Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 286 Their new life

Nantian Base.

Seal this place for me. Don't let me in even a fly!

Start the investigation immediately to find out who invaded the base, and search it all night long!

A burly middle-aged man with a very resolute appearance held a gun in his hand and was giving orders to the team members in front of him.

Do you understand?


The base has not raised you for so long just to let you have free time!

This mission is of great importance to the base. It must be handled properly by me. Check them one by one. If you encounter anyone who is vague or evasive, lock them up immediately. Do you understand?


Have you not eaten? Please be louder. Why are so many people's voices not as loud as mine?


All the combat team members made sonorous and powerful sounds, shaking the entire base.

The person commanding the operations is the most capable and powerful person in the entire Nantian Base. He has been there since the Nantian Base was built.

It has been a long, long time now, so it is not an exaggeration to say that he is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people in this base.

And it was this kind of person who suddenly gathered all the soldiers in the entire Nantian base and gathered here, and the reason why they gathered here turned out to be just one person.

This person invaded the Nantian Base not long ago, but this person's goal is not just as simple as the Nantian Base. She seems to want to steal the secret information here.

But it was discovered, so the entire Nantian base was alarmed.

The combat commander's name was Song Hui. Not long ago, he was called to the private office by the top person in charge of the base.

Commander, regarding the intruder, the camera in the base captured it, but the person was wearing a black robe, so we didn't see the face. We can only judge from the shape that the person is a woman, but we don't rule out the possibility of disguise. sex.

Song Hui held a stack of documents in his hand, and there was a photo at the top of the document. The photo above was dark, but in the corner of the photo there was a figure wearing a black robe and holding a black parasol in his hand.

Judging from the figure, she is a woman, and she is not very old.

Young woman?

Does she have any reason to invade?

The other party seems to have a blueprint of our base. Every road she walks is the least crowded and a blind spot without surveillance. According to my guess, the other party is probably a professional killer, so she can have such abilities.

And I have thoroughly investigated all areas from one kilometer to thirty kilometers outside the base. Every move of the other party is within our monitoring range. Even the invasion route has been explored very carefully. It seems that Come prepared, and don’t rule out gangs committing crimes.”

After all, as far as I know, no one can do such a thing, so I can't imagine who can plan such an absolutely perfect escape route. I have no clue at all.

The commander raised his eyebrows. He was more concerned about the fact that Song Hui could give such a high evaluation to an enemy.

Then how did you find out? And took photos?

I'm ashamed to say that this person stayed in front of a dessert shop in the city for a while. She seemed to have a special liking for desserts. However, she also avoided the camera, so only one figure was photographed.

If the other party didn't show up, maybe I would have discovered by now that this person has invaded our base, and this photo was taken the night before yesterday, but the other party left almost no clues anywhere, so I speculate that this person has invaded our base. People should focus on research.

The commander sighed: Research institute? After seeing these things, someone will eventually discover them...

After all, it's no wonder. I should be punished by God if I have these things, but they haven't been completed yet, so they can't be exposed yet!

Song Hui!

My subordinate is here!

I now hand over the command of all the soldiers in the entire base to you. From now on, you will be the supreme commander of this base. No matter how many people have to be sacrificed, they cannot be allowed to get even one step closer to the research institute!

My subordinate understands!

You may be very confused now as to why a mere research institute actually asked me to defend it at all costs.

This is not only the fate of us old people, but also their new life!

When the plan is successful, I will tell you everything, but not now, because the more you know, the more dangerous it will be, so you have to be patient. When everything settles down, I can give you anything. All the resources, all the property, all the glory and wealth I have belong to you!


The commander was trembling all over, and Song Hui also felt like there was a huge weight on his shoulders.

Because it can make the commander so moved, it must be that the secrets hidden in the Nantian base are not simple. It is obviously not simple for a commander's top commander to protect it at all costs.

And wanting to protect such a major secret was a challenge. After answering, he immediately left the commander's office and returned to his residence.

He was very frightened, because the killer was able to evade all surveillance. He dared to ask himself, he also had the structural diagram of the Nantian base, but it was impossible for him not to leave any clues.

But the other party has accomplished such an impossible thing. It is obvious that the other party has no intention of killing him, otherwise he may be killed in the next moment.

There is a reason why such a killer can bring such shocking pressure to the entire Nantian Base alone.

Although he was very scared, he still rushed to complete the protection task of this research for the commander, because it was not just that research institute.

The entire Nantian base has an incomparable status for him, and there is an intruder on his territory. How can he not be angry about such a thing?

Panic, anxiety, and fear drove him to rush to the Nantian base. A long time after he left, a centipede emerged from the gap between the walls.

The centipede twisted its body on the wall very quickly, and then got in again without attracting anyone's attention.

But if you look closely at this centipede, you will find that it is made of machinery. All the conversations in the command room just now.

It had been eavesdropped by Centipede, and these sounds were transmitted word-for-word back to Nan Ming's computer at Ankuai Office.

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