Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 160 Exploring Intelligence

After solving the werewolf incident, Li Shiyi did not immediately arrange the next move for the fortress, but left some time for the mayor and others to deal with the follow-up matters.

This was the time when people's beliefs were at their most fervent. The mayor and others took the opportunity to hold a gathering, which once again enhanced people's belief in the Holy Religion.

In fact, this is also a very sad thing. Even though there are many miraculous phenomena, many people know in their minds that there is no god, but they still believe in the Holy Religion from the bottom of their hearts. , believing in the Son from the bottom of his heart.

The reason is simply because they want to find a glimmer of hope in this end of the world, and the appearance of the Holy Religion and the Holy Son allows them to find something to place their hope on, so they have faith in their hearts, even if This belief was contrary to everything they knew in their hearts.

After this party, it was already afternoon. Now that the storm had passed, it was time for action to begin.

Li Shiyi's first target was the zombie group where a large number of zombies gathered.

As for the pre-investigation task, Li Shiyi planned to complete it himself and Xuelang.

It's not that Li Shiyi decided to go by himself because he didn't trust others or was trying to protect others. He just simply didn't want to stay in the fortress. Staying in the fortress for a long time would make him a little irritable, as if he was trapped by the doomsday. Lived the same.

Moreover, this kind of reconnaissance mission was not very dangerous, so he went on his own.

The last investigation team sent out discovered a total of thirteen large zombie groups. Li Shiyi's investigation targets this time were the three zombie groups closest to the fortress.

Driving Santana, Li Shiyi led the blood wolf through the wilderness. Not long after, they saw the first group of zombies.

Sitting in the car, Li Shiyi and Xue Lang were observing the situation and talking.

After observing for a while, Xue Lang said: This zombie group seems to be all animals.

Yes. Li Shi nodded, And the mutation rate is relatively high. Many animal zombies have organs that they didn't have before. Look at the zombie that looks like a rabbit. Its abdomen is actually There is a big mouth. As he spoke, Li Shiyi pointed in one direction.

Xue Lang looked in the direction of Li Shiyi's finger and found the strange rabbit zombie.

Xue Lang frowned and said, Why are these zombies mutated to such a high degree? This kind of situation has not been found in the city.

Listening to the blood wolf's words, Li Shiyi thought of a certain possibility: Do you think it could be the Kelisi ecological transformation group?

The Corisi Ecological Transformation Group? Blood Wolf asked doubtfully, Isn't the Corisi Ecological Transformation Group near here inactive?

Yes. Li Shiyi thought for a moment and then continued, I think the reason why the Kelisi ecological transformation group entered a sleeping state is because the ecology here has been transformed.

It seems reasonable to say so, but even if the transformation is completed, there is no need to fall into a deep sleep.

I don't know either. Li Shiyi shook his head, This is just my guess. We won't know the specific situation until the time comes.

Later, Li Shiyi drove the car and took the blood wolf to investigate the situation of the other two zombie groups, and then returned to the fortress.

When they went back, they found that someone was disposing of the bodies of Hadron and the killed human. Two large pits had been dug out in an open space in front of the baby, and the bodies of Hadron and the two were being put in. In the big pit.

Li Shi got off the car, looked at the corpse on the ground, sighed, shook his head, and then walked into the fortress.

Xue Lang followed Li Shiyi and frowned at the corpse on the ground, but without saying anything else, he followed Li Shiyi into the fortress.

After returning to the fortress, Li Shiyi immediately summoned the division commander and combat commanders to discuss countermeasures.

The three zombie groups have different numbers of zombies. The smallest one has about 5,000 zombies, the largest zombie group has more than 10,000 zombies, and the remaining one has about 8,000 zombies.

Among them, the largest zombie group is closest to us, only about five kilometers away. The remaining two are about the same distance from the fortress, close to ten kilometers.

These zombie groups are all ordinary zombies. They can be eliminated by hitting their heads with ordinary firearms. So everyone, please tell me what you think.

This time, the commanders did not argue as red-faced as last time, and quickly came up with a unified plan.

This plan is also very simple and crude, that is, just send troops to attack. After all, those zombies are not human beings. They have no wisdom and no tactics. They will just rush up.

Faced with this situation, as long as you carry enough firepower, there is no need to worry about encountering danger.

Zombies will keep rushing in front of you, and as long as you hold your gun and fire, there will naturally be no problem under the suppression of firepower.

And they don't need to dispatch too many people. According to a rough estimate, they only need to dispatch one-tenth of the number of zombies.

After all, they didn't intend to stand there and fight zombies with guns, because there were enough vehicles inside the fortress.

At that time, soldiers only need to hold guns in the vehicle and fire at the zombies. This will avoid putting themselves in danger, and secondly, their strong mobility will also make them more efficient in hunting zombies.

After making the plan, people went back to do their own things, while Li Shiyi was sitting in the main control room, thinking about the Kelisi Ecological Transformation Group.

In comparison, the zombie swarm is just a trivial matter, and the Corisi ecological transformation group is the top priority.

If this Corisi ecological transformation group will be restored to activity, it means that this place cannot stay for a long time, and Li Shiyi will try his best to destroy all the arrangements of the Corisi tribe.

Moreover, the sleeping Corisi ecological transformation group also gave them the opportunity to conduct research. After all, an active Corisi ecological transformation group is highly dangerous, and there is no way to get close to it, otherwise Li Shiyi would also The fort will not be driven into this wilderness.

If this time they can use the dormant Corisi ecological transformation group to develop a method to destroy it, it will be a huge gain. Although they have no intention of returning to Sioux City anyway, destroying Corisi The western ecological transformation group is still necessary.

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