Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 271 We are late

The werewolves surrounded You Ye. They formed a circle and surrounded You Ye in order to prevent her from leaving here.

Because they have already investigated, the most powerful person in the entire mansion is the girl in front of them.

Seeing that they were looking down on her, You Ye chuckled. She did not speak, but only increased the transmission of power. She stared at the weapon in her hand even more. She went straight forward without fear.

There are a lot of werewolves, and they are all wandering around here. They should have been tempted by a certain werewolf and came here together.

But Youye didn't care about why they came here. He just wanted to kill all these disgusting beasts. She hated these beasts very much.

She even felt unbearable because she was about to see the blood of these beasts and smell the blood, and she couldn't help but frown.

The thought of my dress being splattered with the blood of you beasts makes me feel so sick.

Can you please die now?

Hearing You Ye's words, each of these werewolves became angry, and their anger made them grow larger.

You damn monsters should stay in your virgin forest and don't come out casually.

You Ye continued, and a werewolf stared at her fiercely while waving his claws and said: You vampires should be nailed to a cross.

And your servants, a vampire who is still imitating human nobles, built a mansion here and deserved to be invaded by us!

This werewolf warrior wildly waved his claws at You Ye, his claws cut the air and made a sound of breaking through the air, but no matter how he attacked, he could not hurt You Ye at all, or in other words, he could not touch You Ye at all. night.

You Ye's petite body coupled with her dexterous dodging, although she could not attack You Ye, there were many scars on his body. These werewolves have a very powerful ability to regenerate their bodies.

But at this moment, the wounds on their bodies were still bleeding, with no tendency to heal at all. They also discovered this strange phenomenon.

But they soon understood why the wounds on their bodies could not regenerate.

It was because You Ye's blade and You Ye's power blessed their wounds, making their wounds unable to regenerate.

In the end, Youye relied on his dexterous skills to kill all the werewolves who were close to him. Their blood dyed the ground red, and the smell of blood floated in the air.

You Ye obviously likes the taste of blood, but because she hates these monsters in front of her, she is not interested in the blood of these monsters.

But the werewolves didn't know what You Ye was thinking, and they didn't care what You Ye thought, because in their eyes.

You Ye is already a dead person, and no one cares about what a dead person is thinking.

These werewolves want to kill You Ye, so as to rob her property, turn her mansion into their own race, and then give these homeless werewolves a place to live.

But if they didn't kill You Ye, then they wouldn't have a place to live.

So they wanted to kill You Ye, but the temporary leaders of these werewolves discovered that You Ye was very powerful, more powerful than any of them.

That's why they lost a lot of combat power but didn't hurt You Ye at all.

The werewolf leader who understood these things immediately ordered the remaining werewolves not to scatter, to completely surround You Ye, and then join together to not lose to the fighting force.

Obviously this arrangement is a very correct approach. In a one-on-one situation, even the leader of the werewolves is not You Ye's opponent at all, but if it is like now.

You Ye will be very difficult, because although she is very powerful, she cannot kill a large number of werewolves in a very short period of time, and these werewolves understand that although You Ye is powerful.

But it's not a long-lasting shortcoming, so as long as they swarm up, You Ye will be unable to resist.

But the fact is that the frequency of You Ye's attacks has slowed down now, and there are many non-fatal injuries that she can no longer dodge, which causes the long skirt she is wearing to become tattered.

The fair skin was exposed from the tattered areas, and the werewolves were very excited to see them. Many werewolves withdrew from the battle because of their injuries.

But after seeing You Ye's graceful body, it was as if they had forgotten the pain and they all joined the fight.

For You Ye, now is undoubtedly the worst situation, because with the addition of these werewolves, You Ye now has no energy to dodge.

There are more and more wounds on the body, but there is nothing that can be done, because it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, not to mention these werewolves under the blessing of the full moon night.

Like a fighting machine that never gets tired.

But You Ye was already very tired. She could only try her best to resist the attacks, but had no intention of launching an attack. The battle situation suddenly became one-sided.

At this time, many people suddenly appeared in the direction of the mansion. The attention of many werewolves was attracted, and Youye also took advantage of this opportunity to jump out from the circle of countless werewolves.

These people who came over were none other than the maids and housekeepers who worked as servants in Youye Mansion.

They are all young girls, and the housekeeper who leads them is an older woman, who is the leader of these maids.

Miss, are you okay? We're late!

You didn't come too late if I was still alive.

It had only been a short time since You Ye left the mansion to fight these werewolves here.

This is enough to prove that You Ye is powerful. He can kill many werewolves in such a short period of time and can still hold on until help arrives.

The head maid nodded. She held a short stick in her hand, and with a slight exertion of her arm, the stick made a buzzing sound in the air.

This stick is blood red and made from the trunks of thousand-year-old trees in the woods not far away. ,

This short stick is very strong and tough. No matter how much force is used, the short stick cannot be broken.

The reinforcements are here. Do you want to die together? If so, that would be great. It will save us the trouble of killing you.

Stop your wishful thinking. As long as we are here, you can't touch the mansion. You are not worthy. You are just some filthy beasts. You should rot in the garbage!

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