Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 281 Strange team members


Captain Han cleared his throat and his expression immediately became serious. The rest of the people put away their cheerful smiles and sat upright, listening to his next instructions.

There's been activity recently. It's that base with bad feng shui. What's it called?

Nantian Base.

Yes, it's that shabby base. They recently said that a monster appeared and commissioned us. Of course, the commission fee this time was paid in advance, otherwise I wouldn't accept it.

The commission fee this time is only half. The other half will be given to you after the work is completed. After the meeting, you can come to my office to collect it.

Save some money!

Let's go to team building tonight.

Eh? I don't want it, I want to buy lipstick!

My mirror was used by the Korean team just now. I have to buy a new one. Sisters, how about we go to the market in District 1 together in the evening?

Qiunan suggested, and everyone agreed unanimously.

It is said that there should be real people in this mission, so you should all bring your equipment and don't cause trouble when the time comes. Do you understand?


After that, everyone else left, but Qiunan stayed. She put away her usual smile and put on a working expression. She was impeccable at work. Of course, as long as she could tolerate her occasional illness, she would be fine. alright.

Let me take a look at the power of attorney this time.


Qiunan said, taking over the power of attorney for this mission.

There were a few big words written on the cover of the power of attorney, and there was a lot of content in it. It was a thick stack. Of course, reading the power of attorney and other documents were all done by Qiunan, and he was waiting patiently.

But obviously this mission was a little different from the previous ones. When Qiunan read the documents, she frowned, which made Team Han frown.

The recent commissioned tasks are all very simple zombie cleaning, but something seems not quite right about this mission.

It says zombie cleaning, but didn't you say there are monsters in Nantian Base?

They weren't sure what it was, so they could only write the word zombie on it.

They don't know what kind of monster it is?

Put this commission aside for now while I go investigate. We cannot take this kind of unknown monster lightly.

I don't want to lose any more companions.

Qiunan was trembling a little, and Captain Han patted her shoulder.

Okay, let's put this mission on hold for now, but this time I will go with you, so that we can take care of each other.

Team Han looked at the power of attorney placed on the table, and suddenly there were footsteps. It turned out to be the team members, and they were all back.

What are you whispering about?

“Is there anything that we all can’t solve together?”

Tonight we will go to Area 1 to buy the things we can use. Don't worry, I will help you choose suitable weapons.

A smaller girl said, her name is Nan Ling. Although she is short, her chest is rising and falling, making people wonder if this is why she is so short.

He was very pleased to see that the team members were all in agreement, and even the frowning Qiunan smiled.

No matter what time the team members of Ankuai Firm work together, it is precisely because of this that they can become a very famous firm.

Because they are honest enough and efficient in doing things, they can survive very steadily in the apocalypse.

At night.

This time has already entered rest time in many bases. Because resources are not unlimited in the end of the world, bases will turn off their lights and power at night.

The power won't be cut off until the morning, but it's different here. This is Area 1, the largest stable area in the last days.

There are many merchants and vendors here, and many bases have staffed here, so it is very safe, but it is also very mixed.

But what is worth mentioning is the night market here, where everything from missile tanks to baby diapers can be found in the car. This is such a place.

Team Han and his team were walking on the streets of District 1. Before arriving, Nan Ling had already made a list of things to buy at the black market in District 1 in the evening at the office.

It was written on a piece of paper, and the paper was filled with the resources, weapons and ammunition to be purchased in very fine characters.

For example, the most basic supplies such as painkillers and anti-inflammatories, as well as whetstones and sandpaper, things that can repair the blade.

There are also ropes and poisons. Basically, Nan Ling has written all the things that can be used in combat on the list.

If the Korean team is responsible for negotiating with other bases, taking over tasks from them and managing the team members, then Qiunan is responsible for combat-related matters.

For example, tactics or enemy reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, she manages and executes such matters.

What Nan Ling is best at is the deployment of weapons, equipment and combatants. She can know everyone's fighting habits very clearly.

She is responsible for what positions and tactics can bring out the value of the warriors and the team.

The entire firm is almost full of such talents, but they are geniuses in some aspects, but they are like fools in some aspects.

For example, Team Han, although he is good at negotiating with people, is very careless, so he chose Qiu Nan as his secretary.

But although Qiunan's ability to do things is very good, there is one thing that gives him a headache.

That is, if Qiunan is not at work, she is the most troublesome person in the entire team. She hardly knows any common sense issues, and she likes to play with other people's feelings, and she is very sinister.

For example, she was able to mix sulfuric acid and vinegar when cooking, so that the cooked food exuded a very pungent smell.

There was a sign on the kitchen of the office that said Qiu Nan was strictly prohibited from entering. Of course, this was not the first time Qiu Nan had dared to come out for such an unreasonable thing.

But she still listened to Captain Han. Of course, he suffered a lot, but in the end, she still kept Qiunan, who was full of shortcomings and even her personality was incomplete, firmly in her agency.

Although she helped him a lot, there were many times when Team Han wanted to strangle her to death.

There is also Nan Ling. Although she is good at deploying combatants and preparing and maintaining weapons, she has a fatal flaw, that is, she has no sense of direction at all.

This resulted in the risk of getting lost every time she went shopping. One time she even just went to buy something downstairs in the office. In the end, the Korean team had to use more than ten planes to find her in a nearby city. All of this made the Korean team A very headache.

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