Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 159 Killing the chicken to scare the monkey

When the electric light dissipated, Hadron's tragic situation was exposed in front of everyone.

The hair on the arm he had just fisted with Li Shi turned black under the influence of the electric current. Black smoke continued to emit. The entire arm hung straight down, and his claws violently moved. The deformation is now trembling.

You don't really think that I'm just an ordinary person. Li Shiyi's voice came from under the mask and reached Qiangzi's ears.

I said that you have violated the laws of the fortress. As the Holy Son, I naturally cannot let you go.

At this moment, there was a strong contrast between the two. Li Shiyi's body seemed a bit small compared to Qiangzi, but at this moment, the electric light on his body was constantly shining, reflecting his tall and straight body.

Although the Qiangzi on the opposite side was very huge, he was bent over, breathing heavily, one arm was seriously injured, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

Li Shiyi slowly walked towards Qiangzi step by step with electric light. With every step he took, the fear in Qiangzi's heart would increase.

You just seemed to have said that I can't kill you? Walking up to Qiangzi, Li Shiyi looked at the huge werewolf body in front of him, and a voice without any emotion came out, but in Qiangzi's ears, this voice But with unparalleled murderous intent.

I won't die! Qiangzi shouted loudly, raised his other arm that was still intact, and raised his fist to hit Li Shiyi again.

Naturally, Li Shiyi also punched him. The same scene as last time appeared again. Qiangzi was hit and flew backwards again. However, this time, he did it deliberately. With the help of Li Shiyi With the power of his fist, he turned around sharply and accelerated towards the gate of the fortress.

You think too much, Qiangzi. Looking at Qiangzi's frantically escaping figure, Li Shiyi did not chase him. Instead, he took out a Gauss rifle from the extra-dimensional space and pointed it at Qiangzi's chest. Afterwards, after accumulating energy, I resolutely pulled the trigger.

Although Hadron is extremely fast as a werewolf, it is still not as fast as the bullet speed of a Gauss rifle. Under the action of electromagnetic acceleration, the bullet carries huge kinetic energy and hits Hadron's back in an instant, penetrating his fur directly. Hit him in the heart.

Qiangzi's steps suddenly stagnated, then his knees sank and he knelt down.

Although his heart was broken, the strong vitality of the werewolf prevented him from dying immediately. He turned around and took one last look at the blood wolf. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but did not say anything. Then his huge body collapsed. on the ground.

Holy Son! Holy Son! Holy Son! Holy Son! At this moment, strong cheers broke out from the crowd. People were shouting Li Shiyi's name as the Holy Son crazily. At this moment, Li Shiyi's The power reached its true peak.

And this is exactly Li Shiyi's purpose.

Li Shiyi has always known that there are conflicts between werewolves and humans.

This incident is just a manifestation of this contradiction. If we don't find a way to resolve this contradiction, sooner or later there will be a bigger conflict.

So this time, Li Shiyi showed no mercy and directly killed Qiangzi with thunder, with the purpose of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys.

Only in this way can he subdue the werewolf.

In a short period of time, the conflict between werewolves and humans cannot be fundamentally resolved. Only this method can produce the effect Li Shiyi wants in the fastest time. As for the concepts in their hearts, they can only leave it to time. Go figure it out.

He wants everyone to know that the laws in the fortress are not just words. If someone breaks the laws, Li Shiyi will strictly enforce them.

At this moment, Li Shiyi stood in front of Qiangzi's body, holding a Gauss rifle in his hand, and the electric light on his body was still shining.

He controlled the system in a low voice to connect to the broadcast system, then put away the Gauss rifle, and made a downward movement with his hands on both sides. As he moved, the people's cheers gradually stopped.

At this time, everyone in the fortress had arrived on the first floor. Li Shiyi looked around, and then his voice echoed throughout the fortress.

I said that werewolves and humans are equal, and we have established laws for this.

But it seems that some people don't care. He thinks that he can transcend the law. He thinks that the law is not used to restrain them, and that the law is just a decoration.

And this is his fate.

As he spoke, Li Shiyi pointed at Qiangzi's body on the ground.

I have built a fortress and provided shelter for everyone. When you enjoy the shelter, you must also abide by the laws I have set. If someone does not want to abide by it, I can allow him to leave.

With that said, Li Shiyi walked to the door of the fortress, reached out and pushed open the door of the fortress. The red sunlight outside the door shone in, interspersing with the blue electric light on Ta Ta's body.

After opening the door, Li Shiyi turned around and looked at the people in the fortress.

That is to say, everyone is willing to abide by the order of the fortress, right?

Then, let everyone live in this apocalypse under my protection. At this moment, Li Shiyi stretched out his hands and slowly raised them forward.

The crowd once again erupted in cheers. People chanted the word Holy Son feverishly and looked at Li Shiyi who was bathed in the red sunlight.

After settling the matter, Li Shiyi returned to the main control room on the fourth floor, sitting on a chair and meditating.

The mayor stood next to Li Shiyi and said: Mr. Li, your behavior this time is really good. Now in the fortress, except for the werewolves brought by Mr. Blood Wolf, almost everyone Becoming your believer is of great benefit to us in controlling the barriers.

Yeah. Li Shi nodded, If we don't talk about this, let this matter come to an end. You can just deal with the follow-up matters.

Okay, Mr. Li, I'll leave first. The mayor bowed slightly and then left the fourth floor.

After the mayor left, Li Shiyi sighed. In fact, he really didn't like these things, but the people in the fortress were still very important to him now.

After all, the zombies killed by these people will be calculated and rewarded on his head by the system, and in this wilderness environment, there are a large number of ordinary zombies.

This kind of zombies does not require werewolf warriors or super genetic warriors to be dispatched. Any ordinary person with a thermal weapon can kill these zombies.

This was also one of Li Shiyi's reasons for staying in the fortress in the wilderness. Although this incident caused the loss of two people in the fortress, people's rising faith at this time also made it easier for Li Shiyi to carry out subsequent actions. .

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