Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 158 Do it yourself

Yes, I killed him, so what? Hearing Li Shiyi's cry, Qiangzi's emotions finally burst out, He is just an ordinary human being, so what if I kill him? But a werewolf, can he compare to me?

I said that werewolves and humans have an equal relationship. I should have made this very clear from the first day you came to the shelter. Don't you know? Li Shiyi's voice Gradually it got colder.

You said it, and I heard it, but so what? Is an ordinary human really as important as me, a werewolf? We fight life and death every day, and they just stay in the shelter and enjoy it. Why should we protect you! At this moment, Qiangzi shouted out the words he had been accumulating in his heart for a long time.

Hearing Qiangzi's words, Li Shiyi sighed, and the conflict finally broke out.

In the past, it seemed to be a matter of course for the strong to protect the weak, whether it was the police or the army.

But now, in this apocalypse, people's moral concepts have changed. Li Shiyi and the mayor hope to restore morality and order in the fortress, which is also one of the purposes of their establishment of the Holy Religion.

But after all, there are some people who don't believe in the Holy Religion, especially the group of werewolves who initially followed the Blood Wolf. Although they don't know the secrets of Li Shiyi, they also know that Li Shiyi is definitely not a Holy Son.

This also means that Li Shiyi has no way to change their thinking or change their moral concepts.

But Li Shiyi couldn't allow such a thing to happen. What he needed was the stability of the internal order of the fortress, and Li Shiyi himself was a human being, so he naturally couldn't let werewolves dominate humans.

You are right. You have indeed paid more for the fortress, but the fortress has also given back to you. While you have obtained the protection of the fortress, you also have the right to mobilize more fortress resources than others.

Look at this armor on your body. Why do you think you are the only ones with golden armor? Think about it again, what kind of life do you enjoy when you are not on missions? Isn't this yours? Privilege?”

Think about it again. Although every mission is very dangerous, is anyone really injured and killed? And which time did I not go out with you?

I don't want to talk about moral ethics with you, and I don't want to continue to argue with you, but you have to remember that this is my fortress. If you want to stay here, you must obey my rules. Understand, if there is no my fortress, You still have to go outside to find food, even eat zombie meat and chew the bark of mutated plants!

After listening to Li Shiyi's words, Qiangzi hesitated for a while, and then looked directly at Li Shiyi

In that case, I just have to leave. Do you think I won't be able to survive if I leave the fortress?

After saying that, Qiangzi turned around and walked towards the gate of the fortress.

Qiangzi! Looking at Qiangzi's back, the blood wolf couldn't help shouting.

After Qiangzi heard the blood wolf's voice, he paused, but in the end he did not look back, but continued to walk towards the door.

You can't leave.

Just when people were making way for Qiangzi, a person stood up and stood in front of Qiangzi.

According to the law of the fortress, you must pay with your life if you kill someone. Exile alone is not enough to offset your sin. This man is just an ordinary human man, not a werewolf injection warrior, or even a soldier.

At this moment, he stood between Hadron and the fortress gate, facing the powerful werewolf.

What are you talking about, exile, to offset my sins? Qiangzi sneered, Did you make a mistake? It was me who wanted to leave the fortress, not the exile you said. As for you, you just stopped me. In front of me, do you want to end up like the man on the ground?

After listening to Qiangzi's words, the man did not flinch. He just stood stubbornly and shook his head: You can't leave, you have to pay the price.

Just when Qiangzi wanted to say something else, Li Shiyi's voice came from behind: He is right, you can't leave.

Qiangzi turned around and saw Li Shiyi walking towards him, followed by Xue Lang.

According to the laws of the fortress, I will impose the death penalty on you. Li Shiyi said lightly when he walked up to Qiangzi.

Death penalty, you want to kill me? Qiangzi asked in disbelief with his eyes widened.

That's right. Is there anything wrong? Or do you want to defend yourself?

This time, Qiangzi did not answer Li Shiyi's words, but laughed and said: How can you kill me, with your small human body? Although these words were spoken to Li Shiyi, his eyes were glanced at Xuelang.

The blood wolf's eyes also met Qiangzi's eyes at this moment, with hidden anger in his eyes.

Seeing the look in Xue Lang's eyes, Qiangzi panicked a little. He originally thought that although Xue Lang might not necessarily help him, at least he would not do anything to him. After all, he was one of the people who had followed Xue Lang from the very beginning. But at this moment, he felt an ominous aura from the blood wolf's eyes.

He will really kill me!

This sentence suddenly appeared in Qiangzi's heart. In an instant, the hair on his body exploded, and his claws clenched his fists unconsciously.

Then Qiangzi looked at Li Shiyi again, pretending to be calm and slowly retreated: You can't kill me. As long as the boss doesn't take action, you can't kill me, boss. You won't kill me, right?

Qiangzi said the previous words to Li Shiyi, but the last sentence was said to Xue Lang.

The blood wolf was not affected by Qiangzi's words, and was about to move forward with a fierce murderous intention. However, when he just took a step, Li Shiyi stretched out a hand to stop him.

I've really been underestimated. Li Shiyi sighed, and then the mask of the Scorpion Armor suddenly appeared on his face.

Since you said so, of course I have to come in person. After all, I am the Holy Son! After the words fell, a violent blue electric light suddenly burst out from Li Shiyi's body, and then turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards Qiang Qiang. son.

The blue electric light was the scorpion energy armor. When the scorpion had just been eliminated, Li Shiyi took the gatekeeper core off the electromagnetic railgun and put it back on the scorpion armor.

The carrier fed the electric light of food skin, Li Shiyi punched Qiangzi, and Qiangzi also punched Li Shiyi's fist fiercely.

The collision of the two fists did not make a huge sound, but the huge power was real. Along with the dazzling electric light, Hadron let out a huge scream, and then stepped back continuously.

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