Tasks like this usually take a long time, and they come and go in weeks.

You see, this mission is to search for survivors in Yunlai City. It means that the person who accepts the mission will go to Yunlai City to explore information.

The search written here is a literal search, and there is no need to bring back survivors.

These types of tasks require task recording. The task recorder must be used throughout the entire process, and the process of performing the task must be recorded as required.

And since the video needs to be reviewed, it will take a long time to get paid after completing the task.

However, this type of mission also has advantages. First of all, because it is a long-distance mission, the consumables in the mission are provided by the army, and the army will provide vehicles.

Secondly, the rewards for such tasks are quite generous. Because the tasks have to be performed across relatively long distances, there is great uncertainty in terms of danger, so the rewards are very high.

But in fact, there are very few casualties in this kind of mission, because it only requires the detection of intelligence, not the elimination of monsters, so if you encounter any danger, you can just drive away.

And this type of mission is allowed to be carried out in teams. Depending on the number of people, the reward will also increase. Of course, there is an upper limit on the reward, and it will not directly double according to the number of people.

These conditions combined make these tasks more popular.

However, these types of tasks are basically taken over by the Evolutionary Organizations, and then distributed internally.

Evolutionary organization? Li Shiyi captured a key word in Jiang Yun's words.

Yes, those evolvers who did not join the army spontaneously formed a civilian organization of evolvers. It's strange, isn't it?

It's indeed a bit strange. It would have been understandable in the past to join those civil organizations instead of joining the good military.

But this is the end of the world after all. Can those civil organizations provide better treatment than the army?

That won't happen. Jiang Yun said, The army must have the best treatment.

What allows them to choose to join civil organizations is freedom.

It's not that the army doesn't have freedom, but the army is an army after all. Even if it is a special organization of evolvers, many things cannot be done too much.

But joining these organizations is different. You can do almost anything you want without breaking the law.

As he spoke, Jiang Yun showed a you know expression.

Seeing Jiang Yun winking at him, Li Shi nodded: I understand.

Okay, let's stop explaining the mission and so on. It's time to get down to business.

Okay, Mr. Li, let's go this way. Jiang Yun led Li Shiyi in one direction again.

Here we are, right here. Jiang Yun guided Li Shiyi and three others to the door of an office.

Mr. Li, please wait here for a moment. I'll go in and report. Jiang Yun asked Li Shiyi for instructions.

Go. Li Shi nodded.

Afterwards, Jiang Yun walked into the office and closed the door. Not long after, the office door opened again.

Mr. Li, come in.

After Li Shiyi followed Jiang Yun into the office, he came to a desk.

Hello, you are Mr. Li, please take a seat. Behind the desk, a young man with a proper smile on his face made an invitation gesture towards Li Eleven and the others.

Li Eleven and the others were not polite and sat down at the desk with Qiangwei and Xuelang.

Let me introduce myself. I am the president of the Evolutionary Association, Zhou Ming.

Mr. Zhou Ming is an S-level evolver. Jiang Yun added in a timely manner.

Hello, I'm Li Shiyi. Li Shiyi nodded towards Zhou Ming, not surprised by Zhou Ming's identity.

Moreover, he believed that Jiang Yun had already told Zhou Ming about his matters, so he didn't say much more.

If there was a true comparison, there probably wouldn't be many people in the entire capital who could compare with Li Shiyi's status.

I heard from Jiang Yun that one of you punched the test instrument and broke it. Can I ask who it was?

After introducing himself, Zhou Ming asked Li Shiyi straight to the point.

It's him, my brother, codenamed Blood Wolf.

Li Shiyi gestured towards Xuelang.

Code name: Blood Wolf? Zhou Ming looked at the Blood Wolf in confusion.

The blood wolf looked at Zhou Ming expressionlessly.

Although Zhou Ming expressed his doubts, Li Shiyi did not explain anything.

In other words, this is an effect deliberately created by Li Shiyi. The more mysterious it makes the other party feel, the more beneficial it will be to them.

And Li Shiyi was not afraid of him checking. After all, the people in Su City were in the fortress. Even if they checked, they could only find some basic information.

In addition to Mr. Blood Wolf, are you two also evolvers?

Yes, the three of us are all evolved, but don't worry, the blood wolf is not my biological brother. We only came together after meeting in the apocalypse.

This is my girlfriend, Qiangwei.

Qiangwei nodded to Zhou Ming in time and showed a friendly smile.

If we compare our strength, the three of us are almost the same. If you don't believe it, you can test it.

No need. Zhou Ming shook his head, With a powerful evolver like Mr. Blood Wolf here, you are worthy of trust.

What about the rating? Li Shiyi asked.

With your strength, no matter how long it takes to evolve, you can be rated as S-class.

After all, your brother is the first evolution I've heard of that can break special detection instruments.

If I were to comment, I am an S-class evolver because my strength has reached the level of this title.

And the reason why you three are S-class evolvers is because the highest rating can only be S.

If possible, I would really like to apply for a brand new title for you three. Zhou Ming said with a wry smile.

Let's forget it. Li Shiyi smiled and was very impressed by Zhou Ming's words, but he still rejected Zhou Ming's proposal.

We here just want to live a good life and don't want to cause trouble, so I hope Mr. Zhou Ming can keep it a secret for us.

If it's confidential, I can only guarantee confidentiality to a certain extent. After all, I want to report your information. Zhou Ming said with some embarrassment.

Of course you can. Li Shi nodded, After all, this is your job, it's understandable.

Thank you for your understanding. Zhou Ming smiled at Li Shiyi.

So, does Mr. Li plan to join the army? Then, Zhou Ming asked Li Shiyi the most critical question.

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