Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 252 The only chance

Captain, the car broke down. The zombie's body probably jammed the wheels. It's too late to repair it now. We have no choice but to abandon the car and flee!

Everyone, get out of the car immediately. We abandon the car. Xiaonan and others will protect the team doctor and Huang Yang. Everyone else gets out of the car now.


What about you, captain?

Of course I'm here to cover you. How could you escape from here without my cover?

Let's go together!

Stop talking nonsense, no one can leave if this continues!

The captain scolded sternly, still controlling the gun in his hand, and finally added: Don't worry, boys, I have been through so many storms and waves, and I have no intention of dying here, don't worry!

Haven't you always wanted the position of deputy team leader? Now I'll give it to you. You must escape and don't die!


Tears welled up in Xiaonan's eyes, and even his voice was choked with sobs. He saluted Lin Youqi, and then picked up his firearm. Although it might be safe to stay in the tank, he couldn't stay in the car all the time. Gotta get out of here.

Come on, bastards, take my bullets!

The captain thought of the girl with scars all over her body, and anger came over him again. He poured his anger into the heavy machine gun in his hand, using bullets to clear the way for his team members.

Wherever the heavy machine gun fired, whether it was zombies, trees, or the ground, it would be shattered. Nothing could be left intact. The zombies' bodies were all shattered. Suddenly Lin Youqi remembered something, and he controlled the weight with one hand. Machine gun, the other hand groped for the body, and soon he found what he wanted in the weapon belt on his waist.

You bastards, can't you eat anything? Then try this!

Lin Youqi held a black round object in his hand with a ring-like thing on it. It was a grenade.

He fumbled for three grenades from his body, pulled the tab of one of the grenades, and threw it towards the zombies. The grenades were quickly overwhelmed by the zombies, but the next moment, a huge explosion sounded, and the grenade exploded. The power was very powerful, and the shrapnel was ejected by the impact of the explosion. The sharp fragments moved at extremely fast speeds, and the sound of the gunshot was immediately covered up by the huge explosion.

Lin Youqi's ears were buzzing from the loud noise, but he still did not let go of the firearm in his hand until his team members disappeared from sight, until the heavy machine gun in his hand could no longer fire bullets. He held on to the machine gun He sat on the roof of the car, leaning on the machine gun rack on his back.

It's so damn enjoyable!

Lin Youqi's palms were red, blood oozed from the tiger's mouth, and his entire arm was shaking violently. After using the heavy machine gun for a long time, his arm absorbed almost all the impact.

So much so that his hands kept shaking, and he couldn't even do the simple action of taking something out of his pocket.

Stop shaking!

It seems that I am getting old. I think back to when I was young...

Lin Youqi groped tremblingly in the pockets of the combat uniform he was wearing, and found a pack of cigarettes and a lighter in the corner of the clothes.

There's nothing wrong with hiding some cigarettes privately!

He smiled for the first time in a long time, lit a cigarette, took a long puff, and showed a happy smile. Smoking in the middle of a group of zombies had a unique flavor.

Lin Youqi held the cigarette in his mouth in his hand. He looked at the dense zombies around him and showed a very lonely smile. He was trapped on the roof of the car. Although he was safe for a short time, these zombies might not be around for long. If he can climb onto the roof of the car by stepping on his companion's body, then he will only be able to safely leave here if he has wings.

Lin Youqi, who was smoking, couldn't help laughing. He looked at the black blood stains on the ground. Suddenly he seemed to remember something. He held on to the frame of the car behind him and stood up quickly. Then he jumped in Inside the vehicle, walk to the end of the vehicle.

Very good!

There were a lot of blood-soaked gauze on the ground at the back of the car. These were left by the team doctor when they operated on the injured girl. Now they can play a big role.

Zombies have no vision. They have only one way to distinguish between the same kind and food, and that is through their sense of smell. It is said that zombies have a sense of smell that is more sensitive than dogs. Zombie viruses can not only turn humans into terrifying monsters that only know how to eat, but they can also turn humans into terrifying monsters that only know how to eat. Humans have evolved in some ways.

If a living human being and a piece of gauze full of blood are thrown in front of a zombie at the same time, the zombie will resolutely choose the gauze soaked in blood. That is because the smell of blood on the gauze is stronger than the body odor of the human being. , so zombies will choose gauze instead of living humans.

But this is only theoretical and no one has tried it. But now Lin Youqi plans to give it a try. After all, this is the only way he can get out of trouble.

I'm not planning to die here yet!

Lin Youqi spit out the burned out cigarette and stamped it out with his shoes. He picked up all the blood-soaked cotton with gloves and climbed back onto the roof of the car.

The moment he got out of the car, all the zombies surrounding the tank went crazy, like hungry beasts seeing food. Their blood-red eyes seemed to have a look at this moment, which was right. The desire for food, the desire for the blood-stained cotton in Lin Youqi's hands.

This is the only way for Lin Youqi to leave here safely. If this method fails, then he will have to be trapped here. The moment these hungry zombies climb on the roof of the car, it will be his death.

Lin Youqi kept walking on the roof of the car, from the front to the rear. He was testing how much these zombies thirsted for blood.

These zombies moved as he moved, crowded with each other, waving their arms vigorously, trying to touch the blood-filled gauze in Lin Youqi's hand. Seeing this, he threw the gauze forcefully, and threw it away from here. a place far away.

Because he was afraid that if he threw it too far away, the zombies would lose their target, so he chose a suitable distance. The moment the gauze was released, the zombies were like hungry and crazy wolves, chasing the gauze like crazy. , directly ignoring his existence.

good chance!

Almost all the zombies surrounding the chariot moved away, and they all chased after the spot where the gauze fell, completely ignoring Lin Youqi.

Lin took advantage of this opportunity and quickly jumped off the roof of the car several meters high, landing smoothly on the ground.

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