Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 211 Taking back the octopus

Although Li Shiyi's chariot was very fast, Xue Lang was driving a cargo truck.

Even if it has been modified, the speed of this car can only be said to be barely satisfactory. It is impossible to catch up with Li Shiyi's chariot.

In desperation, Li Shiyi could only drive next to the truck, open the window, and the three of them chatted for a while to kill time.

Hey, Eleven, do you want to ask Xuelang about Tao Yu?

Suddenly, Qiangwei closed the windows of the chariot, and then said this to Li Shiyi.

Now? Li Shiyi turned back and looked at Qiangwei.

Yes, there are only three of us now, and the atmosphere is so relaxed. Isn't it a good opportunity?

It saves you from having to call Xuelang to the main control room and make it look like a conversation between superiors and subordinates.

It makes sense. Li Shi nodded, Then you ask?

You should ask. Qiangwei refused, After all, you are half of Blood Wolf's brother, so it won't be so abrupt to ask.

What does it mean to be half a brother? I am his brother, okay?

Li Shiyi replied to Qiangwei, and then opened the car door before Qiangwei opened her mouth, letting Qiangwei hold her words in her mouth.

I'll settle the score with you when I get back!

Qiangwei thought to herself.

Xue Lang. After opening the car window, Li Shiyi called Xue Lang. Although the sound was not loud, Xue Lang still heard it clearly with his ears.

What's wrong, boss?

Are you in love?

Qiangwei never expected that Li Shiyi would ask so directly. After Li Shiyi asked, she was even a little unable to complain.

But what she didn't expect even more was that Xuelang actually accepted this question.

It can't be considered love. I like that girl. I don't know whether she likes her or not.

The blood wolf said in a shy tone of a young man. If he hadn't turned into a werewolf, he would probably be blushing now.

Then have you told this girl?

Not yet. I think it would be better to go find her after I turn into a human.

Sure enough, I asked you why you suddenly wanted to evolve this ability recently. It turned out to be this reason. You bloody wolf, you actually didn't tell me that you were in love. Do you think you don't regard me as your elder brother anymore?

Hey, I'm just a little shy. I want to wait until the girl agrees to me before I tell you.

Although Li Shiyi sounded angry, having been together for so long, Xue Lang could easily tell whether Li Shiyi was really angry or just joking with him.

You are right to think so. Although Xuelang couldn't see Li Shiyi's face now, Li Shiyi nodded habitually.

But Blood Wolf, life is worse than cooking. Don't wait until everything is ready before cooking. You must learn to take action when it's time to take action. Do you understand?

Li Shiyi pressed his body on Qiangwei's legs and stuck his head out of the window on Qiangwei's side to shout this sentence towards the blood wolf.

Fortunately, this place is a wilderness, empty and empty, and there will be no car accidents. Otherwise, Qiangwei may be scared to death.

I understand, boss. Xue Lang also stuck his head out of the window and shouted to Li Shida, I will confess to that girl when I get back!

Very good. After receiving a satisfactory reply, Li Shiyi retracted into the car and held the steering wheel again.

Are you all so direct? Qiangwei looked at Li Shiyi with a complicated expression.

Is it very straightforward? Isn't this a normal process? Li Shiyi glanced at Qiangwei strangely.

Look at the two of us, how long have we been together?

That's different. Qiangwei said coquettishly when she mentioned this matter.

I just think it's more appropriate to be friends first and wait until things are natural before confessing.

Is that so? Li Shiyi blinked in confusion, I don't think it's necessary, after all that night.

Before Li Shiyi could say the next words, Qiangwei held his mouth.

Realizing that he almost said something wrong, Li Shi nodded to Qiangwei, indicating that he understood.

Only then did Qiangwei let go of Li Shiyi's hand.

During the rest of the journey, the few people said no more nutritious topics. A few hours later, they finally arrived at the outskirts of Linyi Lake, where the small forest was.

We'll be there soon. Linyi Lake is in front of us. Li Shiyi pointed to the direction ahead and said to Qiangwei.

We've finally arrived. Following Qiangwei's relieved tone, Linyi Lake also appeared in front of them.

However, Li Shiyi frowned at this moment.

What's wrong? Qiangwei asked with concern.

The octopus must have sensed my arrival, but why didn't it come out?

Octopus? Qiangwei didn't understand what Li Shiyi meant.

Well, it's an octopus. Li Shiyi, who was busy thinking about the problem, did not explain it to Qiangwei in detail. He accelerated suddenly and arrived at the lake. Then he quickly got out of the car and ran to the lake, calling to the lake.

Xiao Hong, Xiao Hong!

Following Li Shiyi's voice, a ripple appeared in the lake, and then a black tentacle lifted a zombie's body from the lake.


The zombies have spoken! Qiangwei was shocked, took out her lightsaber and got into a fighting stance.

Qiangwei, this is the friend I told you about. I will explain other things to you later. I will check on Xiao Hong first.

After explaining, Li Shiyi ignored Qiangwei's confused eyes and looked at the zombie's body again.

Xiaohong, why did your tentacles turn black?

Some time ago, the lake water was polluted and turned black. My friends were dying. I drank the black water and it became like this.

Master, Xiaohong feels so uncomfortable. She can't spit out the black water. Can you help Xiaohong?

Although there seems to be something wrong with Xiaohong's body, it speaks very fluently this time. It is obvious that it has grown to a certain extent during this time.

At this moment, Xue Lang finally caught up. After he saw the black tentacles in the lake, he quickly jumped out of the car and came to Li Shiyi.

Boss, is this Xiaohong?

Yes, it seems that the virus liquid produced by the Corisi Ecological Transformation Group flowed into the lake and Xiaohong drank it, and then it became like this.

I should be able to help Xiao Hong. Xue Lang thought for a while and said to Li Shiyi.

you sure?


It won't have any impact on you, right? At this time, Li Shiyi already had a rough idea of ​​what Xuelang planned to do, but he didn't know Xuelang's specific plan yet.

Don't worry, boss.

After saying that, Xue Lang took another step forward and said to the zombie's body: Xiao Hong, do you still remember me?

Remember, you are Xiaohong's friend, Blood Wolf.

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