Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 270 Full Moon Night

Dong dong dong——

Miss, wake up, miss!

You're still lying in bed. The sun is shining on your butt. Get up quickly, miss!

There was a knock on the door outside the room. A young and beautiful maid unscrewed the door handle, and the door was gently pushed open.

You Ye was sleeping peacefully on the bed. She was breathing rhythmically while sleeping, and her sleeping face was very cute, which made the maid smile happily.

For her, the happiest thing is to wake You Ye up every morning. Seeing You Ye's smile seems to be the happiest thing for her.

Miss, wake up!

It's already very late. If you don't get up, I'm going to grab your cup!

The maid stroked Youye's hair and whispered to her.

You Ye covered her head with the quilt, very reluctantly. You Ye liked to stay in bed. The maid opened the closed curtains and saw a bright moon hanging in the center of the sky.

The moon emits white light, illuminating the entire bedroom in the dark night.

Miss, tonight is a full moon night. Will those werewolves attack?

The maid looked a little anxious. For them, those werewolves were the most terrifying existence.

You Ye, who was sleeping deeply, immediately sat up. She rubbed her hazy sleepy eyes and immediately opened the window.

A strong wind blew from the open window, and the strong air flow circulated in the room, blowing the paintings on the wall to and fro.

The curtains also swayed in the wind, and Youye's long black hair also swayed in the strong wind.

You Ye narrowed her eyes slightly, and immediately jumped out of the bed. She gently held the handle of the balcony with her hands, and jumped out of the window in the strong wind.

Miss! This is the rooftop!


Why didn't you tell me earlier? This is too high!

You Ye's screams rang out from the window. She screamed as she fell, and she was still blaming the maid for not telling her clearly in advance.

However, the moment he was about to land, Youye, who was bathed in the moonlight, immediately emitted a very terrifying aura. Under such aura, the surrounding wind seemed to become stronger.

But You Ye didn't pay attention at all. She saw a sudden protrusion from her back, and a pair of huge wings stretched out from her clothes, tearing the fabric on her back to pieces.

She was like those raptors in the sky, flying in the sky against the strong wind, and she stared closely at the bright moon in the sky.

Although he controlled his wings, he rode the huge storm and flew straight into the sky.

Her whole body was bathed in the moonlight, and she smiled, feeling the power of excitement in her body, and the cells in her body were jubilant.

Everyone was jumping for joy, You Ye's flying speed was getting faster and faster, and finally reached a speed that could not be observed with the naked eye.

She was soaring in the air at an extremely fast speed. This speed was difficult for other vampires to achieve. At this speed, the scenery nearby quickly retreated.

Soon she flew out of her mansion and landed in the dense forest in the distance. The moment she landed, she suddenly noticed something.

He quickly wrapped himself in it with his wings, and fired countless arrows from all directions, which were extremely fast.

It made a sound like cutting the air, but when such a sharp arrow hit You Ye's wings, it was bounced away.

The feathers on You Ye's wings shone like metal, and the wings were very hard. They could withstand not only arrows, but even the shock waves of explosions.

Those who attacked You Ye seemed to know that such attacks had no effect on her, and then stopped attacking.

Soon many people jumped out from the forest. These people were all wearing black robes, hiding their faces.

The main reason they hide their faces is because they are afraid of being discovered, which could lead to death for themselves.

But even with black robes, one can vaguely see their sharp eyes and very sharp teeth hidden under the black robes.

These unique characteristics on their bodies are unique to the werewolf race. These people are what the maid calls werewolves, and these werewolves are all werewolves who have no fixed residence.

The reason why they gathered here was because they really wanted a place to live, and there happened to be a good mansion here, so they came up with the idea of ​​snatching the mansion and using it as their territory.

But what they never expected was that the mansion they were interested in was not a human mansion. All the people living in it were vampires. It can be said that werewolves and vampires have had a very long relationship from a long time ago.

However, this relationship is not a good relationship, but a bad relationship, so the two parties will almost fight whenever they meet, because the two parties hate each other in their blood.

Of course, it's the same now. These werewolves who suddenly wanted to attack You Ye suddenly showed their murderous eyes. They took off the black robes that concealed their faces, revealing their faces.

They were not afraid of their faces being seen by You Ye, because for them, all vampires must die, and they exposed their faces because they determined that You Ye must be killed.

As for You Ye, she also hated these ugly monsters that smelled like beasts, so the two sides started fighting after they met.

Although the werewolves walked upright, they were very brave and good at fighting. They were the most powerful warriors. These werewolves surrounded Youye.

They exposed their sharp teeth and their very sharp nails, which shone coldly in the moonlight.

Tonight is the night of the full moon, and for them, the night of the full moon is when they cannot contain their desire for blood and killing.

The werewolves on the night of the full moon are also the most powerful, so they choose to attack You Ye's mansion at this time.

But they didn't expect that the mansion they had set their sights on was not a human's, but the residence of their sworn enemy, a vampire.

The battle between the two sides was about to break out, and for You Ye, she wanted her servants to not have to spend day and night in fear and fear.

So in order for those servants to serve themselves with peace of mind, these disgusting beasts must disappear from here and completely disappear from this world.

You Ye retracted her wings, and her power would increase on a full moon night. She controlled her power, and a blood-red weapon appeared in her hand.

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