On the fourth floor of the fortress, in the main control room, Li Shiyi and Qiangwei were sitting on chairs and looking attentively at a certain screen on the console.

What was displayed on the screen was the scene in the Werewolf Restaurant, and even Ah Wei's voice was recorded and transmitted.

Boss, please hold on gently, my shoulders will be crushed by you. Ah Wei was grinning and trying to move the blood wolf's claws away from his shoulders.

Ah, I'm sorry, Ah Wei, I got excited. Xue Lang retracted his claws in embarrassment, then scratched his head in embarrassment.

Then how did you find out about her? Who did you find out about her? Please tell me.

Of course I was checking with that girl's best friend. Ah Wei looked at Xue Lang with a proud expression.

But having said that, boss, it's true that you spent an afternoon with this little girl and you didn't even ask her her name. I really don't know what to say about you.

In the main control room, after hearing this sentence, Li Shiyi and Qiangwei made a tacit understanding of putting their hands on their foreheads.

Am I inexperienced? Xue Lang smiled awkwardly and quickly asked.

Stop teasing me, tell me everything you know.

Actually, I didn't find out much. Ah Wei paused, sorted out his words, and then said.

That little girl's name is Tao Yu. She is an orphan. She grew up in an orphanage. She is twenty-nine years old. If it were not the end of the world, she should be in college.

Her best friend told me that she went back after she separated from you that afternoon. She didn't smile all night. She didn't say anything when others asked her. She blushed when asked too many questions.

The time was right, you separated around five o'clock, and the little girl never saw anyone else again.

Then guess what she was thinking about all night. She just finished fighting zombies that day. She couldn't be thinking about fighting.

You mean, she is thinking about me? Xue Lang asked Ah Wei with a hint of uncertainty, but also a very expectant tone.

Of course. Ah Wei said with great certainty, So, boss, you can rest assured and evolve the ability to become a human first, and we will talk about other things later.

Okay. When he said this word, Xue Lang's whole body was filled with a feeling of hope.

The momentum is good. Li Shiyi looked at the blood wolf with firm eyes on the screen, smiled like an old father, and then operated a few times on the console.

Subsequently, the main display of the console displayed the information of all the people in the fortress whose names sounded the same as Tao Yu's.

There were two pieces of information, both of which were girls. One of them was named Tao Yu, but his age did not match, so he was directly excluded.

The other one was named Tao Yu. Li Shiyi looked at her information carefully and found that it was very similar to what A Wei said.

But what surprised Li Shiyi was that this girl was actually one of the evolvers.

I didn't expect that the girl Xuelang likes is actually an evolver. She has really good vision.

What do you mean? Did you approach me because I was an evolved person?

Qiangwei suddenly approached Li Shiyi and grabbed Li Shiyi's collar pretending to be fierce.

If I were an ordinary person, would you still be with me?

Li Shiyi, who didn't expect that the topic would suddenly turn to him, was stunned for a moment, and then not to be outdone, he put his arms around Qiangwei: Of course.

What I like is you, Qiangwei, and everything about you, so no matter what, I will be with you.

Hmph, men are good at talking sweet words. Guess whether I believe your lies or not. Qiangwei proudly let go of Li Shiyi's collar and broke free from Li Shiyi's arms.

Although she pretended to have a nonchalant expression on her face, the crimson color on her face gave her away.

Seeing Qiangwei's cute look, Li Shiyi couldn't help but stand up, kissed Qiangwei on the face, then turned and walked towards the elevator.

Where are you going?

Go find Tao Yu. Li Shiyi looked at Qiangwei with a puzzled look, I'll go talk to Xuelang.

What are you doing? Come back. After hearing Li Shiyi's words, Qiangwei stood up quickly and pulled Li Shiyi back.

What do you mean by helping people fall in love? Have you ever seen anyone helping people fall in love?

But. Li Shiyi pointed to the blood wolf on the screen, I don't think the blood wolf can handle this matter by himself.

Then you can't go looking for other girls like this. Qiangwei said as she pulled Li Shiyi back to the chair.

Sit down. After saying that, Qiangwei also sat down.

Tell me, if you go to find that girl, and then the little girl is with the blood wolf.

At that time, do you think she loved the blood wolf, or was she obeying your orders?

This. Li Shiyi was stunned by Qiangwei's words.

Needless to say, after you go find that girl, even she herself may not be able to tell whether she likes Snow Wolf or is with Snow Wolf because she obeys your orders.

You just let Xuelang do this kind of thing by himself. At most, we can give you some ideas or create some opportunities. How could he find someone so suddenly?

I didn't think carefully. Li Shi nodded and gave up the idea of ​​going to Tao Yu.

Your behavior is called caring and chaos. Qiangwei looked at Li Shiyi and said with a smile.

Li Shi nodded and said nothing more.

But only he knew in his heart that he was not careless and confused, but felt a little guilty towards the blood wolf.

Originally, the blood wolf followed him because of the thought locking device, but then something happened with the blood wolf's father.

Li Shiyi also knew that this was the end of the world, and the things he did were understandable, at least not right or wrong.

But Xue Lang was still a child after all, and it was the best time in his life. Li Shiyi would feel guilty every time he saw Xue Lang make that disappointed expression.

Even though Han Cheng, Xue Lang's father, did everything, Li Shiyi would occasionally think about it.

Was it right for him to do what he did in the first place? Would it be better for Xue Lang if he didn't let Xue Lang know the truth and went to clean up Hancheng himself?

But sometimes Li Shiyi would firmly believe that it was right for him to let Xuelang know the truth. As expected, people are always contradictory like this.

Forget it, forget about this.

Li Shiyi stood up from the chair, stretched out his hand, and extended an invitation to Qiangwei.

Do you want to exercise after dinner?

Okay, but don't cry if you lose.

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