Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 197 Special Items Store

While muttering, Li opened the special items store page at eleven o'clock.

【Special Item Shop】

[Permission level one]

[Item: Energy Crystal*1, Consumption: Virus Points*1]

[Item: Scorpion Armor*1, consumption: Virus Points*10000]

[Item: Gatekeeper Core*1, Consumption: Virus Points*100000]

[Item: Corisi biological weapon control device*1, consumption: virus points*100000]

[Item: Ecological Destruction Liquid, Consumption: Virus Points*50000]

[Item: Level 1 general-purpose gene enhancement liquid*1, consumption: virus points*1000]

[Virus points can be obtained by killing and recovering viral creatures, or they can be redeemed through energy crystals]

[Note: The special item store may add new items at any time, please pay attention to the host]

There are a total of six kinds of products in the store. The first three, except for energy crystals, are all things that Li Shiyi has in his hands but has no way to obtain them.

The remaining three types were things that Li Shiyi had never seen before.

Since he didn't know them, he had to read the description, so Li opened the details page of these items at eleven o'clock.

[Name: Corisi Biological Weapon Control Device*1]

[Description: An item produced by the Corisi tribe to control biological weapons. This item can be connected to the Corisi biological weapons for control. If multiple biological weapons are connected at the same time, they can all be controlled. This item is a consumable. After being used once, lose the capacity of】

[Price: Virus Points*100000]

[Whether to purchase: yes, no]

[Name: Ecological Destruction Liquid]

[Description: A liquid that can destroy the ecological environment within a certain range. After use, no living thing can survive in the area for a hundred years]

[Price: Virus Points*50000]

[Whether to purchase: yes, no]

[Name: First-level universal gene enhancement solution*1]

[Description: A weak gene enhancement solution, far weaker than the gene enhancement solution produced by the enhancement laboratory, but it is better than the low cost]

[Price: Virus Points*1000]

[Whether to purchase: yes, no]

I'm afraid the items in this store are not based on my needs.

After looking at the products in the store, Li Shiyi had an idea in his mind.

There is no other reason, just because the Corisi biological weapon control device and ecological destruction fluid are too suitable for his current needs.

With these two things, he can fundamentally solve the crisis caused by the Type I Corisi biological weapon embryo, and even turn the crisis to his own use and turn it into his own power.

Looking at the store page in front of him, Li Shiyi thought for a while, then took out his communicator and contacted the mayor: Assemble in the operations hall on the third floor, the operation plan has changed.

After saying that, Li Shiyi went to the third floor. When he arrived at the operations hall, he found that the mayor and others were already waiting for him.

The mayor should have told everyone that the battle plan will be changed. This is why I called everyone here.

I have obtained some brand new combat items here, which can be used to deal with Type I Corisi biological weapon embryos, so the previous combat plan can be terminated.

The new battle plan is to eliminate zombies and mobilize the power of the entire fortress to eliminate zombies. I know you may be worried that not everyone is willing to go out and eliminate zombies.

You don't need to worry about this. I will soon set up a brand new system inside the fortress, which is the contribution system.

Through zombies, you can get contribution points, which can be exchanged for various materials. You don't need to worry about the statistical methods. I naturally have my own methods.

In addition, the corpses of zombies can also be recycled, and the corpses of zombies that are not recycled can also get contribution points.

As for the number of contribution points obtained from killing and recovering zombies, as well as the exchange ratio between contribution points and materials, I will also work out them as soon as possible.

I've finished talking. Do you have any questions?


Okay. Li Shi nodded, Then make arrangements as soon as possible and let the meeting end.

Subsequently, the news about the contribution points obtained by killing zombies was announced to the entire fortress in a short period of time.

The formulation of the contribution point-related system was initially completed in just one day.

Bastion has established a new system specifically for recording contribution values, and has designed a new personal device called a recorder.

The function of this device is very simple, it is used to view and trade contribution points.

In addition, a series of policies related to contribution values ​​have also been formulated, the most important of which is the issue of the right to recycle zombie corpses.

In order to prevent someone from picking up zombie corpses killed by others for recycling, the contribution value inquiry device in everyone's hand is equipped with an audio and video recording function.

For ease of use, this device is designed to be mounted on a helmet. Of course, everyone has the right to choose whether to use this device issued by the fortress for recording.

This will make it easier to judge if there is a dispute between the two parties over the ownership of the body.

The corresponding regulatory authorities were also established in a short period of time, and more detailed relevant systems were formulated, including the contribution point trading system.

Yes, when both parties are unified, contribution points can be traded, and contribution points can be used to exchange for all materials in the fortress.

Of course, this exchange is one-way. Only contribution points can be exchanged for materials, and materials cannot be exchanged for contribution points to the fortress.

Soon, after the system was initially formulated, the battle began.

Anyone who is willing to participate in the battle can receive a weapon and a recorder. Other combat equipment needs to be exchanged through contribution points.

During this day, Li Shiyi also went out to kill and recycle all the zombies, so that he could design the number of contribution points obtained by killing the zombies.

In the end, according to the data he produced, one virus point can be obtained by killing an ordinary zombie, and one virus point can also be obtained by recycling the body of an ordinary zombie.

As for those special powerful mutants, you will get two virus points if you kill one, and you will get two virus points if you recover a corpse.

Accordingly, the contribution points obtained by the residents in the fortress from killing and recovering zombies are the same as the virus points obtained by Li Shiyi.

After all, the virus points obtained by Li Shiyi are used to exchange for items in the special item store, while the contribution points of the fortress residents are used to exchange for ordinary supplies.

There is no comparability between the two, so there is no question of making a difference.

Of course, there is also one item in the special items store that is open to ordinary people for exchange, and that is the first-level general-purpose genetic enhancement fluid.

After all, this thing is something that Li Shiyi himself cannot use, and it is cheap. It is of great help in enhancing the overall combat effectiveness of the fortress. Moreover, the effect of this potion is relatively weak, and it will not lead to the emergence of individuals beyond Li Shiyi's control.

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