Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 289 Experimental Subject

The commander showed a very loving look, and he gently caressed the countless freezer cabins, where young girls and boys were lying quietly.

There are countless tubes and various wires inserted into their bodies.

These tubes and wires have only one purpose, and that is to deliver the nutrients that these experimental subjects need for their survival.

And their physical status is monitored at all times to ensure that these experimental subjects can maintain a healthy state no matter when they wake up.

The commander just glanced at it and continued to walk forward. There was a very large transparent jar in front of him, with a girl soaking in it. The girl's body was naked.

Tangled in those tubes, although she closed her eyes tightly, her eyeballs wrapped in eyelids were still moving.

It seemed that she was dreaming. It was unclear what kind of dream it was, whether it was a sweet dream or a nightmare. The commander looked at the girl's body.

Her eyes were very fiery. The girl in front of her was the meaning of the existence of the entire research institute. She was the mother body and prototype of all the test subjects in the entire research institute.

In other words, all the test products here are her imitations.

But she didn't go through all the processes because of the outbreak of the doomsday, so although her body's functions are now perfect, she still hasn't woken up.

The girl was also part of this plan. Her body was fair, but there were several shocking wounds on her back, and wires could be clearly seen inside.

The girl is not a real human being, but part of her body belongs to humans, but most of her body has been replaced by machinery. She is the most successful experimental subject of genetic engineering.

There are countless giant arms with metal structures on the girl's back. These arms are connected through the sockets on the girl's back, and the girl's legs are not normal legs.

Instead, it was a pair of very sharp claws, which were wrapped in a large amount of flexible metal, allowing the girl's legs to move freely.

A large amount of skin on the girl's body was wrapped in metal. At this moment, the girl fell into a deep sleep. She had pink hair, blood-red nails, and slender fingers.

Moreover, the fingers are all made of metal, and most of the body is either replaced by metal or wrapped in metal. The entire person is a combination of the human body and machinery.

And it’s not just machines, although her whole body is machines,

But such a life could actually survive. Although her chest did not rise and fall, and she did not breathe, she did not wake up.

But the Commander had woken her up a long time ago, so she would definitely wake up.

But it's just a matter of time, but someone has recently been eyeing the institute, so this is why the commander is so anxious.

The girl in front of him is the meaning of the existence of the entire research institute, and it is also the meaning of the existence of the commander.

In order to develop experimental subjects like girls, a lot of manpower, resources and everything else were invested.

But in the end, all the hard work paid off, and the research plan has now been declared a success. It's just that the experimental subjects have not woken up, but they will wake up soon.

The girl in front of her is the meaning and value of the existence of the entire Nantian base and the entire research institute. The girl soaked in liquid in front of her is the most powerful crystallization of existing technology.

But it's very likely that she will have to fight after she appears, fighting against the zombies that have driven humanity to a dead end.

Obviously, the experimental girl who was researched with a lot of resources was of little use against these zombies, and the real meaning of the girl being researched was to see if she could adapt to the environment.

It is not an experimental subject that can only move around with a pipeline inserted in the microbiological warehouse of the research institute after being studied.

Instead, we need a research experiment subject who can act like a normal girl as long as she puts on clothes. This is the ultimate direction of this plan.

The purpose is to create a powerful fighting force, and now is the end of the world, when zombies are rampant, the girl will definitely be greeted by a bloody battle. Thinking of these commanders frowned.

Because girls have been studied since birth. Although they are physically adults, their mental ages are still the same as those of children.

Therefore, the girl in front of the commander is mentally a newborn baby who has not opened her eyes.

Although the memory had been copied and implanted in her brain chip before she woke up, she would face the end of the world as soon as she woke up.

The commander felt very heartbroken whenever he thought of this, but there was nothing he could do about it, because at this moment he had no choice but to do what he could do now.

Even if he tries his best to make sure that the girl is not discovered before she wakes up, she can successfully wake up from hibernation.

This is the commander's biggest wish now, but Yu Qi will not let him get his wish. She is wandering around here because this is the mission location.

It is also the place with the most missing surveillance cameras, so this is most likely the place where secrets are buried deepest.

The death order is very deep underground, so it is impossible for Yu Qi to find it, and the door here must be opened with a special key, so even if Yu Qi finds the entrance to the research institute.

Without the commander's key and iris recognition, she would not be able to enter safely from here. The technology here is very powerful, which means that it is very safe.

If anyone trespasses here, they will be killed by the weapons hidden here.

But Yu Qi, who was very cautious, just stayed around, searching for any clues, and finally she landed on the top of a building.

There he hid out of sight, her figure blending into the darkness and not being seen by anyone.

At this moment, she was talking to Ankuai Office through the terminal she was carrying, reporting everything she had discovered so far. Similarly, Captain Han and Qiu Nan also told Yu Qi everything they thought about.

Through their conversation, I guess they may be conducting very secret research, and the experiments that have continued from before the end of the world to the present do not exist.

When I wanted to investigate further, I found that it was no longer possible to research, so the clues were cut off here, but I will investigate thoroughly again through other channels.

So I want to tell you, even if something happens or it is a very mysterious facility, you should not enter rashly, because the security measures of these institutes are stronger than anything else.

Even you can't get in, so if something happens, you should come back immediately. We will take a long-term view and never act recklessly alone.

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