Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 251 Then I will believe you

This means that her body must be different from other people in that it can contain the virus in the body. And she often coughs and vomits blood. This proves that the cells inside her body are regenerating, and the vomited blood appears Black, but all this is just my speculation, but I can prove one thing, and I can even use my own life as a guarantee!

That means this girl will never transform into a corpse in a short time.

Then how long do you mean by short time?

It can take up to three to five days, or at least until tomorrow. It depends on the regeneration speed of the cells in her body. I will check her life signs at all times. If there is any problem, I will inform you as soon as possible.

Okay, then I believe you!

Lin Youqi nodded and then said coldly: But you must be responsible for what you say!


The team doctor was very excited. He is not only a researcher, but also a doctor.

What is a doctor? The doctor is an angel in white who treats illnesses and saves lives. He has been unable to do anything for many times. This time he wants to prove that the zombie virus can also be cured. But what she doesn't know is that this girl is not as ordinary as he seems.

Huang Yang was very touched. He didn't expect that there was someone who could speak for him. The team doctor came towards him. The words of thanks were already on his lips, but in the end they turned into a long sigh. He hugged the girl and bowed as a thank you.

The team doctor nodded, then took off his white coat, covered the girl's body, took out the needle, scalpel and other tools needed for the operation from the tool box, and then put on a mask.

He cut open the girl's clothes and saw the shocking wounds underneath. The hand holding the scalpel was so hard that his whole hand started to tremble. After a long time, he relaxed his frown.

The team doctor put down the scalpel, took out the needle, then raised his head and said to Huang Yang, If you can't bear it, you can turn around.

But he shook his head and said: Don't worry about me, just continue.

Huang Yang helped the team doctor and a simple operation was carried out in the tank.

This is fighting the God of Death. The whole tank is filled with the smell of blood. At this moment, the surrounding zombies are basically surrounding them. The real battle is just about to begin.

Lin Youqi called Xiaonan, and after some exchanges, the two looked at each other.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Youqi pressed a button in the cab, and shooting holes appeared in various places on the walls of the tank. The team members understood this and immediately extended their weapons through the shooting holes to the outside. At the same time, they looked at the windows and prepared everything. After getting ready, everyone waited for his next order.

Lin Youqi nodded, then stood up and handed Xiaonan his seat in the cab. He was standing in the center of the chariot under everyone's doubtful eyes.

Open the skylight!


Xiaonan nodded, and a voice slowly came from above Lin Youqi's head. The skylight was opened. Although he was old, his body's flexibility has not retreated at all. He climbed up with very flexible hands and feet. The roof of the vehicle was very high, so even if he appeared on the roof, the zombies would have no way to get up. They could only roar feebly and stretch out their arms.

The roof of each tank was equipped with a heavy machine gun, and of course this one was no exception. Lin Youqi checked whether the machine gun was intact, and then gave an order to the car.

Xiaonan, start the car, we have to go back the same way we came.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Youqi controlled the heavy machine gun in his hand and fired at the zombies blocking the road around him. The power of the heavy machine gun was not comparable to that of other firearms. Every bullet could kill a zombie. The bodies of these zombies are as weak as window paper in front of heavy machine guns.

Xiaonan sat in the cab and operated the vehicle. Because the entire vehicle was reinforced, he could remain calm even when faced with being surrounded by zombies.

The engine roared, and the friction between the wheels and the ground brought up mud, leaving scorched ruts on the ground. The vehicle roared, and the zombies blocking the road in front had already been shot by the heavy machine gun controlled by Lin Youqi on the roof. It was broken into pieces, so the vehicle basically encountered no obstacles and rushed forward. The zombies in front of it were basically smashed by the hard front of the vehicle. The chariot ran over the bodies of zombies one by one and broke through the center of the zombie group. With.

Shoot them all, there's no need to save bullets now.

Xiao Nan, rush out as fast as you can, but make sure the vehicle is stable because the team doctor is still performing surgery!

It is already a very difficult thing to increase the speed when surrounded by zombies, but Lin Youqi actually asked him to ensure the stability of the vehicle. This is an extremely difficult task.

But Xiaonan didn't flinch. He grabbed the steering wheel so hard that the steering wheel made a creaking sound. He stared forward, paying attention to the direction of each zombie and trying to avoid them as much as possible. The speed of the vehicle slowly increased. Get up, but some zombie corpses are blocking the way forward, so you can only rush forward.

The vehicle advanced hard among the zombies, like an extremely sharp sword, breaking through the zombies blocking the road and rushing out with all its strength.

The other soldiers also started shooting wildly the moment Lin Youqi gave the order. Although the firepower of one firearm is not very powerful, the cumulative effect is that when all the firearms fire at the same time, the power is It is very impressive that although there are many zombies, no zombies can get close to the tank.

As soon as you get close to the tank, it will be torn into pieces by the metal storm turned into bullets. However, the number of zombies is so terrifying that as soon as a zombie falls, more zombies rush over.

Lin Youqi had no choice but to keep turning the heavy machine gun and use the long whip turned from bullets to crush batch after batch of zombies. At this moment, something suddenly happened and the vehicle stopped moving.

Xiaonan hammered the steering wheel hard and cursed angrily. At this time, the car broke down. There was obviously only one possibility, and that was that the zombie's body had jammed the tire.

No matter how much Xiaonan stepped on the accelerator, the engine just roared, but the vehicle stayed motionless.

Now the only option was to abandon the car and flee. It was obviously very unrealistic to repair the car in such a dense swarm of zombies.

Moreover, even if the vehicle is repaired, with so many zombies, the tank may break down again soon, so it is wise to abandon the vehicle now.

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