Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 196 Repairing Assimilation

So fast? Li Shiyi was a little surprised after hearing Professor Fang's words, Isn't it just not long after I handed over the sample to you? How come there is a new discovery?

That's right, we have only conducted some preliminary experiments on it and have not started research yet, but we have still made some discoveries.

Look. As he said this, Professor Fang brought Li Shiyi to the test bench.

This is the kind of biological tissue you gave me. I found that even if this kind of biological tissue is separated from the body, it can continue to grow as long as it has enough nutrients.

However, it is not yet known whether this tissue can differentiate after growth and produce Type I Corisi biological weapon embryos, and further research is needed.

In addition, considering that this tissue has the ability to absorb other living organisms, we also conducted experiments with the corpses of second-order parasitic scorpions and this biological tissue.

And this experiment is the main reason why I came to you.


Professor Fang pointed to another bottle aside and showed it to Li Shiyi.

You see, these biological tissues in the scorpion are the same as what Mr. Blood Wolf described. The parts of the scorpion that come into contact with these biological tissues are assimilated.

Li Shiyi looked into the bottle according to Professor Fang's description and found that the legs and abdomen of the scorpion had turned the same red as the biological tissues, and looked very soft in texture.

In addition, what surprised Li Shiyi was that there were some red areas on the back of the scorpion, but the color was darker, close to black.

However, these biological tissues are not devouring the scorpion, but repairing it.

Repair? Li Shi took his eyes away from the bottle and looked at Professor Fang.

Yes, it's repair. Professor Fang nodded, Actually, we have dissected this scorpion, and the abdomen has been completely opened by us.

We have removed all its internal organs, and we have also cut off some small pieces of its back armor for study.

But in such a short period of time, its back armor has been initially repaired, you see.

With that said, Professor Fang pointed to the red parts on the back of the scorpion and said to Li Shiyi.

These areas have been completely filled with this biological tissue, and a thin layer of carapace has grown on the surface. It won't take long for the carapace in these places to be completely repaired.

Based on this, we infer that this biological tissue may not be unique to Type I Corisi biological weapon embryos.

It is likely to be a special biological tissue specially used to provide nutrients and body repair for biological weapons.

If we extrapolate based on this conclusion, then it probably does not have the ability to independently grow Type I Corisi biological weapon embryos.

But as long as a few cells from the Type I Corisi biological weapon embryo fall onto this biological tissue, it will repair that little bit of tissue into a complete embryo.

It sounds like growing potatoes. Li Shiyi made an inappropriate metaphor.

It does sound similar, but in fact it is completely different, because no matter what kind of biological weapon cells come into contact with this special biological tissue, it may be repaired into a complete individual.

Of course, the nutrients consumed by doing this will definitely be very huge, and the speed will be much slower than the normal cultivation of a biological weapon.

Although this scorpion seems to be repaired very quickly, in fact it will take a long time. This is only a small second-level scorpion.

It is conceivable that if you want to create a large biological weapon through this method, it will take a long time.

So the capacity of this biological tissue is not to manufacture, but to repair and provide nutrients.

We also conducted some simple experiments to obtain some properties of this biological tissue.

First of all, this biological tissue itself grows extremely fast. As long as there are nutrients, it can grow rapidly in a short period of time.

Secondly, this biological tissue is very fragile and can be easily destroyed by fire or acid.

But it is also dangerous in itself. We have conducted experiments on animals. When this tissue comes into contact with animals, it will quickly start to be assimilated and engulfed.

To stop this devouring, we can only completely remove the infected part, so in the next actions, we must remind the soldiers to take precautions.

Okay, I understand. Li Shi nodded.

Is there anything else besides these?

No more. Professor Fang shook his head.

Afterwards, Li Shiyi and Professor Fang said goodbye, and then came to the operations hall on the third floor.

This operations hall was established after the establishment of the military department of the fortress and was specifically used for discussions on operations.

When Li Shiyi came to this conference room, he found that the mayor and others were also here.

Everyone is here. That's just right. I have something to tell you.

As soon as he came in, Li Shiyi sat on the main seat, and then straight to the point told what Professor Fang had just told him.

In other words, the battle plan we formulated before is feasible, but we need to strengthen the protection of the soldiers. Is that what you mean? After Li Shiyi finished speaking, the mayor made a summary.

Yes. Li Shi nodded, That's all I have to say. I hope everyone can start the eradication operation as soon as possible.


After handling these matters, Li Shiyi returned to his room on the fourth floor.

I was just about to take a good look at these rewards when I was called away. This time I will take care of everything first and see who comes back to me.

Li Shiyi rubbed his hands together excitedly, opened the system panel again, and expanded the reward list.

[Reward special item store permissions, the current permission level is level one]

[One chance to upgrade reward items]

[One chance to upgrade the reward system device]

[Reward fortress-type missile silo*1, missiles*10]

[Reward energy crystal*50000]

[Reward God-level Engine*1]

[Reward number of vehicle upgrades*1]

[Reward Gatekeeper Core*1]

[Rewards for opening the virus-type biological recovery function]

[Reward interdimensional fragments*200]

Among them, the one that interests Li Shiyi the most is naturally the special items store. After all, he can tell what the others are used for at a glance, but this special items store is something he has never seen before.

Special items, as well as authority levels, I don't know what's in here, it's so mysterious.

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