terminal to control these robots.

You have to go to the place where the central controller is located in the institute and manually turn on all these instruments.

The commander has obviously thought of this method now, but now it is too late, because these zombies are very brave and powerful under the leadership of the mutants.

The mutant used the ax in his hand to use the extremely hard ax to destroy the entire large iron door made of alloy. In this way, the hard alloy door was like a very fragile paper in front of the axe.

There was hardly any time to stop the mutants. These zombies came fiercely and rushed towards the undead.

A very vast army of zombies came to attack the commander with their empty bellies, wanting to use him as their own food to fill their already empty bellies.

Someone once studied why these zombies still want to eat even if they are dead, and why they still have such a strong desire for flesh and blood. Finally, they came up with a result.

The result was quite astonishing, and shocked countless scholars and other people at the time: these zombies did not feel hunger or satiety.

They are all like this because of the zombie virus in their brains.

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