Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 253 It must be safe and sound

Lin Youqi sprinted away from the chariot at almost a hundred meters. Some zombies who had just left the chariot were stunned when they saw it suddenly rushing over.

Lin Youqi was very fast and had already rushed out dozens of meters before the zombies could react.

The zombies were only slightly stunned. After losing their target, they rushed towards the place where the blood-stained gauze fell.

These zombies roared, obviously very excited about the blood-stained gauze.

What Lin Youqi didn't know at this time was that if the gauze were filled with ordinary blood, these zombies would not be so crazy.

According to the words of the team doctor, although this girl still looks like a human, her body has been badly eroded by the virus.

But the zombie virus neutralized her own cells, so the girl was able to maintain her human appearance despite being severely infected.

He retains his own consciousness and does not become one of those eating machines that only knows how to eat but does not know how to think.

For zombies, the blood of girls is extremely attractive to them, so these zombies will chase the gauze like crazy.

Of course, the team doctor knew this, so he took off his white coat and covered the girl's body, doing a good job of stopping the bleeding.

All the remaining blood stains were also removed. If not, the moment the car door was opened, those zombies would definitely be even crazier than they are now.

If that situation really happens, no matter how many firearms are used and how much effort is put in, it is impossible to defeat this zombie wave that is like an army of thousands of horses.

However, the team doctor did not let such a thing happen. He even wiped away almost all the blood on the girl's body, so that the zombies were unmoved even as they allowed her to escape from under their noses.

Lin Youqi looked back while escaping. When he confirmed that no zombies were catching up, he slowed down and concentrated.

He was panting now. He was so tired that he couldn't even straighten his waist. He put his hands on his knees and panted heavily.

He thought he was going to die here, but obviously that didn't happen.

Fortunately, he was quick to act wisely and used everything at his disposal to save his own life in times of crisis.

Boys, you must be safe and sound!

After he got out of trouble, he was worried about his other team members, because he didn't react until he saw these crazy groups of corpses. He only used a few pieces of blood-stained gauze.

Huang Yang was holding the girl. Although the team doctor provided emergency treatment to her wound, the conditions in the tank were very limited.

Therefore, if Huang Yang's movements were a little more violent, the wound that had finally solidified would be very likely to burst again.

Lin Youqi could only pray silently in his heart, praying that they were safe. After resting for a while, he continued to run forward because he had just escaped in too hasty.

So he didn't bring any weapons at all. He only had a grenade and a short knife left on him. However, for a veteran who had experienced several battles, these weapons were enough, so he chose to avoid direct conflicts with zombies.

So he chose a remote path at the fork in the road. Although it was called a wetland park, it actually covered a large area.

If travelers from before the end of the world want to visit the park, they must take a bus and must be followed by a tour guide.

Because it is so big here and the roads are complicated, it is very easy to get lost.

It was dusk now. The original plan was to complete this task and return to the fortress immediately, but no one expected that the park was not as peaceful as it appeared.

Just like the sea, it looks calm on the surface, but in fact there are hidden rough waves in the depths.

Although Lin Youqi chose a very remote path, the Wetland Park was a very popular recreational attraction before the end of the world.

So now, after the outbreak of the apocalypse, the number of zombies has reached a very terrifying level, and no matter where they are, there will be traces of them.

Zombies appeared directly in front of Lin Youqi, and there were three of them. Two of them had problems with their legs and feet and were walking with a limp.

But the remaining zombie was intact, but because there was no target, the three zombies were walking aimlessly.

Upon seeing this, Lin Youqi immediately hid his body behind a big tree beside him, and there was a lake next to him. What he really hesitated was to kill these zombies and leave.

He still walked by the waterway to avoid these three zombies, but after repeated thinking, he chose to face these zombies head-on.

Because he suddenly thought that the virus would not only turn humans into terrifying zombies, but also infect animals and even plants.

According to surveys, there are many diving creatures growing in the lake, so there is a high possibility that they are also infected by the zombie virus.

It must have turned into a very terrifying monster at this moment. He didn't want to take the risk. Who knew what monsters he would have to face in the lake.

Three is actually not a difficult task for Lin Youqi, but he wants to avoid making noise, because zombies will use sound to summon their companions.

Just like those animals, although the zombie virus has taken away human thinking, it has given zombies many abilities that humans have never had.

Zombies can summon their companions by shouting. Although there are only three zombies now, if these three zombies find Lin Youqi and summon their companions.

Then what he will face is not just the three zombies in front of him, but more than ten, even dozens, or even hundreds of them, which may come out from various places.

These zombies are like pervasive ghosts. No matter where they are, as long as there are humans and food, they can even travel thousands of miles across mountains and rivers to attack humans.

Lin squatted down slightly and took out the dagger from his waist. There were only three zombies in front of him. It would be a waste to use grenades, so he chose a reliable dagger, although it was a bit short.

He searched on the ground and found a few stones. He controlled his strength and let the stones fly out and hit the big tree nearby. Although the sound was not loud, it was still noticed by the three zombies.

The three zombies heard the sound and turned their heads in the direction of the sound. The intact zombie walked towards the place where the stone fell.

The remaining two zombies followed closely, their attention was distracted, and Lin Youqi took advantage of it at this moment.

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