Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 230 Beijing No. 1 Shelter

Join the army? Li Shiyi looked at Qiangwei.

It's up to you, you have the final say. Qiangwei raised her chin at Li Shiyi.

I also listen to big brother. Xue Lang also said to Li Shiyi.

Okay, then let me make the decision. Li Shi nodded.

Let's not join the army for now. We still have to think about it. After all, we have just arrived in the capital and are not familiar with anything yet.

That's fine. Zhou Ming nodded.

So, do you have any plans to join some evolutionary organizations, or to establish an evolutionary organization yourself?

After hearing Zhou Ming's words, Li Shiyi asked: Is this matter also managed by you?

Yes. Zhou Ming nodded, All matters related to evolvers are managed by our Evolutionary Association.

Because evolved people have abilities that far exceed those of ordinary people, we must have the relevant information about each evolved person in our hands.

Furthermore, we must firmly grasp the information related to several of the most powerful evolvers currently, and we hope that they can understand.

Understood. Li Shi nodded. He understood the meaning of Zhou Ming's words, which was that they would be closely monitored in the capital.

But we are new here and have not made any plans yet. If we have any ideas, we will tell you as soon as possible.

Okay. Zhou Ming nodded, Since these guys have just arrived in the capital, they should be very tired already. In this case, I won't keep a few more.

You guys can go to the office next to the mission hall now and apply for your own apocalyptic ID cards and evolver badges. Jiang Yun knows the specific location and he will take you there.

Okay. Li Shiyi stood up from his seat and straightened the hem of his clothes.

Then we leave.

After saying that, Li Shiyi and his party left Zhou Ming's office.

After leaving the office, Li Shiyi deliberately slowed down.

Mr. Li, why are you walking so slowly? Is there something wrong?

Shh, don't make any noise. Li Shiyi frowned and put his index finger on his lips, signaling Jiang Yun not to speak.

Then Li Shiyi squinted his eyes slightly, as if he was listening to something.

Seeing Li Shiyi's behavior, Qiangwei and Xuelang seemed to have thought of something and made listening expressions.

It wasn't until they came to the corridor next to the mission hall again that Li Shiyi and the other two returned to their normal expressions.

Before Xuelang and Qiangwei could speak, Li Shiyi suddenly stood still and said to them: We'll talk about it when we get back.

Okay. Rose agreed.

The blood wolf naturally nodded.

Take us to apply for documents. Li Shi said to Jiang Yun.

Okay. Jiang Yun wisely didn't ask anything, and took Li Shiyi and the others to another office.

Jiang Yun opened the door, and the person sitting in the office raised his head and saw him at a glance.

Come here, fill out the form first. The person sitting in the office pointed to another desk with the pen in his hand.

Li Shiyi and the others filled out some forms as required, then took a few photos. After waiting for about an hour, they all got their IDs.

Jiang Yunze stood beside them and introduced these two certificates to them.

This is an apocalyptic ID card. Once you get this ID, it means that your identity before the apocalypse is invalidated, and this ID represents your new identity.

Only with this certificate can you freely enter and leave the safe area.

While listening to Jiang Yun's explanation, Li Shiyi observed the apocalyptic ID card. On it was his photo, the new ID number, and the date of application. In addition, there was a line of small words at the bottom.

[Distribution from Beijing No. 1 Shelter]

Shelter No. 1 in Beijing? Li Shiyi asked Jiang Yun, shaking his apocalyptic ID card in his hand.

It is the current capital city. Jiang Yun explained, It was a refuge established by the government before the end of the world. The word Jing stands for the government, and No. 1 refers to the first one.

In addition to Beijing No. 1, the government has also established many shelters with the capital as the center and radiating around, namely No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4, all in cities surrounding the capital.

Understood. Li Shi nodded, thinking in his mind that the one currently in contact with the fortress is probably the Beijing No. 1 Shelter.

Then there's this Evolver Badge. Seeing that Li Shiyi had no other questions, Jiang Yun continued to introduce another certificate to Li Shiyi.

This badge represents your identity as an evolved person. If you three have the word S written on it, it means that you are an S-level superpower.

I understand. Li Shi nodded.

As an S-class superpower, although you can't enjoy extra resources without joining the army, you still have special permissions everywhere.

“For example, you can get official accommodation, and you can apply for a Doomsday Coin loan from a shelter.”

And you also need to use this badge to accept tasks in the mission hall of the Evolutionary Association. Like the apocalyptic ID card, it has built-in circuits.

Anyway, in general, wherever you need to prove that you are an evolved person, you can use this.

Okay, I understand. After saying that, Li Shiyi put away his ID and said to Jiang Yun.

I just heard you say that there are official accommodations for evolved people?

Yes. Jiang Yun nodded, If you don't have a place to live yet, it is indeed a good place.

Take us there.


Later, Jiang Yun took Li Eleven and the others to the gate of the Evolutionary Association, stopped a taxi, and came to the Evolutionary Camp.

Jiang Yun took the initiative to bear the Doomsday coins required for the ride.

This apocalyptic currency is a new type of currency uniformly issued by Jingzi Sanctuary.

We're here. Standing at the gate of a community, Jiang Yun said to Li Shiyi and the others.

You only need to show your evolver badges to apply for a residence here. The three of you can apply for three houses with three badges.

But most of the evolutionaries are not willing to live here, because with the ability of the evolutionaries, they can have a better place to live.

We'll talk about it later when we change our place of residence. We'll live here first.

Afterwards, Li Shiyi and the others took Jiang Yun and showed the evolver badge at the gate of the community, and then walked into the community.

This is the place where you can apply for accommodation. Li Shiyi and others followed the signs in the community and came to an office lobby-like place.

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