Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 194 Giant Embryo

What! After hearing Li Shiyi's words, a picture suddenly appeared in front of Qiangwei.

In the picture, countless tentacles are connected to each other and fill the underground space, and at the nodes where they are connected, there are huge embryos everywhere.

Then, how should we eliminate this thing? Looking at the huge embryo in front of her, Qiangwei felt a trace of despair in her heart.

I don't know either. In short, let's take this news back and convene everyone to discuss it. If it doesn't work, then we have no choice but to leave here.

Looking at the huge embryo in front of him, Li Shiyi's heart was also filled with a sense of urgency.

His sense of urgency is not simply worried about the existence of Type I Corisi biological weapons, but more worried about this doomsday.

He could vaguely feel that the system he obtained was inextricably linked to this doomsday. Perhaps, the system was the key to solving the doomsday.

Although Li Shiyi can do nothing and just rely on the system to survive.

But after all, this apocalypse has swept the whole world. As a member of the world, he cannot be alone in any case.

Although it is said that even at the last moment, Li Shiyi can take Qiangwei and Xuelang, and even more people into the different dimension space and live in it forever.

But this plan can only be adopted when there is no other way out. If possible, Li Shiyi would never do that.

After all, in Li Shiyi's view, such a life is no different from going to jail.

And after all, he has lived on this planet for so long. Even if he just traveled through time, he still has a sense of belonging.

If that's the case, why should he give it up if the Corisi Tribe says they want to occupy his planet?

Although Li Shiyi has no idea of ​​becoming a hero who saves the world, you Corisi people have ruined my life, so I will naturally not let you do it.

Building a fortress, absorbing shelters into it, and fighting against the zombie tide. It was driven by this concept that Li Shiyi made these various actions.

With a sense of urgency for the end, Li Shiyi left here with Qiangwei and Xuelang and returned to the fortress.

As soon as he arrived at the fortress, Li Shiyi immediately summoned some of the fortress' senior officials to come to the main control room.

In addition to Li Eleven Qiangwei and Xue Lang, there were six other people present.

First up are the mayor, Professor Fang and Professor Sun.

Next is Mr. Lin, who used to be the most prestigious person in the shelter besides Qiangwei. Now he and the mayor are both the top officials of the fortress management department.

The remaining two are Commander Qi and Commander Zhou. These two are the top commanders of the fortress military department.

As soon as these people arrived at the conference room on the fourth floor, they saw Li Shi sitting in his seat with a solemn expression, contemplating something. Blood Wolf and Qiangwei also sat beside him, with unconcealed worry on their faces.

After seeing that everyone had arrived, Li Shiyi invited them to sit down, and then said straight to the point: Everyone, I have called you together this time because there is an important matter to discuss with you.

As you all know, we just went downtown to take a look, and there we saw some things that are going to create a crisis like we've never seen before.

As he spoke, Li Shiyi pointed to the wall opposite. There was a projector projecting a picture on the wall. The picture on the screen was the Type I Corisi biological weapon embryo.

Here's what we found there, and I recorded it on the surveillance camera in the car.

What, what is this? Even though several people present were in high positions and had seen big winds and waves, they couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw the Type I Corisi biological weapon embryo. .

This is a Type I Corisi biological weapon. The information in the fortress contains information about the Corisi tribe. This information is open to your authority. I believe you have all read this information.

This thing was also created by the Corisi tribe. It is called the Type I Corisi Biological Weapon Embryo. I believe everyone will realize what it is when they hear this name.

Biological weapons, embryos. Professor Fang said softly, looking at the flickering red light on the screen.

Yes, they are the embryos of biological weapons, and there are more than just the one in the picture. As for the specific number, it is still unknown.

Type I Corisi biological weapon is a viral organism with extremely powerful destructive power, and conventional thermal weapons cannot cause damage to it.

So, we currently have two options. The first is to find a way to destroy all Type I Corisi biological weapon embryos.

The other option is to get out of here and get somewhere safe before they hatch.

This kind of embryo does not have any defensive capabilities. Firearms can cause damage to it. The main problem is that its size is too huge. Even if a bullet penetrates it, it cannot easily cause effective damage.

The second point is that many embryos are hidden underground, and not all embryos are exposed on the ground like this one.

Those tentacles can draw nutrients from the soil to supply Type I Corisi biological weapon embryos.

In addition, they have some tissue that extends to the surface to absorb other organisms and can absorb energy from sunlight and moonlight.

That's it for the general introduction. Now, let's talk about what you think.

After Li Shiyi finished speaking, everyone else present frowned, thinking nervously, and writing something on paper from time to time.

After all, this matter is too impactful, and it is normal for them to need more time to think about it.

Time passed slowly, and in addition to thinking, the mayor and others were also constantly discussing with each other.

After a long time, the mayor raised his head and said to Li Shiyi: Mr. Li, we have roughly got the result.

Tell me.

That's it. The mayor adjusted his glasses, looked at the paper in his hand, and said to Li Shiyi.

First of all, the first part is the combat content. According to what you said, many of the Type I Corisi biological weapon embryos are hidden underground.

This means that with our current methods, it is impossible to completely eliminate them, so leaving Baiquan City is almost an inevitable result.

But beyond that, we think there are things we can do, even if it means delaying the hatching of these embryos.

What we can do is mainly focused on the biological tissues on the ground that provide energy for the embryo.

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