Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 288 Research Institution

This is a very wonderful place. The technologies here are machines that have never been seen by the outside world. The level of technology here cannot be compared with even those advanced research institutes before the end of the world.

All the technologies here are at the forefront of the world, but this is not a magical place. It is just a supply station that allows certain creatures to survive.

It is made of countless elements and has a large amount of reserve materials.

Such supplies can provide a base with food and drink for many years, and here, there are countless such institutions.

This place is even more advanced than Li Shiyi's research institute. It is a very large research institute, and the things studied are also things that no one has heard of.

But what is being studied here is genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is prohibited research, but obviously this research institute does not follow those rules.

Instead, a research institute was built here privately for the use of those researchers.

This institute was built before the end of the world, and half a century has passed now.

Scientists from all over the world are conducting research here, and this research is very secret.

The commander was walking in the research. At this moment, the research institute was empty. There was not a single researcher in sight, but the equipment here was still running day and night.

Even if there is no one around, the equipment here is still running.

This research institute is located very deep underground and is very difficult to find.

Even Yu Qi, a former professional killer, has not been able to find this place recently, which shows how difficult it is to find it.

Although this place is located underground, there is no shortage of sunlight or oxygen. This is all because of the very strong technological strength here. The sunlight here uses an artificial sun.

Oxygen uses liquid oxygen. Even if the entire base is overcrowded, the oxygen here will not be consumed completely, and the location of this research institute happens to be directly below the Nantian Base.

The interior here is full of advanced metals and some elements that are difficult to see from the outside, but there are so many of them here that they are simply countless.

A lot of money has been invested here, and it has very advanced technology, and this scientific research base is still operating even in the last days. Everything here is for a research content.

This is a plan, a global plan. There are many such bases all over the world, and the research content of these bases is also the same, which is human genetic engineering.

Because after research, it was discovered that there are many disordered sequences and some gene chains that have no effect in human genes. If these parts are removed.

And if you put the perfect genes of those creatures in nature into humans, then the most perfect humans will definitely be born.

As soon as this plan was launched, it was unanimously opposed by various researchers and scholars at home and abroad, because genetic engineering is something that has been banned by order, but they are still working on it.

This shows that if this technology is successful, it will be a big blow to all industries. The content of the research is to put those perfect genes of human animals and plants in humans.

If such research is immediately successful, it will definitely cause an uproar in the world.

This is also a research institute for genetic engineering research, but after the outbreak of the apocalypse, the all-pervasive zombie viruses did not escape even here.

Many researchers have been turned into zombies by zombie viruses. These researchers have been conducting research all their lives and they have no fighting ability.

So in front of these zombies, they can only be slaughtered.

Although it has been a long time since the apocalypse broke out, those zombies will have no problem living for another few decades even if they don't eat.

The commander sealed off all the modules that were severely invaded by zombies, and sealed off all the living zombies inside.

The zombies in important places were cleared away using all methods, and finally there was such a pure land.

The commander was walking in the metal aisles in these modules, holding a bunch of keys in his hand. This bunch of keys is the key to opening and closing all modules in the entire institute.

There is only one place he wants to go to now, and that is the most important location of the entire institute. It is also the place that the commander wants to protect even at the risk of everything.

Even if it costs the lives of everyone in the entire Nantian Base, we must protect this place.

He inserted the key into the steel door in front of him. The steel door made a loud sound, followed by a hiss and the sound of gas leaking.

The steel door was slowly opened. Perhaps due to its age and disrepair, the steel door stopped moving when it was only half open.

However, the gap was open enough for the commander to pass through. He took out the key again and got sideways into the steel door.

After that, the steel gate was closed, and the green light above was extinguished again, but there was a strange cave inside the gate.

It's very big here, but it seems like the construction hasn't been completed yet, with very thick wires exposed everywhere.

This is a life-sustaining module. There are many freezing chambers in it, including vertical transparent jars and some horizontal freezing chambers. The interior of these freezing chambers is filled with nutrient solution for life-sustaining.

But what is very surprising is that the freezers here are filled with teenagers and girls. They are the research products and test subjects, and the entire institute exists to protect them.

They are all sleeping now, but their pulses and breaths are still there. The vital signs of these boys and girls are still there, but they still haven't woken up.

But in fact, they should have woken up long ago, but because of the advent of doomsday, the last step of the awakening process was not carried out, so these experimental subjects are still in deep sleep.

But it won't take long for them to wake up, because they are now approaching maturity, and they will wake up as soon as the time comes, in this institute.

These experimental subjects are all children who were found in various orphanages before the end of the world. These boys and girls are all people who survived the experiment successfully.

And below this research institute, that is, below this life-sustaining module, there are all failed research products. They were all failures and were abandoned, abandoned at the bottom of this research institute.

It can be said that the entire research institute, even the Nantian Base above the research institute, was built to protect the research institute below.

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