You are very talkative. Everyone, please come to me now. Just leave a few alive and kill the rest!

The werewolf leader said to You Ye and the battle maids behind her.

The other werewolves were more enthusiastic than the other, and they wanted to rush forward and fight the maids now.

Oh, by the way, don't let that young lady die. I want to ravage her and let her watch how we killed all her men.

The werewolf leader said with a wicked smile and pointed at You Ye in front of him and the maids behind him.

As soon as he finished speaking, the werewolves rushed towards them as if hungry beasts had seen their prey.

Even some werewolves have forgotten what the leader said just now. They just want to kill all these vampires now.

The bad relationship between werewolves and vampires has existed for a long time, and in this generation, this hatred has not been alleviated in any way.

On the contrary, it has become more and more powerful, and it has even reached the point where whenever a werewolf and a vampire meet, one of them will definitely die.

For them, the other person is the person they hate the most, and there is nothing more satisfying than being able to kill the person they hate the most with their own hands.

So these werewolves seemed to be crazy, all of them were murderous. In fact, it was not that they had to do this, but that tonight was a full moon night. .

Under the illumination of the moonlight, their emotions will be amplified. Whether it is hatred, disgust, or even hatred, these emotions will be amplified countless times.

On a full moon night, they will gain power several times stronger than before.

But You Ye and those maids are not easy to mess with. They are also vampires. Some of these maids hold sharp blades in their hands, and some of them hold sticks similar to the head maids.

There were even people holding kitchen knives. They took out almost everything in the mansion that could be used as weapons. For them, the mansion was the most important thing to them.

They do not allow their homes to be touched or polluted by these filthy beasts. This is something they cannot bear no matter what.

Therefore, even if they risk all their lives, they must prevent these monsters from polluting the residence where they live.

Because of the rescue, You Ye no longer had any worries. She handed her back to the head maid with peace of mind, and rushed towards the werewolves who were madly attacking here with a blade.

There was no fear on her face, only disgust for these hairy monsters that smelled like beasts. He now wanted to kill all of them.

He couldn't even imagine what would happen if his residence was occupied by these beasts. At that time, You Ye would definitely transform into the most terrifying demon.

No matter what method is used, no matter how heavy the price is, these monsters must be completely eliminated from this world.

So You Ye, with this emotion, is now full of power. Hatred is the best catalyst for a person to become stronger quickly, and so is disgust. Disgust can also make people very strong.

And now You Ye's mind is filled with the idea of ​​killing these monsters in front of him. He no longer cares about such a small thing as his clothes being soaked in the blood of these beasts.

He wants to kill all these monsters now.

The werewolves also screamed, and they launched a crazy attack on the enemy in front of them. The screams were everywhere for a while. Of course, the maid as a vampire was more powerful.

And with You Ye's leadership, these maids have formed a very impressive cohesion. Under such circumstances, these maids are the most powerful existence, and nothing can resist their offensive.

Although these werewolves are also very powerful, they can only avoid their sharp edges now, because compared to werewolves like them who were gathered at will.

Now, after systematic training, the maid becomes even more powerful.

Moreover, some maids were very famous killers before serving You Ye, and one maid was very good at using blades as weapons. ,

Her fingers are very flexible and she can use several daggers at will.

It is hard to imagine that such powerful maids would sit peacefully in You Ye's mansion and clean such the most underground things. The reason why they can endure such treatment is all due to You Ye's personality charm.

Everyone in the mansion, every servant, even the garden guard who is usually only responsible for pruning the trees and flowers in the garden, also likes You Ye very much.

But she didn't know that she was liked by countless people, but You Ye seemed to understand that it was precisely because of her persistence and because she would be very sincere no matter who she treated.

What can really move people's hearts is neither effort nor money. The most important thing is to have a sincere heart.

But now You Ye is not fighting alone, there are many people behind him fighting side by side with her, so the situation is reversed immediately.

These maids are not as harmless as they appear on the surface, but are very powerful, and they have very terrifying fighting power.

Some maids can even jump up and down when fighting against several werewolf warriors.

Even if they didn't use all their strength, it was not without reason that a group of maids would follow You Ye closely.

The leader of the werewolves could no longer laugh at this moment, and Youye had discovered her a long time ago. Youye's eyes were filled with murderous intent, if eyes could kill.

He has died hundreds of times now, and Youye's eyes are so terrifying, as if he wants to stare at the bleeding hole in the werewolf leader's body.

These maids are fearless under the leadership of You Ye, but the same cannot be said for their enemies, the werewolves. These werewolves are now killed without their armor.

In order to protect themselves from being killed, some werewolves even chose to escape from the battle. As long as there was one deserter, the remaining werewolf warriors who had no intention of fighting would also flee with them.

Although the remaining werewolves did not become deserters, it was difficult for them to gain an advantage in battle against these terrifying maids, but they did not give up. Such werewolves were the real warriors.

Although Youye hates these werewolves very much, she does not hate these proud werewolf warriors.

Those werewolf warriors who escaped were even ashamed of the blood flowing in their bodies. Werewolves are very powerful warriors, and they are very aloof beings.

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