Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 102 Fighting Werewolves

After discovering that the werewolf in front of him could absorb the power of the blood moonlight, Li Shiyi did not let the other party continue to become stronger, but immediately launched an attack.

Facing such an enemy, Li Shiyi did not hide his strength, so he used the strongest firepower, the electromagnetic rail gun, activated!

As he gave the command, a hole opened in Santana's front cover, and then a platform rose up. After a few seconds, the platform completely appeared on the surface of the machine modification, and then the machinery on it began to operate, constantly deforming, and finally It became like a fort.

Of course, this electromagnetic railgun is not as huge as the point magnetic return gun in earth technology. On the contrary, its barrel is only about two meters long, and its thickness is similar to that of a common rocket launcher.

This is a small electromagnetic rail gun adapted to the size of Santana. It is not very powerful. Of course, the power is also compared with the conventional large electromagnetic rail gun. At least in the hands of Li Shiyi, the current power of this rail gun is The strongest.

Seeing that the rail gun was assembled, Li Shiyi did not wait much and directly gave the order to fire. After all, with every second that passed, the opponent would become more powerful.

As the command was given, the cannon body lit up with a blue light, and two seconds later, the cannonball came out!

At the same time, the roar of a sonic boom sounded in Li Shiyi's ears, and a sonic boom cloud also appeared at the muzzle, which meant that the speed of the cannonball had exceeded the speed of sound.

The power of this supersonic shell did not disappoint Li Shiyi. The moment the shell was fired, the werewolf's body suddenly tilted to the right, and then he saw that the left half of the werewolf's body seemed to have been hit by a huge force. Likewise, with the werewolf's huge scream, it suddenly tilted to the back, and then its entire left shoulder exploded, the wound extended to the left chest, and the werewolf's entire left arm was thrown into the air.

This kind of power really surprised Li Shiyi. Although the werewolf tilted his head to the right and so it only hit the werewolf's left shoulder, the damage caused was really unexpected.

After one shot, the werewolf suddenly fell to his knees and stretched his right paw towards the wound on the left, but did not dare to touch it due to the injury.

Nice. Li Shiyi was very excited to see that the werewolf was seriously injured with just one blow, but he knew that it would kill him while he was sick, so he did not hesitate and gave the shooting order again.

After the command was given, the electromagnetic rail gun's gun body lit up with blue light again. In just two seconds, the next shell could take away the opponent's life.

However, Li Shiyi was a little surprised by the werewolf. Instead of running away, it supported the ground with its right arm. Its two eyes reflected red light and stared at the muzzle.

Two seconds passed quickly, and the sonic boom sounded again, but this time, the rail gun did not hit the opponent hard like last time, but was dodged.

In Li Shiyi's eyes, this scene is that the moment the cannonball was fired, the opponent disappeared in place, and then reappeared about three or four meters to the right of its original position, like teleportation. Same.

However, Li Shiyi could see the opponent's aura. In his eyes, the moment the cannonball was fired, the opponent's aura suddenly moved a certain distance to the right. This time was very short, and Li Shiyi's dynamic vision was not enough. It made him aware of the other party's movements, so he had the feeling that the other party was teleporting.

As for the aura, it is not just a visual effect. Li Shiyi doesn't know exactly how his ability works. He only knows that his so-called seeing the aura is closer to a perceptual ability.

This is trouble. Li Shiyi frowned. The opponent moved so fast that Li Shiyi could not see the opponent's movement trajectory at all. Although he could rely on the automatic aiming system of the tank to track the opponent, but The opponent's speed at this time is enough to avoid the electromagnetic railgun's shells, so even if it is aimed, it will be useless.

We can only try the nano laser cannon. The nano laser cannon is a laser weapon. It can reach the target location the moment it is fired. There is no possibility of being avoided, but if it cannot be continuously irradiated, its power will not be very great.

Although the speed of the laser is the speed of light, if the opponent wants to keep moving, the nanolaser cannon needs to continue to lock on the opponent. However, in fact, the turning speed of the muzzle is not enough to keep up with the speed of the werewolf.

Although Li Shiyi believed that the nano laser cannon would not be effective, he decided to give it a try.

Immediately, a muzzle was raised on the vehicle again, and then a laser beam was fired at the werewolf's head.


The moment the laser illuminated the werewolf, the werewolf howled violently and then disappeared from Li Shiyi's sight again.

According to the feedback from the system, this shot only produced an effect for 0.2 seconds, and in such a short time, it was naturally impossible to produce much effect.

In the life scanning interface, Li Shiyi could clearly see a red dot moving at high speed, almost forming a red line.

The laser beam also tracked the werewolf under the guidance of the aiming system, but was limited by the turning speed of the muzzle and never caught up.


Suddenly, Li Shiyi felt the car body shake violently, and it could be seen on the scanning interface that the werewolf was next to Santana at this time. It was obvious that the shaking of the car body was caused by the impact of the werewolf.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Seeing that the first impact failed, the werewolf quickly struck.

Li Shiyi was swaying in the car, but he was not worried. The current strength of the car was able to resist the attacks of most thermal weapons, and a collision of this level by a werewolf would naturally have no effect.

But Li Shiyi was a little anxious. Under the current situation, he couldn't hit the werewolf, and the werewolf couldn't harm him. Moreover, the wounds on the werewolf had stopped bleeding and started to heal slowly. He wanted to make the werewolf bleed. Death is also impossible.

If he continues to worry like this, Li Shiyi is worried that Fang Xiuqi will run away. In a closed environment like the underground, a robot equipped with a Gauss rifle may have the ability to fight those warriors and werewolves, but in such an open environment , the werewolf can easily take down the robot due to its extremely fast movement speed.

Moreover, at this time, Li Shiyi was also blocked in the car by this bloody werewolf and had no way to get out.

Just when Li Shiyi was secretly worried, the werewolf stopped hitting, but walked aside, picked up the arm that fell on the ground, put it in his mouth and started chewing it.

One arm was completely inserted into the werewolf's stomach in just two bites, and the werewolf's injuries also improved greatly. The left chest and shoulder have grown out, and even the arm has begun to grow again. It seems that it will not be long before it is completely grow out.

After eating the arms, the werewolf did not stop. Instead, he came to the corpses of the ordinary werewolves that Li Shiyi had killed before, and started eating again. While eating, he stared at Li with a fierce look. On the eleventh day, Santana's red eyes flashed with hatred.

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