Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 193 The Secret of the City Center (Part 2)

As they went deeper, the surrounding situation became more and more strange. During the process, Li Shiyi used his lightsaber to pierce the biological tissues on the ground.

And when the sword was struck, Li Shiyi did not feel the existence of the ground at all. You must know that the blade of the lightsaber is a full one and two meters long.

In other words, the thickness of these biological tissues has now reached more than 1.2 meters.

You know, the height of his Santana is less than 1.5 meters.

This also means that if there is a big hole in these biological tissues, it will be enough to fit all of Li Shiyi's tanks into it.

After making this discovery, Li Shiyi also began to hesitate whether to move forward.

After all, if the chariot is really stuck here, they can certainly enter the extra-dimensional space and then return to the fortress through the extra-dimensional space.

But no matter what, he couldn't abandon the chariot here.

But at this time, the blood wolf suddenly spoke.

Boss, I think we are almost reaching the core area of ​​this creature.

What did you find? Li Shiyi stopped the car and looked back at Xue Lang sitting behind.

The biological tissues here are a little different from those outside. The surface structure of the biological tissues outside is relatively soft, and the surface is very moist, probably to facilitate swallowing.

But the biological tissue here is closer to muscle tissue in appearance, and you can feel that these things are very powerful even when sitting in the car. This shows that this part of the biological tissue has different functions from the previous ones.

After listening to Xue Lang's words, Li Shiyi also looked around carefully, and indeed what Xue Lang said was strict.

In that case, let's move on. We're already here. Of course we have to go in and take a look. Maybe we can see the true face of this monster and even kill it.

After speaking, Li Shiyi looked at Qiangwei.

Qiangwei nodded: I listen to you.

Li Shiyi looked at Xuelang again, and naturally got the same answer.

Okay, then let's move on and see what kind of monster is here.

After confirming the action plan, Li Shiyi activated all the weapons on the tank and was ready to fight at any time.

Then, he started running at full speed towards the center of Baiquan city center.

With the chariot advancing at full speed, it didn't take long for them to arrive at the center of Baiquan City, and the scene in front of them shocked them greatly.

Even Li Shiyi and the Blood Wolf, who had seen the scorpion, the Corisi ecological transformation group, and even the zombie tide, also felt a little afraid of what was in front of them at this time.

The location they were at at this time was on the edge of a huge underground stadium in the city center of Baiquan City. At this time, this huge underground stadium had turned into a huge pit.

In this huge pit, there is a huge fleshy oval thing with a diameter of four to five hundred meters.

A large number of tentacles are growing on this thing at this time, and the diameter of each tentacle reaches five or six meters.

These tentacles were currently connecting the oval-shaped thing to the ground. Li Shiyi and the others could clearly see that these tentacles had penetrated deep into the ground.

The fleshy ball was opening and shrinking regularly at this time, and there was a red light flashing brightly and darkly on the surface.

Could it be that this thing is responsible for the vibration in the underground of Baiquan City?

Looking at the huge monster in front of her, Qiangwei's face looked a little pale.

The blood wolf didn't say anything. He just took out his Gauss rifle, stepped out of the chariot, and shot the fleshy ball.


Accelerated by electromagnetism, the bullet carried huge kinetic energy, ruthlessly penetrated the surface of the fleshy ball and penetrated deep into it.

However, after one shot, the fleshy ball did not change at all, not even the rhythm of contraction and light change was affected at all.

And there was no blood or bodily fluids even flowing out of the wounds made by the Gauss rifle.

Obviously, although this shot penetrated the surface of this thing, it actually did not cause any damage.

This monster is too big, boss. It seems difficult to cause substantial damage to it with the methods we have now.

The blood wolf didn't feel any fear, but this huge monster still gave him a sense of oppression. At this time, he was holding the Gauss rifle tightly and standing next to Li Shiyi with a solemn expression.

But Li Shiyi did not immediately answer Xue Lang's words, because at this time, the system prompt sounded in his ears.

[Krisi’s special life form detected, picture book being scanned]

[Scan completed, target confirmed: Type I Corisi biological weapon embryo]

Along with the prompt sound, there is also an illustration interface.

[Name: Type I Corisi Biological Weapon Embryo]

[Race: Corisi virus creature]

[Level: Level 2]

[Description: A giant embryo created using Corisi virus and biotechnology.

This embryo can absorb energy and nutrients from the light of the blood sun and blood moon, as well as from the soil, and has the ability to devour other living things.

This embryo usually does not appear alone. The tentacles connected to the embryo often penetrate deep into the ground, and eventually interweave into a huge network of tentacles underground. As long as there are enough nutrients, new embryos can be continuously produced.

What is bred in the embryo is a Corisi virus-type biological weapon, which has a certain degree of intelligence and powerful combat capabilities. It is difficult for ordinary thermal weapons to cause effective damage to it. It is recommended that the host eliminate it as soon as possible before it matures]

Type I Corisi Biological Weapon Embryo. Li Shiyi murmured to himself after reading the illustration.

Type I Corisi biological weapon embryo, Eleven, do you know anything? Qiangwei asked quickly after hearing Li Eleven's words.

This is the embryo of a viral organism. After it matures, a monster called the Type I Corisi Biological Weapon will appear.

This monster is extremely powerful. It is difficult for ordinary thermal weapons to damage it. If possible, we must get rid of these embryos before it comes out.

Otherwise, once we let them out, things will be difficult, and maybe we will have no choice but to run away.

These? Qiangwei keenly captured the key words in Li Shiyi's words.

Yes, these. Li Shiyi took a deep breath, calmed down his mood, and then said again.

There's more than one thing. Did you see the tentacles connected to the embryo?

Those tentacles can form a huge tentacle network underground. As long as there are enough nutrients, they can continuously produce new embryos.

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