There are also phenomena that require special attention. First of all, there are parasitic scorpions. We only found one place with parasitic scorpions nearby. What's strange is that they are all second-order parasitic scorpions, and they are all In a state of slumber.”

In the area where parasitic scorpions exist, we also discovered a Corisi ecological transformation group, but like those parasitic scorpions, they seemed to be in a sleeping state. It was precisely because of this discovery that we did not choose to exterminate those scorpions. Second level scorpion.

In addition to these things, we also found some zombie-like creatures that we have never seen in Sioux City before.

We are almost certain that there are no scorpions in the bodies of zombies, but those zombie-like creatures are also very different from the original ones. I recommend that you take a look in person at that time.

Mr. Xuelang has personally seen these powerful monsters. According to Mr. Xuelang's feedback, those zombie monsters are very powerful. Most of them have reached the strength of third-order scorpions, and some can even reach the strength of fourth-order scorpions. Strength of.

As for the further areas, according to Mr. Blood Wolf, there are more powerful zombie creatures, so Mr. Blood Wolf did not go deep into them.

As for evolved organisms, we haven't found anything yet, whether it's plants or animals.

I understand. Li Shi nodded, Have you made the next plan?

This is still under discussion. The main reason is that we want to refer to your opinion.

You don't need to refer to my opinion. Li Shiyi waved his hand, You are professionals in this area. We will get more benefits in which city we go to, where it will be safer, or where we can come into contact with certain forces. These are It’s up to you to judge, now we don’t need to worry about being exposed to the sight of other forces.”

What we need now is information about this apocalypse. We will go wherever we can get this information. It doesn't have to be the cities around Su City. It can even be a relatively distant city. We just need to plan a good route.

Okay. The mayor nodded, So, what do we need to do now?

We will stay here for a while. Our mission is to destroy the zombies around here. We can eliminate as many as we can. This mission must be the first priority.

The reason why Li Shiyi issued this order was naturally for energy crystals. Now that Li Shiyi had a lot of upgrade options, energy crystals were naturally the top priority.

Then Li Shiyi continued: As for those sleeping scorpions and the Kelisi ecological transformation group, as well as those particularly powerful individuals, I will deal with them.

Then you think of a way to make a map, mark the distribution of monsters around here and send it to everyone to prevent them from running around and encountering zombie groups or powerful monsters, and more importantly, to prevent them from alerting Shiscorp and Ke Lixi Ecological Transformation Group.”

No problem. The mayor nodded, and just as he was about to continue speaking, the phone on Li Shiyi's console suddenly rang, and the message from the blood wolf was displayed on the screen.

After Li Shiyi connected to Xue Lang's communication, Xue Lang's voice came over the phone: Boss, can you come to the first floor? Something happened here.

Although Xue Lang's voice was calm, Li Shiyi knew that if it wasn't something important, Xue Lang would not contact him in this way.

Okay, I'll rush over right away. Li Shiyi said to Xue Lang on the phone, and then hung up.

You come with me, mayor. After putting down the phone, Li Shiyi stood up and said to the mayor.

Okay, Mr. Li. The mayor nodded, and then the two of them took the elevator to the first floor.

A few seconds later, Li Shiyi and the mayor arrived on the first floor. As soon as they got out of the elevator, they saw a group of people gathering together. The tall body of the blood wolf was extremely conspicuous in the crowd.

The air was filled with a very strong smell of blood. After smelling this location, Li Shiyi frowned and shouted softly: Blood Wolf.

After hearing Li Shiyi's voice, the residents of the shelter gathered together turned around and walked towards Li Shiyi for a week, and then made way for Li Shiyi.

Through this passage that people gave way to, Li Shiyi saw the scene of people surrounding him.

There was a body of a man on the ground, with a huge gash cut on his neck. Next to the body, blood was dripping from the claws of an ordinary werewolf warrior.

Li Shiyi had just seen the existence of the werewolf, but because his vision was blocked, he could not see the blood on his hands.

By this time, Li Shiyi had basically guessed what happened.

What did you do? Li Shiyi walked to the side of the ordinary werewolf, raised his head, and asked the werewolf.

I did it. When faced with Li Shiyi's question, the werewolf did not reveal any emotion such as fear or uneasiness. Instead, he answered very calmly.

Hearing the werewolf's tone, Li Shiyi, who had already lowered his head to observe the corpse, raised his head again and took a deep look at the werewolf: You don't seem to care?

Hmph. The werewolf snorted from his nose, but did not answer Li Shiyi's question.

Tell me, what happened. Li Shiyi said this to the blood wolf.

The two of them had a dispute. During the dispute, Qiangzi hit the man but failed to hold back his strength and beat him to death. Xue Lang said while glancing at the werewolf named Qiangzi.

Dispute. Li Shiyi looked at Qiangzi again, What kind of dispute is it? You tell me.

Hearing Li Shiyi's words, Qiangzi and Li Shiyi looked at each other and said, It was just a quarrel. I didn't want to kill him, but who knew he was so weak and could die with just a touch.

Dead with just a light touch? Li Shiyi narrowed his eyes after hearing Qiangzi's words, He is just an ordinary human being. You are a werewolf. How powerful can your light touch be? Can you tell me? Do you know? I remember that you should be one of the werewolves who followed the blood wolf in the first place.

So what. Qiangzi raised his chin, tilted his head and said to Li Shiyi, looking unconcerned.

In other words, you have been a werewolf for a long time, right, but you actually told me that you accidentally killed him because you didn't intend to kill him lightly because you didn't control your strength well. Do you think I will believe it? ? Li Shiyi's voice became louder and louder as he spoke, and by the end, Li Shiyi almost shouted.

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