Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 195 New Discovery

If these biological tissues can be eradicated, it should be possible to delay the incubation time of Type I Corisi biological weapons to a certain extent.

As for the specific combat plan, there is already a rough prototype. Basically, it is to use flames to incinerate these biological tissues, and to use corrosive liquids to corrode them.

After all, this kind of biological tissue covers a relatively large area, so these two options are probably the most efficient.

In addition, we hope to use explosive weapons to attack the exposed embryos, after all, we can eliminate one by one.

After speaking, the mayor put down the paper in his hand and raised his head to look at Li Shiyi.

I agree with both plans and the task of blasting the exposed embryo will be mine.

Now that the plan has been determined, everyone should arrange it as soon as possible. The sooner the better, but do not spread specific information to prevent it from affecting people's hearts.

Okay. Everyone present nodded, and then quickly left the fourth floor.

Huh. After the mayor and others left, Li Shiyi sat down on the chair and let out a sigh of relief.

Then he said to Xue Lang: By the way, Xue Lang, you should also go and discuss the battle plan with the division commander. After all, you are the commander of the werewolf team.

Okay, boss, I'll go right away. Xue Lang nodded and left his seat.

By the way, remember to send the samples of our mobile phones to the research laboratory.

Okay. Xuelang, who had already reached the door, turned around and agreed, and then left.

After everyone else left, Qiangwei moved her chair to a position next to Li Eleven and looked at Li Eleven with concern.

Eleven, don't be too stressed. In the worst case, we will leave here.

I'm fine. Li Shiyi shook his head, then put his arms around Qiangwei.

Speaking of which, your shelter has been established for so long and you haven't discovered these things yet?

No. Qiangwei shook her head gently, If I have to say it, someone did say that the city center was not normal at the beginning.

But those special types of mutated monsters started to appear in the city center and then slowly spread throughout the city, so we basically won't go near the city center.

So that's it. Li Shi nodded.

Okay, let's go take a rest. After all what happened, you should be tired. As he said that, Li Shiyi turned around and looked at Qiangwei.

Okay, I just want to take a nap. Qiangwei looked at Li Shiyi and said.

After saying that, the two held hands and walked to the bedroom, but the ending was different from what Li Shiyi thought.

As soon as she reached the bedroom, Qiangwei let go of Li Shiyi's hand, and then got into the bedroom, with only a head peeking out from the crack in the door.

Then I'll rest first. After saying that, Qiangwei retracted her head and closed the door.

Alas. Li Shiyi sighed after his plan failed, and returned to his bedroom.

But after returning to the bedroom, Li Shiyi did not rest, but called up the system panel.

After the last zombie wave, Li Shiyi never checked the resources in his hands. After all, he had been busy during this period.

But in that battle, Bastion killed so many zombies, and these would all be blamed on Li Shiyi. In this way, Li Shiyi should have a lot of energy crystals in his hands.

Maybe these energy crystals can unlock something that can deal with the Type I Corisi biological weapon embryo.

But when Li Shiyi opened the panel, he was dumbfounded. The number of energy crystals on the panel was still over 10,000, almost unchanged from before.

System, system, I killed so many zombies, why are there no rewards? In desperation, Li Shiyi quickly shouted to the system.

Of course, he was not worried that Qiangwei would hear it, because the sound insulation of each room in the fort was very good.

Then, the system's prompt sounded.

[The host is currently in a state of zombie tide war. Since this is the first war, rewards will be distributed uniformly after the war]

[May I ask if the host has ended the zombie war state now? 】


Li Shiyi would not hesitate about this option at all, that is, he only discovered it now, otherwise he would have ended the war long ago.

And Li Shiyi thought about it carefully. When he was facing the zombie wave, he seemed to have heard what the system said, but he seemed to be in a nervous state at the time, so he ignored it.

After Li Shiyi chose to end the war state, the system's beep sounded again.

[The zombie tide war state has ended, and the rewards are now being settled]

[Reward special item store permissions, the current permission level is level one]

[One chance to upgrade reward items]

[One chance to upgrade the reward system device]

[Reward fortress-type missile silo*1, missiles*10]

[Reward energy crystal*50000]

[Reward God-level Engine*1]

[Reward number of vehicle upgrades*1]

[Reward Gatekeeper Core*1]

[Rewards for opening the virus-type biological recovery function]

[Reward interdimensional fragments*200]

Along with the sound of the system, each reward was turned into words and displayed in front of Li Shiyi.

This, so many rewards. Looking at the system interface in front of him, Li Shiyi's originally bad mood suddenly improved due to the emergence of Type I Corisi biological weapon embryos.

It's just that the number of energy crystals is a bit small. We must have killed more than 50,000 zombies, not to mention there are so many special zombies.

Although he complained like this, Li Shiyi was actually very satisfied. After all, there were several things they had seen in this reward.

What surprised him the most was the mine-containing missile silo. With this thing, he might be able to deal with the Type I Corisi biological weapon embryo.

However, before he could read all the rewards one by one, a call from Professor Fang suddenly came through the communicator.

After he picked up, Professor Fang's voice came from the communicator.

Mr. Li, I just made some new discoveries here. I hope you can come over.

Okay, I'll be there right away.

After saying that, Li Shiyi hung up the phone, sighed at the reward panel, and then turned off the panel.

After all, Professor Fang's tone sounded quite urgent. He could see the reward at any time, so he would naturally deal with Professor Fang's matters first.

Later, Li Shiyi took the elevator to the third floor and came to Professor Fang's laboratory.

What's wrong, Professor Fang?

That's right, Mr. Li, we just conducted research on the biological tissue you asked Mr. Blood Wolf to give us, and we made some new discoveries.

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