Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 282 Preparations

Although these team members usually act casually, once they carry out their tasks, each of them is a very powerful combatant.

This time Nantian Base chose them to complete this task because of their firm's top-notch service capabilities.

Of course, the development of the office today is inseparable from everyone. This time the procurement started from zero o'clock and continued until the early morning.

Finally, Nan Ling prepared all the supplies, even some things that others thought were useless, such as scrap wire and empty beer bottles.

But once these things appear in her hands, they will soon become weapons and equipment.

Her mind is always different from ordinary people in this regard, and she is also able to modify and upgrade her own firearms, which are things that others have never heard of or even thought about.

She has basically done it, and there is another boy in the research institute who is just like her. This boy was a top hacker before the end of the world. His name is Nan Ming and Nan Ling are cousins.

Therefore, every time he went shopping, Nan Ming basically took Nan Ling with him, which made Team Han feel relieved a lot.

One of the two is responsible for the hardware part of the weapons and equipment, and the other is responsible for the software part.

Anti-reconnaissance firearms and self-driving vehicles are all unimaginable and there is nothing that the siblings cannot develop.

Moreover, compared to peaceful times, the two of them seem to be able to exert their abilities better in troubled times. This type of people are not common in the apocalypse, and most people pray for peace.

Only a small number of people like them can find their true selves in troubled times, wars, and wastelands.

Ankuai Research Institute, on the one hand, can be said to be full of talents, but on the other hand, it is also a shelter for troubled children.

Almost everyone in Ankuai Logistics has some flaws in personality.

But it is not easy for such a team that has been cobbled together to make a name for itself in this apocalyptic world where people eat people but don't spit out their bones.

Originally, every time the Korean team received a mission, Qiunan would first conduct the reconnaissance alone, and the Korean team would respond, while the Nanling and Nanming siblings would use high-tech means to invade the mission location.

Clearly detect the situation of personnel and weapons and equipment, and then rush in as a whole after knowing yourself and the enemy, and finally complete the mission.

In the war conference room.

There were various parts on several long tables, including springs, triggers, rifling, etc. Nan Ling sat on a stool and quickly sorted through these parts.

His dexterous hands repaired, sorted, and reinstalled these damaged parts, and he was able to reassemble a firearm with excellent performance from these scrapped parts.

Moreover, these discarded parts were all obtained with a few biscuits from the market in District 1.

Since the moment the apocalypse came, the coins that people worked hard for their whole lives before the apocalypse have lost their due value and become hard waste paper that even wiping their butts would dislike.

First of all, there is a stack of banknotes under Nan Ling's table. These banknotes are padded under the table corners of different lengths to provide stability. This kind of thing happens often.

Now after the apocalypse, the trading apocalypse has once again returned to the ancient era of barter. The most valuable things from top to bottom are: drinkable pure water, food, medicine...

Basically, materials are exchanged for important materials. For example, a bottle of mineral water can be exchanged for a high-performance pistol, while Nan Ling only traded two biscuits for a large bag of scrap weapons and equipment.

These things are random. If you are lucky, you can pick up brand new parts. Of course, most of them are incomplete and damaged parts.

Some of these parts have become worn over a long period of use, and some have been damaged due to fighting in humid areas.

Nan Ling held a welding gun in her hand and repaired these parts, while the Korean team on the side put their feet high on the empty table set aside.

And the bench he was sitting on was welded on by Nan Ling with the welding gun in his hand.

Team Han smelled the strong smell of welding smoke in the room and frowned hard.

Then he asked uneasily: Hey, hey, there's no need to weld the barrel and magazine of this gun. If they are welded like this, how can we reload them?

Just like this, press the bullet down from above, so that you can complete the loading. If you find it troublesome, I can help you change it back. It's just a little troublesome.

Nan Ling started to demonstrate, then picked up the welding gun and was about to take apart the newly welded place. Captain Han quickly shook his head and stopped him.

Captain Han took out a cigarette and searched for it in the pocket of his clothes. Then he remembered something and made an unhappy sound: Damn it, the bullet is still in my clothes. I forgot to take it back.

Captain Han searched in the clothes on his body, but the clothes on his body had a faint fragrance. These clothes were not his, but Qiu Nan's clothes.

Want fire?

Here, use this, it's powerful!

Seeing that Team Han was in trouble because there was no fire, Nan Ling found a short metal stick from the pile of parts on the bed, and then she gently pressed a button on the stick.

The sky-high flames erupted from the front end of the short stick. The flames were lavender and almost transparent, but the surrounding air was distorted by the high temperature.

Team Han tremblingly stretched out the cigarette in his hand. Almost instantly, the cigarette was lit. The high temperature he felt on the back of his hand made him pull his hand back like a reflex.

This made Nan Ling laugh non-stop. Nan Ming, who was on the side, had always focused on the computer in front of him, and his attention had not shifted at all.

Qiunan, who was sitting not far away, was wiping the firearms that Nan Ling kept passing over. Although she was not as good as Nan Ling, she was also very proficient in firearms.

A firearm was quickly disassembled and reassembled. Everyone was busy. Team Han was sitting on a stool, smoking a cigarette and looking up at the ceiling of the room, seemingly thinking about something.

Where is the location of this mission?

Nan Ming, who had always been silent, suddenly asked.

It's still that Nantian base. Can the camera you placed there a long time ago still work?

It's still working. I'll export the screen right now.

Nan Ming said that he was operating the display screen in front of him. The projector placed above his head immediately transmitted several pictures, which were from the Nantian base. However, many of them turned black. They should have been destroyed or removed. .

But Nan Ming didn't care about this. After all, he had installed cameras in many places in the Nantian base, and the damage alone was not worth mentioning.

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