At the gate of Nantian Base City.

Brother, what is there to guard here?

The residents have already evacuated from here, and the troops have also been here. They all said that there is nothing here, so why are we still here to guard it?

Where are you?

I don't know either, but this is a task assigned by the higher ups. We can just turn a blind eye and stay here. Moreover, it is relatively close to the central area, so it is relatively safe here. .”

That's true. Compared to staying in those outer cities, it's more comfortable to stay here.

Brother, do you want to smoke?

Good boy, when did you hide so many cigarettes?

I am a long-time smoker and I spend almost all my supplies on buying cigarettes.

Good guy, I can't smoke your cigarette in vain. You can take this bag of biscuits first.


The two guards at the gate of the base were holding weapons in their hands and puffing on cigarettes with cigarettes in their mouths. This was when they were at their most distracted.

It is also the best opportunity for Yu Qi to invade in secret. If he doesn't invade now, it will be too late to find such a time.

Yu Qi thought about using something to attract their attention to one side, and finally scale the high wall surrounding the base, but now she obviously no longer needs to do this.

Because the attention of these guards was now very distracted, she did not need to use other methods.

Of course, she also thought about killing the two guards quietly, but after thinking about it later, she felt that it was not necessary, because killing these guards would be very beneficial to her actions in a short period of time.

But in the long run, doing so will only cause unnecessary problems, because she is only here to explore the situation, not to complete the task.

This task is not something she can accomplish alone, but requires the collaboration of the entire team.

So if she kills the guards now, it will be very detrimental to the subsequent invasion by Team Han and others.

Because once these two guards die, the base will definitely be heavily guarded here, and then they won't be able to get in if they want.

Yu Qi tiptoed and approached the outer wall. Because it was already dark, she only needed to be fast enough.

And being close to the wall, no one could detect her without making a sound.

The two guards were still puffing away their words, obviously not expecting anyone to invade the base at this time.

Yu Qi's steps were very light, but very fast, and she didn't make any sound. She blended into the surrounding night, as if the night had fallen just for her.

So she wouldn't worry about being discovered at all, because no one could spot her in this night.

She quickly approached the wall. The wall was nearly 90 degrees vertical. There was no way to climb up without the help of tools.

While looking at the guards, she untied the black umbrella tied with black cloth, and the black umbrella appeared in her hand again.

She pressed a button on the handle of the umbrella forcefully. After the button was pressed, the small internal parts of the umbrella collided and were emitted, causing a very small emission sound.

The metal at the front end of the umbrella flew out. The front end of the umbrella suddenly unfolded, and many small undercuts appeared. These undercuts stuck hard in the gaps in the wall. She pressed the switch again.

Then she hugged the umbrella with all her strength, and the huge force directly threw her high into the sky, and a very flexible umbrella rope contracted rapidly.

It was very easy to carry her whole body into the sky. She used the umbrella in her hand to jump in the direction of her body, and finally landed smoothly on the top of the city wall.

There are no guards up there, because this is the outer city, the outermost place in the entire Nantian base, and no one wants to be a guard here at all.

The two people guarding the gate of the base did so because of the high remuneration offered by the base. It was for this reason that they became guards in a place where even dogs would not want to stay.

Yu Qi climbed up the wall very neatly, but just as he was retracting the top of the umbrella, a gust of wind blew by, and the metal part of the top of the umbrella hit the surface of the city wall, making an abnormal sound.

The two guards on the ground were immediately alerted. At this moment, Yu Qi immediately imitated a bird call, and the older guard immediately became less nervous.

He patted the anxious young guard beside him and said, It's a bird. Birds occasionally fly over this area. Because it's too dark around here, they often hit the city wall and make a thud.

Don't take it too seriously.

Really, it's great that it's okay.

By the way, what do you think of this cigarette?

It's a bit spicy. Wait until one day I let you taste my inventory, then it will be called a good product!

It's great that you can take out your inventory. It will open the eyes of the younger generation!

Just wait and see, it will definitely surprise you, haha.

Yu Qi heard that the two people didn't care about the noise she made, so she didn't pay attention to them. In fact, at that moment, she had already pointed the umbrella in her hand at their heads.

As long as there was any movement between the two of them, she would immediately take their lives, but she found that the two of them didn't care, they just stayed for a while and then left.

She jumped off the city wall very quickly and landed without a sound, just like a wild cat landing.

The old guard took another puff of cigarette, squinted his eyes, looked at the city wall, and then said to the young guard: Actually, there are no birds in this area at all.

The young guard was stunned for a moment. Then he flicked the ashes of his cigarette and asked, What was that noise just now?

What else could there be?

What do you think it will be?

The old guard looked at the young guard with a half-smile, and his words were confused.

The young guard was a little confused. Suddenly he understood. His eyes hardened. He looked around cautiously and said softly: Then do you want to report it? Report it to the superiors.

The old guard gave the young guard a bit of resentment.

Looking into his eyes: Sometimes you can't be too understanding in life. If you want to continue to make money here, just turn a blind eye and don't cause trouble to yourself.

What just happened was a bird, do you understand?

The guard nodded immediately. His heart beat faster. After thinking about it for a moment, the old guard was right.

Also, go home as soon as you get off work today. No matter what you hear or see, don't look back. Let's just be like monks and hit the clock every day.

Yes, I understand.

The young guard nodded quickly, keeping the old guard's words in mind.

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