Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 287 The action begins

I'm just saying that this mission is definitely not that simple, look!

After hearing that conversation, Qiunan took out the lollipop in her mouth and said loudly.

Team Han remained silent, but he was obviously deep in thought. After a moment, he spoke to Nan Ming and said, Tell Yu Qi that her existence has been discovered, and ask her to be ready to evacuate immediately if there is any situation!

Team Han was obviously very worried, but Qiu Nan was not worried at all. She laughed and said to Nan Ming: As expected of Yu Qi, he was actually found in the dessert shop, but luckily he didn't show his face, otherwise When she comes back, I can laugh at her forever, it will make me laugh to death!”

Nan Ming's fingers were tapping quickly on the computer keyboard, sending all the words that Team Han had asked him to convey just now through the special code of Ankuai Office.

Also sent there was the paragraph Qiu Nan laughed at just now.

Then a set of codes appeared on the projection of the combat command post. After being translated by professional deciphering tools, a message appeared on the screen of the projector, which read: I want strawberry cake, forty dollars.

Forty dollars? You're going to get fat!

Qiunan couldn't bear it anymore and rolled on the table hard while saying.

Soon, five more words appeared on the curtain: Kill you, Qiuna.

Ah this...

Forty dollars, right? I understand!

Qiunan immediately sat upright and agreed to the forty pieces of strawberry cake.

Of course, after Nan Ming closed the connection with Yu Qi, she burst into laughter again, so crazy that Captain Han, who was still thinking about something, was interrupted by this laughter.

With a look of disgust on his face, he walked quickly to Qiu Nan and picked her up.

What are you going to do, Captain? Hug me suddenly? Hahahaha, you are so weird!

No, I'm going to be laughed to death by Yu Qi. Really, how can there be such a funny thing in this world!

Is it really that funny, Xiao Qiunan?

Yes, this matter can be regarded as my most cherished joke!

Hahahaha, I can't do it anymore, my stomach hurts from laughing!

But Team Han was not infected by Qiu Nan's laughter. He kept holding her and walked towards the door of the conference room.

Captain Han kicked open the door of the conference room and threw Qiunan up as if throwing away garbage. Then he immediately closed the door of the conference room without even looking at her.

team leader!

What are you doing Captain?!

Let me in quickly, captain!

Qiunan slapped the door hard, but only a very weak sound could be heard.

Nan Ling, the effect of your soundproof door is really great!

It's not easy to finally be quiet for a while.

The captain finally smiled, completely ignoring Qiu Nan who was making a fuss outside the door.

Captain, isn't that a little too much?


That woman is annoying me to death. Sister, the captain is so beautiful. If it were me, I would just throw her out of the window.

Nan Ming also showed a very pleasant smile, but what they said was not heard by Qiu Nan outside the door, if she heard it.

So with the Korean team's current mood, I'm afraid this place will turn into a battlefield immediately.

At the top of a corner of the underground parking garage of Nantian Base, Yu Qi was like a bat, hanging upside down in the darkness. Her whole body was wrapped in black cloth.

Holding a parasol and hanging upside down from the top in the darkness, he whispered very quietly: Strawberry cake...

However, there were no people in this area, and even if there were people, they would not notice a petite figure wearing black and white clothes hidden in the darkness.

She was waiting here quietly, waiting for the sunset, waiting for the sun to set, waiting for everything around her to fall into darkness, and now was not the time for her to move freely.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and finally sets slowly, and the ink-like darkness corrodes the sky bit by bit.

After eating up all the light, Yu Qi opened his blood-red eyes and continued to wander in the darkness.

Yu Qi was standing in the innermost room of an abandoned residential building. She slowly stretched her tense body and opened the parasol wrapped in black cloth.

Finally, she wrapped the black cloth around her ankle, and everything was ready. She flew across the night sky like a falcon, moving silently in the darkness of the southern base.

He was like a shadow, her presence in all dark places.

Brother, I thought we could rest, but why are we still sent here to perform the mission?

The speaker was a young man. He had a cigarette in his mouth and was complaining to the middle-aged man behind him. His eyes were red and swollen. He relied on the cigarette to support himself and kept him from falling.

He was wearing a combat uniform, but it looked a bit nondescript. The collar was open and the sleeves were rolled up. He didn't look like a soldier at all.

The older soldier behind him, whom he called brother, was wearing a washed-out combat uniform and had a cigarette in his mouth, but the cigarette was not lit.


I don't know, you know what?

This...I don't know either...!

That's right if you don't know~

The elder brother was holding a cigarette in his mouth, and the two of them were strolling around the base, investigating, but they even saw and heard something.

They didn't know anything. The two men had been assigned from the gate guards to do investigation work in this very remote place since the day before yesterday.

But this is a quiet place, so the two of them still spent their time smoking and chatting.

But if you can get the subsidies from the higher authorities so leisurely, why not be happy about it.

The young man tripped over a stone and the cigarette fell from his hand. He looked for it with a flashlight.

At this time, a gust of wind blew over his head. He wanted to raise his head, but as if he thought of something, he looked for cigarettes again.

Obviously he had sensed something, but he was just pretending not to know. From that day on, he and his brother had been targeted by someone.

It's just that they are unwilling to look for it. The two of them have established a wonderful balance with the person hidden in the darkness.

The person hiding in the darkness is clearly Yu Qi, who invaded here from Ankuai Office. She has not moved for several days. It is time to complete the task assigned to him by the Korean team tonight.

Because she stayed in the dessert shop for a few more seconds, it was now stormy and it was difficult to move around in the city, so she could only stay here.

Wait for the limelight to subside a little before starting to take action, and the time for action is tonight. Recently, she has been hiding in the area guarded by the two.

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