In the training room on the fourth floor of the fortress, there was a sound of hitting.

At this time, Li Shiyi was doing battle training with Qiangwei in the training room.

It has to be said that those who have practiced are different. After Qiangwei used the genetic enhancer, the gap in physical fitness between Qiangwei and Li Shiyi was gradually narrowing.

And this means that Li Shiyi's method of conquering ten societies with one force will not work.

Instead of calling it a battle training between two people, it would be better to call Li Shiyi a unilateral beating.

Often after he defends against an attack from Qiangwei, his defensive posture will be inexplicably resolved, and then he will be attacked again inexplicably.

However, both of them were wearing scorpion energy armor, and their hands were all wrapped up.

In this way, Li Shiyi will not be hurt, and secondly, Qiangwei's hands can be protected.

After a while, Li Shiyi suddenly jumped back, and then stretched out his hands towards Qiangwei.

No more fighting, no more fighting, let's take a rest.

After saying that, Li Shiyi sat on the chair by the wall of the training room, picked up the water bottle on the ground, unscrewed the cap and drank a few sips.

Qiangwei also came over, sat next to Li Shiyi, and asked Li Shiyi.

Why, are you tired now? You shouldn't be. Your physical strength should be better than mine. And I've been the main one moving for so long. How can you be tired?

After saying that, Qiangwei took Li Shiyi's water bottle and drank it.

Has anyone ever told you that speaking like this can easily make people think wrongly?

Li Shiyi secretly complained, and then explained.

The main reason is that I don't have any room to fight back. Although it doesn't hurt, it's very uncomfortable to hit like this.

If I use all my strength, I can fight you, but in that case I won't be able to fully control my strength.

We are just training, not a life and death fight. I definitely can't use my full strength.

Li Shi put his right elbow on his knee, clenched his right hand into a fist, supported his chin, and looked at Qiangwei with a hint of helplessness.

After hearing Li Shiyi's explanation, Qiangwei burst into laughter, and didn't stop until she saw Li Shiyi's almost angry eyes.

Of course, she knew that Li Shiyi would not be really angry, this expression was just for her to see.

So that's the reason. After stopping her laughter, Qiangwei smoothed her hair and leaned against the wall.

This is simple, I'll teach you.

You teach me? Li Shiyi immediately became interested after hearing this.

Don't you keep your family's kung fu secret?

What is there to keep secret? Do you think this is a martial arts drama and the secrets cannot be passed on to others? Qiangwei rolled her eyes at Li Shiyi.

Our family doesn't rely on this for food, it's just for fitness and self-protection. Didn't you see that Lulu doesn't know how to do anything?

If I hadn't lived with my grandfather since I was a child, my parents probably wouldn't have let me learn martial arts.

But now it seems that learning martial arts is a good thing. If I didn't know kung fu, Lulu and I might not be alive today.

Speaking of which, how long do we plan to stay in Baiquan City?

Li Shiyi didn't expect Qiangwei to suddenly ask about this matter. After thinking about it for a while, he said.

According to the current plan, we should wait until the Type I Corisi biological weapon hatches before leaving. What's wrong, are you anxious to go to the capital to see your parents early?

Yes. Qiangwei nodded, and Li Shiyi rarely saw this melancholy look on Qiangwei's face.

Not just my parents, but also my grandfather. They are all in the capital. My grandfather is already so old. As a result, something like this happened. I don't know what is going on now.

In that case, let's set off the day after tomorrow. Li Shiyi said decisively.

The day after tomorrow? Qiangwei blinked in confusion.

You're not waiting for the Type I Corisi biological weapons to hatch?

No wait. Li Shiyi shook his head.

I'll just wait until the Type I Corisi biological soldiers hatch and come back. Anyway, the chariot runs fast. I won't take the fortress with me and just run back alone.

I'm going to Sioux City tomorrow to pick up a friend. Will you go?

Pick up a friend? Qiangwei was a little confused. Su Shi, she thought there should be no one left. Li Shiyi had a friend out of nowhere. Why didn't he go with the fortress before?

But even though Qiangwei thought so in her heart, she didn't ask any more questions, because Li Shiyi's expression already told her the answer.

The answer is, don’t ask, don’t tell if you ask, I’ll know when I see you tomorrow.

Seeing Li Shiyi's ungrateful smile, Qiangwei suddenly became furious.

Get up and practice for another hour.

Ah~, no more.

Li Shiyi, you are a grown man, can you not make such a sound? Just tell me if you can do it.

Okay, of course. How can a man say he can't do it?

Therefore, Li Shiyi spent his time surrounded by the sound of being beaten with ping-ping-pong-pong until he went to bed.

Early the next morning, Li Shiyi drove off with Qiangwei and Xuelang.

In fact, according to Qiangwei's idea, she did not plan to bring the blood wolf with her. She wanted to let him have more contact with Tao Yu.

But as soon as Xuelang heard that he was going to Su City to pick up a friend, he immediately became interested and firmly expressed his intention to come with Li Shiyi.

Seeing this, Qiangwei could only agree.

However, Xue Lang did not sit in the same car with them, but drove a huge car with a cargo slot in the back.

Sitting in the chariot, Qiangwei asked Li Shiyi: Why doesn't the blood wolf sit in the same car with us? Is it because he is worried about making a light bulb?

No. Li Shiyi shook his head.

The car driven by Xue Lang is useful. As for its use, you will know when you get there.

You just like to show off. Qiangwei rolled her eyes.

Afterwards, the group of people drove on the road. However, as the car was driving, Qiangwei discovered something was wrong.

This doesn't seem to be the direction to Sioux City.

Although the area between Su City and Baiquan City had been damaged beyond recognition by missile bombing, Qiangwei still recognized that this was not the direction to Su City.

You're right. Li Shi nodded.

We are indeed not going to Sioux City. To be precise, we are not going to the urban area of ​​Sioux City.

“If we don’t go to the city, then where are we going?”

Linyi Lake.

Why are you going to Linyi Lake? Aren't you going to pick up your friend? Does your friend live by the lake?

My friend lives in the lake.

Guess whether I believe it or not.

If you don't believe it, let's make a bet. Li Shiyi turned his head and looked at Qiangwei with a smile.

How about it? Do you dare to bet?

I won't bet with you. You know this. Of course you can win.

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