At the gate of District 12, the scavengers who had completed their tasks were sitting together chatting, and the content of their chat was naturally about the latest tasks.

Why are there so many tasks lately?

That is to say, but fortunately there are so many tasks recently, otherwise I wouldn't be able to earn so much food.

Yes. Fortunately, we have a lot of work recently, so our family is not hungry.

Where do you think there are so many missions recently?

As far as I know, it seems that a large group of zombies suddenly gathered at the nearest Nancheng Oil Refinery. These zombies seem to have ideas about the oil refinery.

And you also know that this refinery is the economic lifeline of the entire Nancheng, and even now after the outbreak of the apocalypse, the resources stored there are enough to last our bases for several years.

And if he leaks because of these damn beasts, that's enough for us to drink from.

Wasting resources is not a serious problem. The most serious problem is that once a leak occurs in the refinery and fuel leaks out, once the fuel encounters an open flame,

Then it will explode. It seems that someone made a special calculation. If the Nancheng Oil Refinery explodes, the shock wave generated by the explosion alone will be enough to level our bases.

You are really the emperor who is not in a hurry, but the eunuchs are in a hurry. People from various bases must be discussing together to overcome this difficulty. After all, there are more people who care about their lives than us.

It's not our turn to mess around, so let's continue to make a lot of money recently.

Yes, yes, this brother is right.

These people are all talking about what has happened in the outside world recently. Although they are in District 12, they are also very concerned about other areas. After all, District 12 is not all bad people.

As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together, and what kind of people will live in the same room with what kind of people.

The people talking at the city gate are the most normal residents in District 12. Some of them are human evolvers and some are mutants, but these people with powerful power are still in the minority.

Most ordinary people, but these ordinary people, as long as they unite as one,

It can also erupt with considerable power, and it is these powers that allow such a weak human being to survive in a troubled world with so many monsters.

But it seems that the recent monsters have become stronger. Many people returned to the base and talked about this. They said that these monsters seem to be able to evolve like us, and they also have intelligence.

No, these monsters are powerful enough now. If they can still evolve, then we won't have to hunt them in the future. We will just wait to starve to death.

It's not that I'm fooling you. It's true. These guys are getting stronger and stronger.

Yes, yes, I have felt it recently. When I went hunting last time, the zombies I encountered were very fast. I originally wanted to walk around them.

Unexpectedly, these beasts seemed to be able to see me and chased me and attacked me. Fortunately, I am a speed evolver, otherwise I would have been doomed.

You are quite lucky. I met the same evolver last time. Like you, he is also a speed evolver.

But the monster was obviously faster than him. I watched him being caught up by the monster with my own eyes. The monster had a slender body and very sharp blades on its arms.

I watched with my own eyes as he was overtaken by zombies and died. Now I can hear and see the scalp-numbing tragedy just by closing my eyes.

Stop talking, I get scared when I hear it. It seems that our life is getting harder and harder day by day.

None of these scavengers sighed anymore, but life will continue to go on.

After all, if those zombies don't die, they will have no good life. As long as they live for one day, they must face those zombies.

Moreover, these people do not have the same connections as those in the inner city, so they can rely on the base to make a living.

But to put it bluntly, the operation of the base relies on scavengers like them who go out to hunt. It is they who bring back food and resources that can provide for the development of the base.

As the name suggests, scavengers go to uninhabited and dangerous areas to pick up garbage, and sometimes they can pick up good things.

But most of the time they are expired food or dirty clothes, but they will still take them back because now that materials cannot be regenerated,

No matter how old these things are, they can still be recycled and reused as long as they are dismantled.

Due to Qiu Nan’s rule that motorcycles cannot be parked or used in the inner city, the two of them are now hiking. Fortunately, the Nantian base is not located too far inside.

, so as long as you enter the inner city, you will be able to arrive at the gate of Nantian Base in a short time.

Yu Qi followed Qiu Nan. She was still wearing the black robe she had brought with her because she had just invaded the Nantian base not long ago and was still wandering in the third area.

, if the two of them are discovered, it will not end well.

So Yu Qi is trying her best to hide her face, even though she has never shown her face in the Nantian base, and no one has seen her face.

But even so, she still can't completely rest assured, because she has been a killer for many years and has a very keen sense of danger.

She vaguely felt that this mission was not that simple.

But she had no way to tell Qiunan, could it be possible to tell her that all this was her illusion? Even if she told such ridiculous things, not many people would believe it.

So she was just careful secretly. If anything happened, she would be able to make the most appropriate judgment immediately and take Qiunan away from here.

The two of them were walking on the streets of the inner city like this. Even though they were from the outer city, since they could enter here,

That shows that the two of them still have a certain level of strength, so no one pays much attention to them. People on the street are in a hurry, and they seem to have something important to do.

The Korean team in the office was staying in the weapons warehouse at this moment. He frowned and muttered: This guy just went to complete the mission of annihilating zombies. How could he use the weapons I had secretly hidden? Taken them all?”

It seems that these weapons should be placed in another place next time, otherwise she will find them again.

It seems that we still need to purchase a batch of weapons.

Team Han finally nodded vigorously as if he had decided something.

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