Go in. Li Eleven and the others walked into the office hall. After showing their S-class evolutionary badges, they quickly and successfully applied for a residence.

And after the people in the office lobby saw the S-class evolutionary badge, they were so enthusiastic that they seemed to want to eat Li Shiyi and the others.

And one of the female salesmen even winked at Li Shiyi and Xue Lang from time to time.

But of course this has no effect on Li Shiyi and Xuelang.

But Jiang Yunze showed great interest in the female salesperson.

When the female salesperson saw that Jiang Yun had followed Li Shiyi and the others, and that her actions had no effect on Li Shiyi and Xuelang, she turned her target to Jiang Yun.

Before Li Shiyi and others left, the two also made an appointment for their next meeting.

Li Shiyi naturally didn't care about this trivial matter. After leaving the office lobby, he went directly to the accommodation he had applied for.

It looks pretty good.

After entering the door, Li Shiyi looked around the room. It was a four-bedroom apartment with all kinds of furniture.

Of course, if you want entertainment equipment such as a TV or computer, you will definitely not have it.

In fact, Li Shiyi originally wanted to apply for a three-bedroom apartment, but after his little idea was discovered by Qiangwei, he had to change to a four-bedroom apartment.

It will be cold at night if one person is in a room. Li Shiyi looked at Qiangwei with resentful eyes.

Hmph, do you think I don't know what you are thinking? Qiangwei raised her hair and walked into a bedroom.

This room is mine.

Then she closed the door, leaving Li Shiyi with a disappearing figure.

Okay, one room per person, choose yourself. Li Shiyi sighed, and then also chose a room.

Mr. Xue Lang, you choose first. Jiang Yun said to Xue Lang.

Okay. Xue Lang nodded and directly chose a room without being polite.

Hehe, from today on, I, Jiang Yun, will also have a good life. I will have a bright future with Master Evolve.

After watching Li Shiyi and the three of them walk into the chosen bedroom, Jiang Yun was excited in the living room for a long time. It wasn't until there was a little noise from Li Shiyi's door that he hurriedly entered the last room.

After Li Shiyi came out, he glanced at Jiang Yun's slightly embarrassed back strangely, then knocked on the door of Qiangwei and Xuelang's room, and called them to the living room.

Okay, it should be safe here. Tell me, what did you hear in the Evolutionary Association? Sitting on the sofa, Li Shiyi asked Qiangwei and Xuelang.

There is another person besides himself in Zhou Ming's office. Xue Lang said first, In his office, I heard the breathing of another person.

I heard it too. Li Shiyi said.

Qiangwei also nodded and said, And you can hear that he is deliberately breathing lightly and trying his best to suppress his breathing.

In addition to the sound of breathing, Li Shiyi also saw the aura of that person, who was hiding in the closet in the house.

It feels like it should be an evolver, maybe protecting Zhou Ming. Qiangwei analyzed.

It's not that simple. Li Shiyi shook his head, If you are protecting Zhou Ming, there is no need to hide.

And don't you find it strange that Zhou Ming, as the president of the Evolutionary Association, has no intention of persuading us to join the army?

It's indeed strange. Qiangwei nodded, And after we left the office, there was no movement at all in the office, and the person in the closet never came out.

The evolved person in the closet probably doesn't know that we have discovered him. He didn't come out on purpose. Maybe he was afraid that we would hear something outside the door.

This Zhou Ming is worth investigating. Li Shiyi touched his chin and said with a little playfulness.

At the same time, Jiang Yun also tidied up his room and walked out of the room.

Sit. Li Shiyi pointed to the sofa on the side, Don't be so formal. Although we are evolved people, I still hope you can treat us as ordinary people.

This. Jiang Yun scratched his head, Is this okay?

There's nothing wrong with it. Li Shiyi smiled, Let's just consider it an employment relationship. Don't think of us as the evolutionaries you call us. I don't like that.

Okay. Jiang Yun nodded, convinced himself in his heart, took a deep breath, and sat on the sofa.

Jiang Yun, now I need you to do something for me. After Jiang Yun sat down, Li Shi said to him.

What happened? Jiang Yun asked.

Help us investigate Zhou Ming.

Investigating Zhou Ming?

Yes. Li Shi nodded, It's not a superficial investigation, but the kind of digging deep into the ground.

Of course, I know that this matter is very difficult, so I am not asking you to do it yourself.

You are familiar with this place, so I want you to come up with a solution. What we need to do can be implemented by all of us.

Let me think of a way. Jiang Yun scratched his head.

You can refuse. Li Shiyi smiled, After all, he is a big shot like Zhou Ming. Even if you refuse, it is normal. I understand and I won't blame you.

Hearing what Li Shiyi said, Jiang Yun, who lowered his head, glanced upward at Li Shiyi, hoping to read some information from Li Shiyi's face, but unfortunately there was no expression on Li Shiyi's face.

I will do it. After struggling for a long time, Jiang Yun made up his mind and clenched his fist.

Very good. Li Shi nodded, and then took out a pistol from his backpack.

This thing should be hard currency now. Li Shiyi took the gun and played with it in his hand, then handed it to Jiang Yun.

Speaking of which, you've been away from your post for so long, is that okay? You haven't left the Provisional Army yet, haven't you?

It doesn't matter. After all, you three are all evolutionaries. I followed you and I won't be blamed. Jiang Yun looked at the pistol in his hand with some excitement.

With his eyesight, which he has been involved in the apocalypse for so long, he could tell at a glance that this was a pistol of extremely high quality, but the model of this gun was something he had never seen before.

Are you really going to give this to me? Jiang Yun put the pistol in his hand and kept playing with it, with unconcealable excitement in his eyes.

Do you need to be so excited? It's just a gun. You are also a soldier after all. Li Shiyi looked at Jiang Yun funny.

After all, that's not my gun. A temporary army like ours has to hand the gun back after leaving the post every day.

And the guns we use are all old guns that have been eliminated by the regular army. How can they compare to this?

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