Hurry up and buy it for me now!

I want it now!

Yu Qi said in a tone that could not be refused. Qiu Nan could not refuse. After all, she still had something to hold on to, so she could only sigh and show a helpless expression.

After all, she didn't want this recording to be discovered by Team Han and discover her feelings for him. If it was discovered, she wouldn't know how to face Team Han in the future.

So no matter what, the Korean team couldn't hear it, but fortunately, Yu Qi's mouth could be blocked with food, so it was safe for a while.

She was too lazy to think about what would happen next, and even if she thought about it, it would be of no use and would not change anything.

The most important thing right now is nothing else, but how to complete the mission of the Nantian Base.

And after completing this task, there are still many tasks that she needs to handle properly, so the current situation is not optimistic.

Fortunately, Yu Qi has completed the task in advance, so she can help the Korean team complete some tasks. She used to be a very powerful killer.

Of course it is the same now. At that time, she had no emotions and was a machine that only knew how to kill.

But it's different now. She feels happy under the gentle treatment of the Korean team, so she is different now from before.

But since she has been facing killings for as long as she can remember, if she had to choose between the perpetrator and the victim, no matter who she was, she would probably choose the former.

Of course, the same goes for Yu Qi. She naturally chose the latter, so until now, her skills and memories as a killer have always existed.

These things have long been engraved into her soul, making it impossible for her to forget them. At the beginning, she often had nightmares, dreaming that those who were killed were coming to take her life.

But not anymore. She hasn't had a dream for a long time, so Team Han doesn't want Yu Qi to bear too many things as long as she is still under his command.

The tasks assigned to her should be very simple tasks as much as possible, trying to get her away from the killing as much as possible.

But Yu Qi herself is not opposed to fighting. Until now, the most she has done is killing, and then sleeping, so that she can have more energy to fight.

So her character is not as fragile as Team Han thinks, and it's quite the opposite. ,

Not only does he not resist these things, but on the contrary, she longs to fight. Only when fighting can she feel her true self.

She likes the feeling of using weapons to control other people's lives, because this feeling can make her clearly feel that she is still alive.

So fighting is not a burden to her, she is very eager to fight.

This time in the Nantian base, she was already trying her best to restrain herself. Although she experienced some battles, she did not kill the opponent because she was afraid of trouble.

For a killer, she will not accept a mission that cannot kill the enemy, because such a mission is an insult to a killer.

But she will accept the tasks given to her by the Korean team, and then complete the tasks seriously. She likes when the Korean team praises her, and she wants to stay in that moment forever.

But she is still very eager to fight now, because fighting is her destination, so she did not choose to leave here after meeting Qiunan.

But I want to continue to follow Qiu Nan, complete the mission with her, kill the enemy together, and then experience the battle together and feel the power from the blood.

Qiunan is an awakened person. An awakened person enters the sea of ​​consciousness when he is about to die, where he can pursue his own origin, generate new power from the origin, and finally integrate into his bloodline.

You will master very powerful powers, all of which are determined by your own bloodline. The strength of your power is directly related to the strength of your bloodline.

In some places, the strong are respected, which is to test the power of the bloodline. The stronger the power in the bloodline, the stronger the awakened person will be. Some people only have a meager strength in the bloodline.

So they rely on technology and genetic drugs to make their bodies stronger. Using genetic drugs can only strengthen their own qualities.

Although it can also obtain very powerful power, the power obtained by using genes is very simple, so there are mutants who strengthen themselves by annexing the genes of other creatures.

These mutants have a lot of genes mixed in their own genes, although these people still remain human.

But at the genetic level, they can no longer be called a complete human being, so they are named mutants.

As the saying goes, people cannot be judged by appearance, and sea water cannot be measured. Although these people all have mixed gene chains in their genes, these people are all strong without exception.

These people pursued great power, and in the end even gave up being human. They merged their bodies with those powerful species and transformed their bodies.

Some people have their bodies made of machinery, some people have eagle eyes installed on their bodies, and their bodies are armed with shark teeth.

These people have given up on being a human being in pursuit of power, but the results are very obvious. These people have really gained great power through this.

But things must turn against each other at the extreme. The more substances mixed in the blood, the weaker the genetic chain of human beings will be. The end of mutants is the complete collapse of the body frame.

Turning into very terrifying monsters, their bodies will be swallowed up by the mixed genes in their blood, and eventually they will become extremely huge and very powerful.

Although their consciousness still exists, they can no longer control themselves. They are like crazy demons who will attack all enemies around them indiscriminately. No matter what they are, they can't escape their attack.

Such a monster once appeared in the base of District 12. In the end, no one in that base was spared. Everyone was killed and devoured, including the buildings in that base.

Brick by brick, everything turned into food for the monsters. As long as they could eat, they grew bigger and stronger. Finally, a huge number of warriors were dispatched to all the stable areas.

Having just killed this monster, the people in District 12 still have lingering fears.

District 12 is such a chaotic place, but there are many strong people in District 12 because they can't stand the low-level people in the inner city.

That’s why I have always stayed in District 12, where the strong are respected. In District 12, no matter what you do, you will be allowed. It is such a place, and the residents here are no less than any other district. .

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