Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 294 Fuzzy feelings

Qiu Min's motorcycle was impounded because the rules of the third district prohibit bringing outside things into the inner city, even transportation is not allowed.

So she had no choice but to move forward on foot, looking at the scenery in the third district while looking for those taxis.

How's it going, Qiunan, is the entry into the city going smoothly?

At this moment, Team Han's voice suddenly appeared in Qiu Nan's headset.

He was obviously worried about Qiu Nan, but Qiu Nan could hear the fatigue in his tone. The long hours of work had made Team Han a little exhausted mentally and physically.

It's time for you to rest. Leave any work to Nan Ming and Nan Ling. They can also help you share some of the work.

Qiunan provided advice to Team Han, but the latter just smiled after hearing it.

I'm already resting, but I can't worry about you, so I haven't been able to sleep.

Team Han's tone was very tired, but still very gentle, which made Qiu Nan feel warm in her heart. A smile filled her mouth, but she still pretended to be angry.

He said angrily: It's not my first time on a mission in the inner city. Why do you act like an elderly man?

Okay, you go and have a rest. I will contact you at any time if anything happens.

Qiu Nan raised the corners of her mouth, showing a happy smile, and finally added: Have a good rest, pay attention to your health, and wait until I get back.

But before he finished speaking, Captain Han's snoring sounded in the headset. Qiunan felt warm in her heart and carefully turned off the headset for fear of disturbing his rest.

She originally wanted to stay in the inner city for a while, but after all, she didn't know when she would be able to come out this time.

But in the current situation, it is obvious that she cannot run around as she pleases, because there is another person in the office that she is very worried about.

Sure enough, it feels good to have someone caring about you!

Qiunan couldn't help but sigh, but suddenly her eyes became very sharp. She took out the gun from her waist and pointed it at her side.

You are still as sharp as ever, Xiao Qiunan.

The person who suddenly appeared behind Qiu Nu was none other than Yu Qi, who had come to Nantian Base to complete a mission. At this time, she appeared out of nowhere and stood behind her.

Aren't you still in Nantian Base? Why did you escape?

I have explored the entire base many times and found an underground entrance. It is most likely the entrance to the research institute.

But even with my skills, I couldn't crack that door in a short time, so I came out directly.

Team Han also agreed, and he asked me to pick you up in the inner city.

A blush immediately appeared on Qiu Nan's face, and she said coquettishly: This guy is really nosy.

Are you two flirting again?

Who, who is flirting...



I'm not envious!

Hey, you've already said what you said, just think about it in your heart and don't say it out again.

Besides, Team Han is mine, and I won't allow you to monopolize him.

Yo yo yo~

Yu Qi showed a very cunning smile, and she suddenly stretched out her hands hidden in her sleeves.

I saw a small thing like a marble placed in the palm of my left hand. This thing was so small that most people couldn't find it at all.

Then Yu Qi gently pressed the ball, and the ball suddenly made a very clean and clear sound.

Team Han is mine, you are not allowed to monopolize him.

What Qiu Nu said just now was actually recorded by this Yu Qi. Now she only needs to press the ball and the sound she just heard will be played again immediately.


Qiunan screamed as if her tail had been stepped on. She pointed at the ball in Yu Qi's hand in disbelief, and her face was as red as a ripe apple.

You're actually recording, you're so abominable!

Qiu Nu rushed to Yu Qi, trying to snatch the ball in her hand.

But how could Yu Qi let her grab it so easily? This was something that could threaten Qiu Nan, and she was still thinking about how to use this recording to cause harm.

Give it to me quickly!

Yu Qi was very fast and immediately ran far away from Qiunan's eyes. No matter how much the latter chased her, he could not touch her at all, not even his clothes.

It's time for you to fulfill what you promised me!

Yu Qi held the small ball between her slender fingers and kept waving it in front of Qiu Nu. The latter looked very embarrassed when she wanted to snatch it but couldn't, which made her laugh frequently.

whats the matter?

When did I promise you?

Qiunan was very confused. Now she just wanted to snatch the little ball and delete the recording sealed inside.

Qiunan's skills are very fierce, and coupled with the relationship between being an awakened person, she is a very powerful existence, but she just can't beat Yu Qi, who is an ordinary person.

Qiunan once asked her if you were an awakened person or an evolved person.

The latter all answered no. Yu Qi at that time was not as cunning as she is now. At that time, she was a facial paralysis, literally, no matter what she said.

She always has that expression, but only in front of Captain Han will she show her true heart, unfold her heart in front of him, and smile at him.

At that time, Qiunan didn't care. She thought it was normal for Yu Qi to rely on the Korean team.

But she didn't know at the time that her connivance would leave an enemy for herself in the future, and the other party would even compete with her to steal the Korean team.

Qiunan herself is not sure what her feelings for Han Du are, but Yu Qi is the same.

Captain Han even dotes on her as his own daughter and dotes on her very much, but no one knows whether this kind of love is mixed with special feelings.

Although both of them have feelings for Team Han, no one knows what their feelings are, but I am afraid no one can allow the person they care about most to be taken away.

Qiunan used to be very cold, but Captain Han, who was like a fool, was considerate of her in every possible way, and she became what she is now.

In the beginning, Yu Qi was a girl with nothing, even ignoring everything. It was Captain Han's careful care that allowed her to find her true self like she is now.

Therefore, both sides made no concessions at all on this matter. They each had their own reasons and fought hard based on their reasons.

But obviously for Yu Qi, although the Korean team is extremely important, he is still not as important as the strawberry cake in the container in the pastry shop.

Strawberry Cake!

What strawberry cake?

You promise to buy me strawberry cake if I can leave Nantian Base safely!

Speaking of strawberry cake, Yu Qi's eyes lit up.

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