Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 283 This mission is extraordinary

How many cameras have you installed in Nantian Base?

Many, basically installed in everything except toilets and residential areas, and the installation locations are very hidden and will not be discovered at all.

So did you install a camera in my bedroom?

Team Han asked, obviously getting a result that he had completely guessed.

It's installed, and there are more than one. Do you want me to pour it out now?

For example, the one I installed under your bed should be able to see something very interesting.

Are there too many hacked cameras...

The somewhat embarrassed Korean team immediately changed the topic, but everyone's attention was not on the conversation between the two.

But Qiunan's eyes turned here and she blinked at Nan Ming, but of course Team Han didn't notice.

If he finds out, I'm afraid he will say: Qiunan, do you have any bad ideas to punish me?

At the same time, Captain Han secretly decided to thoroughly investigate his entire bedroom and find the cameras hidden in the corners.

Although Nan Ming simply ignored the cameras, Qiu Nan, who was very attentive, discovered some problems.

Xiao Ming, do you know where these cameras are installed for these blacked-out images?

I know, I took the lead in marking them.

As he spoke, small characters appeared on the blackened pictures, and Qiunan immediately compared these missing pictures with the map of Nantian Base.

These blacked-out pictures were done intentionally by someone. Every blacked-out picture is the location of our mission. Every camera that can see the mission location has been blacked out...

Captain Han, who had been carefree, suddenly sat up straight and looked carefully at the missing picture.

South Suburban City, Armory, Abandoned Warehouse...

These places are good places that are easy to defend but difficult to attack. It seems that this mission is not just about monsters.

Team Han pointed at those parts of the screen and said, and then he immediately fell silent.

Xiao Ming, are your reconnaissance planes still working?


Then let me fly. You must be fully prepared. If you attack rashly, you may arouse the other party's alert.

Okay, I'll send a silent reconnaissance plane over right now.

Nan Ming was operating on the computer in front of him. After a while, the picture on the projector screen changed and turned into a perspective that was rising steadily into the sky.

He used the handle to control the computer and let these reconnaissance planes fly towards the distant Nantian base.

These drones were made by Nan Ming alone. They were made of sufficient materials, could fly long distances, and were protected by camouflage.

Able to conduct very covert reconnaissance without being discovered by the enemy, many missions were completed safely with the help of Nanming's drones.

Nan Mingcai plays an indispensable and important job in the team. If Qiunan is to detect the enemy's situation, then she is investigating in all aspects and can truly detect all aspects.

However, every time, Yu Qi, who is very skilled, is still required to install cameras and other series of preparations at the mission location.

For her who is very good at assassination, entering a local base is simply a piece of cake.

But no one else in the office knew what Yu Qi was doing before the end of the world. Some said she was a killer, while others said she was a ninja.

But only Captain Han knew her true identity, but every time he asked about it, he always changed the subject vaguely.

However, after a hangover, Yu Qi said that she was originally the personal bodyguard of a certain eldest lady, but whether this is true or not remains to be verified.

And she was the first person to follow Team Han, so her status in the office was second only to Team Han and Qiu Nan. However, she was resting on normal occasions. She didn't feel at all about this kind of pre-war preparations. interest.

Just like now, she directly packed the quilts and pillows in her residence in a cardboard box, and then made a floor in the battle meeting room, and she always wore a black skirt.

And whether it's sunny or cloudy, she always carries a parasol with beautiful patterns on it whenever she goes out. Of course, this parasol doesn't just have a sunshade effect.

With the joint research of Nan Ling and Nan Ming, her parasol was turned into a powerful weapon that is unique in the world.

The handle of the parasol can be turned to pull out a very sharp blade after a slight twist, and the fabric of the parasol itself is also the latest technology, which can protect against bullet attacks.

However, the origin of the fabric of the parasol is unknown. I only know that the Korean team asked someone to make it through connections.

But Yu Qi, who only knows how to fight, doesn't care about these things. Every time she fights, she will only obey other people's orders and be alone on the other side of the death line.

But she was able to complete the mission safely every time. Even the very experienced Korean team would be intimidated by her fighting style.

Because this fighting method is a thorough and complete fighting method that abandons defense.

It seemed like she was full of flaws, but in fact she was deadly. When the opponent found her flaws, the opponent's chest had already been pierced by a blade. She was such a terrifying person.

Whether it's the way she dresses or the decoration of her residence, she is very cute, and the most noteworthy thing is that the food she cooks is simply superb.

Moreover, even the international chefs before the apocalypse could not compare with her in terms of knife skills. She had been working as a chef in the office for a long time.

But this is Yu Qi, whose sense of existence is extremely weak. It seems that she has deliberately trained herself to do this. Just like now, she has been sleeping on the floor in the room for a long time. ,

Later, Captain Han noticed her, and the others acted as if she didn't exist, without even turning their heads.

Team Han got off the chair and walked to Yu Qi's side.

The moment Captain Han stood up, Yu Qi, who had been sleeping soundly, immediately woke up and looked at him with confusion.

Captain Han said to her softly: This mission is extraordinary. Why don't you come and listen?

Not interested, I want to sleep.

Yu Qi refused directly, but Captain Han did not let him succeed. He snatched her pillow directly, then dragged her by the corner of the mattress under her body.

That's really troublesome. Is there any mission information that you can't handle?

Yu Qi yawned while looking at the people who were working.

It's so rare, Xiaoqi is actually awake.

Qiunan let out a cry of surprise. In her impression, Yu Qi usually spent this time in a deep sleep.

Her schedule is completely reversed, and she rarely spends more than four hours a day on activities.

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